Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 674 Alchemical techniques of Charvikk

Chapter 674 Alchemical techniques of Charvikk

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The people were taken aback by the words of the highest-ranking people of this nation present in this higher balcony.

They couldn't understand why they were being so favorable to these two children at the start, however, as they stayed with them, observed them, and got to know more about the two of them, they understood these two infamous brats were something completely different from the usual children of this day and age.

Not only were they too mature for their age, but they were also quite special in many ways, however, they had not expected that they would ever feel intimidated by some young boy's mere words.

They had not expected him to be smarter than many people present here and they certainly did not expect that they would not only have support from the imperial family but also from from the rulers of Lakmer.

The words of the president, his Lady, and Lord Justin that followed his intimidating warning were something out of character for these people.

They had no reason to speak up for some rich brat that knew nothing of the world… at least at the start of this day, they might have thought it in this way.

However, now, things are different.

They knew both of these young, mannerless, and careless children from the widely known rumors were nothing like those rumors.

They had seen for themselves how they were more noble than some of the older nobles themselves so, they suspected there was something more to them than just their simple looks.

And, at the moment when they heard that heart-shaking deep warning from him, as well as felt the genuine responses of the people that hardly ever even give their attention to some important person, they knew the two of them were special in many ways and, had their open support.

Things were too calm after that, however, since even the rulers of this land had accepted their request, they had no choice but to follow behind them and accept it or sign the contract so that they at least gain something from this whole thing.

Losing a connection with either Heliox or Atraxia would turn out to be a bad idea since they were one of the pillars of production and transport on the western continent so, it was better for them to keep this 'secret' to themselves.

There was no restriction on sharing the knowledge and happenings of this place so they could exploit this whole contract and their words in a way and, they knew the other party knew of this fact as well, however, they did not do anything about this.

They all thought perhaps these people also wanted the word about the shops being filled with new things to get out, but then again, none of them were fools. Especially the son of someone who was known as a demoness in the economic world.

There was no way her son would not know something as basic as the impotence of leaked information, not this completely competition son of hers that even the greatest of two nations had acknowledged.

They knew he was no normal person, so, as everyone continued looking at the ongoing competition, they contemplated the reason why none of these people did anything about the already leaked information that wasn't a 'secret' anymore.

They were anxiously thinking what they were up to, and, this behavior of theirs had given the rest of them enough room to breathe a sigh of relief.

[[ "How can these people take such risks, Rein, haaa… they don't even know them as much as I do and I still wouldn't have gambled the situation like that." ]]

[[ "They are oldies who have nothing to lose here darling. And, they trust themselves enough to know the exact human behavior.

Your threat was genuine so they played along and fortified the belief that they were supporting us. And this played out just as they wished for even though there could have been some deviations.

Well, I want to believe Lady Carolina planned all this, but, to have played along with her so effortlessly was not something even I would have been able to do without a proper conversation.

They must have been doing these things for a while now so, just like us, they are conditioned to trust their insects when it comes to situations like these.

Anyway, things ended without me having to say anything so, I am happy." ]]

Rein was sitting on a different chair beside Eon so she couldn't hold her hand, so, instead of that, she just looked at him and gave him a warm smile.

[[ "These people are the crazy ones, Rein. I tell you these people are the crazy ones." ]]

Eon was worried for a moment that things had gotten too out of control however, now that he was seeing that things had returned to normal, he couldn't believe just how powerful their mere momentary support actually was.

This was the world he was about to enter, the world of political power that was based on consent more than brutal force, a place where authority triumphed the greatest of the strength itself…

[[ "Haaaa. Anyway, looks like your house members are struggling a bit darling." ]]

[[ "Nah. They will do fine. I taught them how to make the easiest golems in the least time so if they can't do what I have already taught them, they were never fit to be alive in the first place." ]]

Everyone was focusing on the competition, the participants were doing their work, the golem production was on the way, and, different from the traditional methods to create a core first and then make a base, there was a certain person that was once again the center of attention of the whole of the stadium.

"Does anyone know what Miss Mia is doing?"

"It looks like she is making some kind of special product with Soil as the base, but, why is she doing that? Shouldn't she focus on creating the core?"

"She… is this some secret method?"

"Is this some kind of unique production technique that we do not know of? Amazing! As expected of the genius alchemist!"

Miss Mia was doing the work that looked quite different from the whole of the mass around her.

There were normal students who were following the textbook methods of fastest golem creations, the experts were using their own unique methods to create their unique golems, the masters and grandmasters had their own unique techniques that were different from the masses, techniques that were theirs and theirs alone, however, one thing was common for every one of them.

[[ "I still cannot believe you taught them Charvikk production method. And, the more surprising thing is that someone other than you is actually using that fucked up method to create that fucked up kind of golem." ]]

Rein was the only one who actually knew what method Miss Mia was using and she still couldn't believe her eyes. It was just absurd in the first place.

[[ "Well, I did teach them the method, however, would you believe me if I say she criticized the methods, found the flaws, and molded the whole technique to suit her deposition?" ]]

[[ "That is even more fucked up man… she deserves to be called a genius." ]]

To create a golem, one needs three key components, A Core, A Base, and a foundation that binds everything together.

This was the most common structure of the golems produced by alchemy, even the masters and grandmasters worked with these basic guidelines in mind and worked with these three fundamental things.

Some special people still had their own way however, it wasn't that different from the others. Those unique methods at least still contained a core at the very least since a golem without a core was not possible in the first place.

An artificial life form, or, for a matter of fact, all lifeforms including humans and the other species, have a certain 'core' that contains their life forces.

A golem's core contains all their power, or at least most of their useable power.

Some natural-born golems have the ability to move these cores all around their bodies if they want and humans have tried replicating this for years but have yet to completely succeed in this.

However, none of the people present here, or the people that were present among the crowd, the higher-ups in the balcony, as well as the judges had ever thought that something as absurd as a (Coreless golem) could actually exist.

[[ "How is she going to do this though? The people in the past used their unique abilities and specifically bred monsters while you use the Solnova and your special equipment. How is she gonna do it?" ]]

The whole concept of a golem without a core was something that sounded absurd and was absurd as well. It was the same as saying a living creature without a heart or a brain that could understand someone and do the proper tasks that were asked of them.

However, in the old tribe, there existed a certain civilization in the eastern continent that thought of the golems, the artificial life forms, as something more than an artificial intelligence or a mere product of Alchemy.

The Charvikks posed a question: "Does a golem really need a core to exist? And if just a single core could be enough to maintain their existence, what would happen if there were more than one core sustaining them? What would happen if their entire bodies were something that worked as a core?"

The same question, in modern terms, could also be asked "What would happen if an entire being was made of neurons or hearts? What would they be capable of if they can 'think' or process the sensory inputs with their entire being or pump energy in the required manner?"

It was a peculiar way of thinking about a problem, the archeologists who found the traces of this civilization and the texts left behind by them had the same thought.

Having the ability where the entire body, every single cell the body is made of works as a core, is a question of fantasy for the 'humans', however, the alchemists of the past figured out a way to make a being that was actually entirely made of the 'cores' or simply put, the Cell structures that could all work as a core simultaneously, ultimately making the golem itself an energy core where the whole of the powers are concerned.

[[ "Well, Rein. I would tell you the half and uncertain things but it will ruin the fun completely. So, how about we just watch her do it on her own?" ]]

[[ "Hmmm… alright." ]]

Eon taught them the Alchemical techniques of Charvikk, one of the most advanced lost civilizations of alchemical knowledge, however, Miss Mia was the only one who made that knowledge into her own.


And now that she was going to show off her knowledge and techniques to the audience here, it was bound to create another round of applause and cheers.

Well, before that happens though, they will cheer for the person that had finished creating her core before anyone else, a core that looked smaller than the others, but extraordinary from any other at the same time.

[[ "Tsk. Bitch." ]]

[[ "Haaaa, Rein? Again? Why such racism?" ]]

[[ "I can't help it man, it's a half-demon we are talking about. Huuuuu…" ]]

The golem productions were going well…

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