'So... this is the moment.' I thought as we stood before the personal [Warp Gate] of the duke's estate on the underground floor.

This place was amazing. Just having this two-floor underground as large as the estate itself was amazing.

And this was the last floor of the large house.

Rein was quite quick, professional, and good at these preparation things, but she did a wonderful job.

From preparing the dinner that we might not even eat to setting up the whole warp gate all by herself.

I didn't know why she was doing this all by herself or what her motivation even was, but she was good.

Grandma was all ok after the medicine and now she was with us waiting before the gates for my family to arrive.

We decided to not worry about those who didn't know about her bad health and just make a story if they did ask.

She was happy, fine, and now she was perfectly healthy.

The curse was lifted, and her eyes of truth confirmed that one.

I could have checked things myself, but…

My three eyes could see through everything but, the flaw was that it can't filter the information.

And whenever I used that skill, normal information on the status window aside, the external information and the things this skill would say in the third person were excessive in true meaning.

Just like some time ago when I checked the status window of her grandfather and one of the highest ranking knights, this skill of mine practically cried into words.

Not only the information of the status window but, I had seen many things related to this person too.

From how he had killed countless beings in battles, earning the title of the [Reaper] to the exact number of creatures killed and things like that.

I mean... why even tell me these kinds of things and make me remember them forever?

Well... I didn't worry about those things.

Forgetting them wasn't an option, but I can easily store those things in the back of my head, not actually having them on my mind at all times.

I didn't have to worry about that excessive amount of info. I already had more than what was thinkable on my mind.

The things he had done were noble and the kill count he had was practically nothing compared to some of the prominent figures of late history.

Well, all things aside, we were standing before the same huge warp gate that was in the middle of the city we had been.

Though even while looking at the warp gate like this, I would still call this one a newborn compared to that gate.

The grandma and grandpa duo has joined us late after having some private catching up and 'stuff' and now... we also had their children.

The dukedom's successor has finally joined us.

"Elle!? You know how worried we were when you were gone~!?

Your daddy and I were soooo worried he wouldn't even sleep on some nights.

He wrote three songs in these two weeks you were gone and they were sooo~ emotional that everyone cried when he played that in the last show!

Do you know how hard it was for me to stop this big man from playing that thing today~?

Don't you dare disappear like this next time!"

This was a beautiful woman with long, dark brown hair and beautiful green eyes.

She had a beautiful face and although I can't compare her to my mom or aunts, she definitely was a gorgeous lady.

And she had a similar personality to my second aunt.

Cheerful, a worry wort, one who loved her family and one that supported them with all her heart.

Zoe liked this one too, and even though there was nothing special about her and she was just a normal person, she looked like a green cloud in a vast sky of different colors in her eyes.

And although she was far younger than Rein, she was her mom.

Rein's mom was just a normal person in this family that had passed away a long time ago, and while her mom was human, she was a witch.

Their existence was rare in itself, but not so much that no one knew about it.

Although normal folks in this empire didn't know her, she was known in the high society as the granddaughter of duke Atraxia.

Her grandfather was an awesome person and although I didn't know what she had gone through in her life yet... I knew she had suffered at the very least.

Having long lives and living among normal humans would be something I couldn't imagine but, Rein was definitely someone who has lived like that.

Well, she was the same as me in human age comparison and there was nothing different about the witches and wizards than them having a far superior affinity with Mana or an element.

She was just a normal girl for all I saw, an adorable one at that.

And she was being scolded by her beautiful mom while her dad watched them with unstoppable tears flowing down his cheeks.

He didn't show his affection and love like her, but he was more than happy to have her back, even while knowing nothing would happen to her.

He was a good father who loved her little girl dearly and even though I had no idea of how their family operated; I knew they loved each other truly.

And she also loved all of them dearly.

The smile on her face while being scolded by her mom was priceless, and so were the smiles on the old ones' faces.

Her father, the one who would succeed his father, was someone known throughout the continent.

He was a famous person, far more famous than even my dad.

He was one of the greatest musicians here and his unreal talent was something countless envied.

Though he had a (tier-4) Mana nucleus, he wasn't a mage.

He had the affinity of sound, the superior attribute of wind, and it was as great as the one she had with metals.

From what I knew, aside from his average stats, normal skills, and nothing particularly eye-catching, the only special thing about him was his clear understanding of his talent.

He could practically use any musical instrument but, from what Rein's grandma told me, he loved piano the most.

He was a great one as noble and I knew he was a really nice person from how Zoe praised him.

He was... a harmonic light shaped as different musical notes that danced on a plane yellowish plain of the old blank page.

This old yellow was just like his hair and he really was a fun person from all these descriptions.

Maybe we can have a chat and I knew he also wanted it, like his wife, who had already considered me as Rein's partner a while ago.

Like... what?

She was happy to meet me, even more, to meet my beloved sister, and the happiest she was when hearing about 'us'.

Everyone called me Eon but she... she called me 'Eon, my son' or something like that.

Something was wrong with her too open behavior or did I actually know nothing about his world that I was feeling like this?

I was still a 12-year-old kid... a teen of this world.

Come to think of it, I wasn't 12 yet. My birthday was in two weeks.

And I was already being matched with the very first girl I met in this world.

So, they can think whatever they wanted to but, nothing was happening between us.

The most we can do was become true friends and other things would be off limits.

Well... we didn't know the future.

Things were like that and we were now here, waiting for my family while she was still being scolded cutely.

They were a happy family, a small one but a happy family.

And this was good.

Things were good on this side but then suddenly... the special artifacts connecting to the warp gate that only special people had permission to possess glowed, we knew this was the time.

The moment I had been waiting for.

The moment I longed for, for however long I could think after falling into that forest.

I will finally see them, see them, talk to them face to face without anything between us.

I can finally... hug them and cry in their embrace.

Tell them everything and introduce my little sister, Zoe.

I can finally see my Anna... mom, dad, and everyone else.

'Hopefully... it wouldn't get that much emotion. We had just talked some months ago, so they will have a good reaction, hopefully.'

I can't see anything that will happen but, I knew things would be ok and we will have little fun on this night.

This night of a special day.

This night... of the day that has felt strangely endless.

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