Clear narrow road, filled with gray-black rocks.

Gray clouds cover the sky.

Open areas on both sides and some places were filled with piles of rocks.

As if someone was digging in this mountain path for a long time, the piles of rock and dust were big.

There wasn't much color left in this place as the only color here left were black and grey.

No blue sky, no green trees and grass not even brown earth remained.

Some creatures with humanoid forms were doing something in groups of three by these holes.

Their skin was red and green, teeth long and pointed like a shark. Their bodies were covered by some thin brown clothes.

Some were digging the rocky ground and some were placing a strange black crystal inside them.

Each group had a creature with yellow marks on its hand, which were supplying the black crystals with a dark fog.

The fog was thick and sticky, almost disgusting to even look at.

Another creature was floating in the sky above them. As if examining them, it circled around them.

It was surveying them, carefully.

With a large figure, a skull that looked like a mixture of bull and lizard.

Its bull horns on the large white skull were total black.

It had long fingers on both its hands and legs.

The knife-like sharp nails were most terrifying about it.

There was black fur covering its entire body, which looked more like armor.

Feeling a small headache, I turned off my skill.

We were currently far away from this group of demons.

In fights with strong opponents, you never charge mindlessly.

Knowing about your opponent before the battle was a good thing, and my skill shined in this way the most.

Recon and info gathering in the field. Perfect like a ranger.

As my vision returned to normal, I explained everything to them.

They had a different expressions as they heard everything I said.

Anger, fear, and tension were visible on mon and uncle's face.

With a sharp nod, dad started speaking.

"That flying one is definitely a noble.

Seeing that there are undead-type demons, it doesn't seem to be a higher-ranking noble.

Maybe a baron.

Its demonic energy isn't that high for a baron though?

Hmm, yes.

Yes... it is a newly ascended baron.

Hmmm. Looks like it's establishing its first territory."

He spoke in great detail, anger, and hatred visible in his every moment.

"That bastard isn't that strong compared to a finely established noble. Still, it's strong.

Judging by your description, its specialty seems to be fire, the most common demonic specialty.

Its armor-like body protects it from its own flames and physical attacks won't work on it much.

Water magic will be best in this situation."

He nodded and looked at us one by one.

"Sir Besnik, we will take on the noble. You will support me with red horses.

Eon and Nolen, stay back and take out the undead zombie demons.

Light magic is best against them.

DO NOT get close to us or the holes they have dug.

They are dangerous and that crystal is most definitely a portal device.

If it's completed, it will directly link to other [Hell planes]."

He was very serious.

He was acting totally different than I had ever seen him.

The wight of this situation was that great.

It was great enough to cost any of our life in the worst-case scenario.

If there was any other child of my age, the situation might not be the same with them.

Just seeing that horrible demon was enough to make them unconscious.

Not everyone could bare a demon's pressure, and the fear after seeing one in person... I can't imagine it for others.

But for me, protecting mom, dad and uncle were more important than worrying about the unknowns.

Dad saw the determination in my eyes and... chuckled.

Uncle did the same and mom... she just smiled a little.

I could feel her emotions.

She was afraid right now.

Afraid to think the worst.

Afraid to see us getting hurt.

She was afraid... and angry.

The pressure around her was showing her anger clearly.

I grabbed her and she looked down at me.

"Mom, don't worry. We will be fine. Dad and I will protect both of you."

As if she had just realized something, she caressed her belly with a gentle hand.

Dad smiled and nodded.

Uncle looked surprised, shocked even. There was an unrealistic smile on his face.

But, he shook his head and got back to his serious expression.

Mom smiled and nodded at us.

From now on, we had to be on high alert.

Worrying about unexpected situations and unknown surroundings.

There might be some things that I didn't see too.

Taking everything into account and planning the best strategy was the right thing.

Dad was going to fight that baron-ranked demon alone.

The red horses had some fire element skills which would be used to clear the area, rather than fighting it.

Even for someone like dad, who had a great experience in hunting demons, a baron was a tough opponent.

Though we had the upper hand in overall power, we lacked numbers.

If that demon could command its underlings properly, dad might have a tough fight.

Using up all the Mana in a large skill would be foolish.

We didn't know if there were more enemies around.

If something went wrong, he was the only one that could fight properly.

He was the strongest person here right now.

That was the reason he was bearing the greatest responsibility.

I knew neither of them would forgive themselves if anything were to happen to me.

But, if something were to happen to them, I knew I won't be able to forgive myself.

I looked down with a calm expression and took a deep breath.

"Eon, take this," mom said from behind me.

I turned around with surprise and saw what she was talking about.

There was a bow in her hand, which she had just pulled out of her Artifact.

A blue bow almost as tall as me.

It was different from a normal bow that I had used in the past.

It was unique and had different strange patterns engraved in white on its body.

Its ends had a sharp curve with the white designs ending on it.

The handle was bright yellow, very eye-catching.

After studying it in her hand for a moment, my eyes widened when I thought of a possibility.

"Mom, this..."

"It was supposed to be your birthday present but, just take it. We will think about other things later."

She handed me the bow with a warm smile.

This was no ordinarily strong bow and I knew very well how I was going to use this.

After another small discussion, we walked towards the enemy.

My heart never stopped beating weirdly the entire time I was here.

What the hell was wrong with it?!

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