

It looked like he had just gently touched the string of his pure white bow but, to the eye of the ones watching from the stands, it was clear just what had happened in that short time the match had just started.

It was just a moment, around a second or so, and in that short time, an absurd number of arrow-like projectiles made of water and wind attribute were shot at the girl on the other side.

And just as surprising thing was that she swung her sword in a way that it seemed like an impenetrable defensive dorm was created around her, which defended her from every attack.

That was the first attack and the start of this fierce battle.

The boy didn't just stop on these arrows; he started preparing something else by stretching back the string of his bow, but in that short time, she had already saved herself from those strong arrows.

The power those arrows carried was deadly and although all of them were a (tier-2) spell or low, the power they carried was nothing less than a mid-level (tier-4) spell.

This precise casting technique surprised the grandmother with silver hair and they were even more surprised by how he incorporated the spells and his natural strength.

He didn't just shoot all these arrows at once, no.

This boy pulled back his bowstring more than thirty times and shot at least three arrows at once to create a rain of arrows that shot at the front with the swiftness of strong wind and carried the power of a sharp water current.

The arrows that didn't hit the target had just collided with the wall behind her and dug deep holes in that wall as if countless small needles powerful enough to pierce that thick wall had shot at it.

And after that attack, the fight started with the true meaning.



The girl that was standing on the other side of the arena disappeared and reappeared in the place he was standing in a heartbeat.

The way she moved seemed like a flash of lightning and this speed was absurdly quick, but… the boy had a smile on his face while she was slashing her sword in slow motion.



The boy had long predicted this move and the skill that he triggered the moment his attack finished had kicked in the exact moment the fiery red sword blade was just before his eyes.

Vanishing from his place and reappearing on the other side of the room where she stood, he finished his stance, and this time, it was no barrage of arrows and instead just a single one.

'Short range curve: Chase.'

In an instant, a colorless arrow of water materialized on his bow and he curved his entire bow in a diagonal motion while releasing the arrow, and as soon as that finished, his body turned dark and became one with the shadow under him.


Though her attack had failed, she didn't think much and stabilized her form and while his attack was still in preparation; she moved from her place once again and tried to close as much distance as possible.

She was going for a zick-zak maneuver, but when she used that lightning-fast speed just twice, his body vanished in the shadows and she saw a colorless arrow closing in on her.

She had already set a path for the movement, but she had mastered this skill to the extent that she could cancel it midway and she did just that in the split second she had before the transparent arrow closed in on her.

And just when it was before her face, the skill effect kicked in and the zick-zak light that was going forward changed the path and became first side words and then backward.

Her body moved on it's on and she focused some of her attention on finding the opponent that had vanished into the shadows.

She had seen this type of skill and she knew they had low duration or some weakness.

She scanned the entire arena at the moment she was taking the side step at lightning-fast speed, but when she thought she had avoided the arrow from a moment ago, the same arrow changing direction entered her detection.

And this was so perfectly in sync with her side path that it was astonishing.

Now there was no way she could dodge this one, but she didn't worry about this and just continued the search for the opponent.

She knew she was faster than the arrow and when she successfully reached her turning point in that split second, and the arrow was still mid-way, she sighed in relief.

She was right, but even though she had avoided it once, she sighed a bit too early.

The moment the path changed from side to back, the colorless arrow curved weirdly and aimed at her, and this time, its speed increased even more.

Her eyes widened in shock at this arrow and the smooth movements the arrow showed were like a snake chasing its prey.

And this time, she had no choice but to block.

She could already feel just how much power this arrow was carrying and, from the fact that it was a mid-level (tier-3) spell, she knew this would hurt more than the rain of arrows.

But although she failed to dodge the arrow, she was successful in finding the opponent hiding in the shadows, and she knew he was preparing an even stronger attack.

Now, if she just dodged this arrow, it would be her loss, and the opponent would most definitely take this chance and release that big attack.

But... dodging wasn't the only option, right?

'Swordplay dance, second form, redirect!'

She thumped on the ground as soon as she reached the skill location and took a dance position in that distorted state, and spun like a ballerina.

A spinning red light appeared from the sword in her hand.

Her sword collided with the tip of the arrow at this very moment, and the arrow that had turned twice has changed its direction a third time, but... this wasn't on its own.

The sword touched the arrow and with the turn she spun; the arrow moved with her sword and she threw it at a corner of the arena where a shadow of the light was still.

The arrow of water, now redirected by the red sword, moved to the place the opponent was hiding in the shadows, and… when he saw this, a smile appeared on his face.

Just releasing the spell he had prepared in that short time, he moved his position to another shadow.


Though his skill was similar to most common shadow skills, he knew no one here would believe this skill had a long duration of ten seconds.

And in a fight like this where only around a minute had passed, the ten seconds were more than enough time to do all the stuff needed.

The new arrow he shot at the powerful arrow of clear water was an arrow of fire that looked like a thick red rod of light.

And when this light collided with the arrow of water, a new explosion shook the whole ground.


He had moved to a safer location and now he had some time to breathe as the place he had been before was now pierced by a simple-looking sword that she threw as soon as the arrow was redirected and… she was still in the stance of the fight.

That quick reflexes were as natural as breathing or even more as natural as thinking.

She did that entire process in that short time and now the bright light from the clash of two arrows that covered the whole arena for a moment blinded her eyes.

The explosion of two spells was loud, and it actually broke the first weak barrier inside the big barrier covering the arena.

The sound of this blast was loud, and this one… concluded the first half of their fight.

He came out of the shadows and looked at the opponent as soon as the white fog cleared up and the crater created by the explosion started repairing on its own.

The crater wasn't deep, but it was as wide as five meters.

Both of them were coved in sweat just from this minute long but high-speed fight and the spells and skills they used were also excessive for the start of the fight.

But… none of them were tired, and instead, they were smiling at each other.

Less than two minutes had passed since the start of this spar and the family on the pavilion couldn't believe their eyes.

Both of their performance shocked them and now that the fight had taken a break, they could actually think of what had just transpired before their eyes.

Aside from Anna and a few, almost all knew just what things have happened in that short time but the old ones and even in them, the silver hair grandma and the two grandfathers were more surprised by the boy's performance than the girl's.

They all were seeing them fighting for the first time, but the boy... had surpassed all their expectations.

And even more absurd reactions were plastered on the faces of the people on the other side of this family...

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