
Our bodies materialized from a shadow at the top of a small hill, and I let go of her 'special' hand.

It was just special for some reason and letting it go didn't feel right.

But... I had to let it go, for now.

She looked at both of us and then towards the great city at a distance.

With high metallic walls, a diamond-like outline covered with high walls, and a city that looked marvelous from this height.

We weren't that far from this place and with my third eye, I can see just how big those metallic walls built with fine dwarven makings were.

The inside of the city was just like any fantasy novel, show, or photos I had seen.

Similar looking rows and columns of buildings, open large roads, many people of different races and appearances, the magnificent castle at the center of this enormous place and special buildings around it.

Walls were normal metallic gray, made of one of the strongest materials that can be obtained in large quantities, <High Steel>.

Houses of wood, proper cement, and alchemical breaks, and some are even decorated with pretty-looking things and guarded with magic.

This was my first time seeing a real fantasy city and if just the main city was this grand... I couldn't even think just how great the capital would be.

"Wow!!!" I come from an advanced civilization with implacable monuments and structures, so this actually didn't surprise me that much, but this little one was different.

Even after having all the knowledge of the world, she was seeing a city for the first time.

Those sparkling eyes that can also see far away, that radiant smile on her face, that cute look... she was adorable~.

"Big brother! Let's go! I wanna see that thing! And eat everything~! Big sister! Let's goooo~!" She shouted with a cheerful smile and grabbed both our hands.

We were back to our black hair appearance and Reinelle had her own skill that can change her appearance.

Now, she had normal brown hair, and even her clothes were like every normal folk.

Her eyes were black like mine but, they were lighter and if I looked closely, there was a pink dot at the center of her eyes.

There was a helpless smile on her face like mine, too, and she had taken a liking to Zoe.

And I had taken-

She was smart, and I knew that from the short time we spent together.

And there were some things she knew had happened behind me that I had no idea about.

She was angry for some reason, and she also pitied me.

She was the first person I met after coming back to the human domain and, miraculously; she was as special as me.

It was just a coincidence but, for some reason, I liked it.

I liked this whole thing more than necessary and I was looking forward to seeing this city with them.

The city was enormous and as we were on higher ground; the place was far smaller than when we actually reached the gates.

"Welcome to one of the main cities of the great empire. The city of comfort, Hygge.

It is a tourist attraction for the high ground and peaceful air that cover the city.

Mainly, people come here for vacations and for its nearby hunting grounds that are filled with great creatures.

Though there isn't much about this city on the small scale, things go peacefully here.

If we just exclude the night dens and the underworld, we can see in all places, this city is a great place.

The big market full of shops is one of the best things I like about this place." she said as we entered the city through the enormous gates.

They truly were huge, but nothing compared to the trees and beasts I had seen in the great forest.

And as soon as we entered the city, a straight road was covered with small stalls on both sides.

"Wow~! What's that big sister!? Why are there so many fruits?!" Zoe asked as she ran toward the closest fruit stall and we looked at each other with a helpless look.

"Let's go." She said with a smile, and I smiled back.

"After you, my lady," I answered, and she shook her head at this behavior.

Walking to the place Zoe was looking at all the familiar, normal fruits, she patted her head.

I just hoped she had the money for now. I will have to visit some different shops to sell some things to get some quick cash.

"Hello, beautiful miss~! What would you like today~? We freshly picked all the fruits this morning, you will like it for sure~!"

The one selling the fruits, a mature man with a fine mustache, said while rubbing his hands.

The dude was a good person from the looks of it and the fruits he was selling were great too, fresh, just like he said.

The preservation magic cast on them was also good quality, so this one was a good place to start her world exploration.

"Big sister~! I want that apple!" Zoe shouted in a merry voice, pointing at the best apple in the shop.

The shopkeeper's eyes shined, and he smiled in amazement.

"Looks like young miss has a great eye for things." He said and Rein smiled back.

Rein... hmmm, yes. This one was cuter.

"How much?" she asked with a smile and he lifted two fingers with a hopeful smile.

"Who you kidding, young man? One is good." She spoke and just tossed a copper coin at him.

"Indeed. Have a nice day ladies~!" he replied and waved at them as Zoe jumped at the second shop.

I knew she would just buy anything she wanted and Rein would just buy her from that look on her face.

We were helpless here.

She was just adorable…

Well, these two were doing their shopping. I also had to do some things.

"Rein! You two go ahead. Take Celes too. I will be back after doing some shopping myself. Please take care of these two children!"

[[ Thanks master~! Yeiiiiii~! ]]

Celes came out of her mark without anyone seeing anything and jumped down on Zoe's shoulder.

"Take care Eon~!" Rein shouted and looked at the shop owner before her.

Babysitting cheerful ones like those two was an exhausting task but, I knew she would be just fine.

Maybe I would buy something for her while I was at it, too.

And for my family? Well, I had time, we will see that one.

Waving at them, I turned around and started walking on the other side of the road that lead to the dark alley.

I had no ID, so selling things legally would be more of a hassle than I could think.

And I also wanted to look at some things that only those places would have.

Not that this city would have undergrounds as I knew.

This would be just your normal place that was just named as such.

And for my first destination, I was going to a jewelry shop.

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