[OP: ]

The president and his party had successfully taken down the tavern stronghold and while the others had left behind to take care of the remainnets of the demonic humans and their golems, as well as all the things that they had left behind, president and a few others took the 'green' ranked leader of the stronghold to a secluded location.

They had put a lot of restrictions on him alredy and he was alredy crippled beyond repair so, he was only alive at the moment.

They needed him for the questioning and to get the answers to the most important questions here… however, even after they used their best torture methods, the bastard did not speak.

He just kept smiling at the others as if what they were doing was all foolish and that whatever they do, nothing mattered to him.

The bastard was hard to understand, and he got on Empress Vera's nerves with that unsightly smile of his, so, she knocked him out.

They needed the information that was in his head, he himself was of no use to them. They can kill him here and now if they wanted to, however, they had received strict instructions that they must keep them alive until and unless they receive all the information they can from these people.

And this time as well, they had to get the information first before one of them got the honor to kill this bastard.

They all were angry at him anyway. He was like a cockroach in their eyes that had surveied all their attacks with some kind of absurd force. But he still fell at the end by the hands of the weakest among them.

"Alright, your majesty. Please."

Empress Vera was one of the people among all of the people present that possessed a skill that could read the memories of someone without their persmission so she had the responsibility to extract the information from this bastard.

She was alredy pissed from that blood stained face that was stil;l smiling even after being unconscious, so, she didn't waste any longer and used her skill to read the memories of the bastard.

It was a powerful (Indigo) ranked skill from a very rare kind of creature that was almost extinct now, however, she possessed this skill, and she used it on this basted.


"Hmmm? What?"

However, something strange happened instead of the memories of the unconscious bastard being played before them.

"I… can't get past his mind?"

She had a bewildered expression and, the others around her, including president zodiac and the little snake around his neck were surprised by this expression.

"What do you mean, malady?"

"This bastard… he has some kind of mental barrier that is blocking my skill. However, this is something very strange. 

It's a better however, it's not a skill. It's more like a blessing, or some kind of innate power. It's very strange…"

She was confused, and tried using her skill on th bastard once again, however, the results were the same. She couldn't read the memories of this bastard.

She could read nothing from it, not even the surface thought of the unconscious basted.

And this made her even more frustrated.


So she slammed the head of the basted with a hammer from one of the people currently present here.

"M-malady! You can't kill him! He will die at this rate!"

"I know. He's not dead. I hit him lightly."

Yeah, no. 

She hit him so hard the body of the bastard had flower twelve steps away from them.

And he was bleeding from his ears and nose now.

"He's fine. I assure you. So stop giving me those looks and let's go back. 

We have to bring him to Eon so that he can try his unique magic or whatever he was talking about. 

I want to see how that lost art of mind magic works."

She was annoyed, but she was smiling as if she was excited about something. 

"Yes ma'am!"

The others wanted to question her contradicting expressions and words, however, after seeing what had happed to that demonic human bastard just now, they did not speak even a single word and picked up the body before starting their sprint towards the place they all had started from, the same place that was still producing the melody that was echoing all throughout the city and even beyond the walls of this place.

Axion, the magic archer of strings… that's what they were all calling him now. A pretty good nickname for his first ever actual nickname, but he did not know of this yet.

He was lost in his strings, lost in his sorrow, in his own world of sadness and pain.

The music had become so powerful, so quick that even his fingers were stained with blood now, however, there was no wounds visible on his finders since every cut that was appearing on his fingers was instantly being healed by the bright light of the great harp.


He looked like the last musician playing his eternal melody at the end of this world. A world where nothing was left.

Looking at him gave an illusion that everything around him did not exist, as if he was the only existing being and thing in all of this entire place, and this illusion was so powerful that by the time every one of those people reached at the top of this pillar, behind him, and looked at him, all of them, including their President and Empress Vera had fallen prey to this illusion.

They looked at him, and kept looking, and looking, and looking… and he also just kept playing his music, playing, hitting his strings until his third eye shifted from the forest area and looked back at the city, and noticed the people standing right behind him.


And, only after seeing how they were so mesmerised that they didn't even notice their captive had regained his consciousness and was trying to do something foolish, did Eon utter his first words after the start of his performance.

However, his eyes were still closed and his hands were moving the same way they were from the start and magical white arrows were still flowing out of the strings in tens and more. 

He was still immersed in his play, however, his attention had diverted a little because of them, and the bastard that they had brought along with them.

He was trying to do something fishy, so, first of all, he sent a few special arrow at him that put him back to sleep.

And, thanks to his actions, the others came to their senses as well.

"He… is something, alright."

"Shhhh. Let him focus. It seems they are still moving."

They stood there for a moment, and consciously admired the play of the person that had brought all of them together for this mission.

Their group had finished their task, however, there were still hundreds of the evil roaming the city, so, they couldn't waste more of their time just standing here.

Empress Vera started using her long range magic while she was still waiting for his reply and attention, and others who could do so, also started sniping the bastards hidden all throughout the city.

They were in no way going to let even a single one of these bastard live to see the dawn of tomorrow, that much was already certain. However, if they could not prevent what the ultimate goal of these bastards was, they were as good as useless themselves. 

Preventing the end was a priority right now. 


"K, play 'Moonlight's lament'. Take the data from Gwen and work with her to eliminate any threats until I am back."

[ "Yes~!" ]


Eon finished his last song soon, and by that time, the war on most of the fronts inside of the city had ended as well.

The people from the jewellery shop stronghold had captured and their vice president had brought the bastard leader of theirs to this pillar as well.

They had two branch managers before them, both crippled beyond help and almost on the verge of death, however, since both were still smiling while being unconscious, the others wanted to just, kill these bastards and burn them with holy fire as soon as they can.

Eon knew that, that's why he took out of of his helper artificial intelligence on the same level as his Doro, K. A being resembling a big mantis that took his place, and started playing a unique music that was distinctly different from how Eon was playing this instrument.

However, the way she was playing the grand relic was so unique that the music that was produced from it was just as mesmerising as his. 

It was a completely different experience though, and the arrows that were being generated this time were colourful instead of the pure silver and white as Eon was producing.

It was different, however, that did not change the effects that the arrows were producing.

They were still as lethal as they had been when he was playing them.

"Then, I will start."

Everyone were stunned by the appearance of the strange being, however, since it had come from him, they did not question anything.

"Yes, please."

He had opened his eyes for the first time after he had started playing his harp.

It had been more than three hours since they had started and he had still been playing all this time, exhausting his energy, and mental stamina.

Everyone could see just how tired he was at the moment. 

To some, he even looked half dead, almost like an undead or a vampire.

Pale skin that was almost colourless, and eyes so tired they couldn't even focus on one thing before them.

They could feel just how tiring it must have been for him, however, when he said he would do what he was supposed to do without any unnecessary word, they couldn't help but feel a sense of shame towards themseves.

Here he was, giving away his life, and then there they were, watching him like this was a fun show instead of doing what they can to support them…


They couldn't fathom this young person.

He was beyond their understanding in many ways.

And, his unique magic that they had never seen in their lives was as well…

Something that was effective against the power that none of their skills could do anything against.

He was certainly amazing…

However, this same amazing person, when he looked at the memories of the two bastards they had caught, was left speechless, and shocked…

What he had seen there, their ultimate goal and the 'one' behind them, he was shocked to see that certain figure, as well as the place these people had actually come from…

The hell hole that they had come from.

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