[[ Though you completed it and it's a wonderful thing, be careful when consuming it.

The highly potent herbs can cause excruciating pain and you might feel as if needles are being pocked in every internal organ.

It's your decision, so I won't stop you.

I know you will be alright but, drink the red potion after you complete the process. ]]

Exactly what I thought.

And the answer to this common worry was also decided already.

[ "I will be alright, so don't worry." ]

I reassured her and came back to the endless white room.

Looking at the transparent, water-like liquid in the flask, I gulped a mouthful of saliva and took a deep breath.

"Huuu... here goes nothing."

Closing my eyes, I gulped down the whole tasteless potion with the smell of alcohol.

The liquid was smooth, and it slid down my throat just like water, but then… not even a second had passed and the effect started.

"Kahk!" With a loud, agonizing groan, I bit down on my lips.

Blue vines started appearing all over my body, starting from the place my Mana core was.

The pain intensified with each passing minute and the vines now covered my whole body.

Even my eyes were red from the surging pain.

This was tough, but nothing compared to her training.

I would survive this pain more than those merciless beatings.


The pain was intense and as she said; it was like countless needles pocking my insides.

I could bare it because of the high mental fortitude but, it was getting harder with each passing second.

The blue vines were getting darker and the pain around my Mana nucleus was the most intense.

It was like all the Mana was piercing the core, making the walls wider and thicker.

During the process I broke through to (tier-1), there was something similar like this, but it was natural pain.

But, this forceful process was dangerous, so I knew no weak could endure this kind of pain.

It was also because I was guiding all the Mana with Solnova that the process was going that smoothly but, things were changing with each minute.

My control over Solnova was far better than Mana, so the process was bearable but, it was getting difficult.

But, at the same time, I knew I was closer to what I needed.

The Mana was stabilizing in my core, making the walls of the Mana nucleus wider and the excess Mana was gathering around the core, reinforcing the walls.

The process was slowing down, and hot sweat covered my body.

I was drenched, and I didn't know how long had passed.

Maybe a lot less than what I felt, but... I had achieved the needed results.

"Yes..." I smiled and took out the red potion the master made and gulped it down with sweaty hands.

This was a special healing potion that can heal any injuries in an instant.

p Be it internal, fatal, external, or psychological.

This was an [Elixir], and strangely, I had many bottles of these things.

She just gave me boxes full of them one day, saying they were just rotting in the lab.

She made them out of boredom, and there were now tons of them in my white crack.

They were a [Elixir] which was the highest grade healing potion before [Holy water], and I knew this was far more valuable than the extremely rare [Advance-potions].

I had achieved my goal and now I was confident of killing many yellow-ranked beasts at once.

I could feel it.

My Mana pool has increased by almost nine percent.

This was miraculous and if this potion gets into the market, even wars could start for just a single vial.

Alas, even though many like my grandfather can use it, just making one of these was difficult, even for me.

Yes, I had the most resources here, but it wasn't unlimited.

The things that I used were almost at the level of [Angel rose], something thought to be extinct.

I will make some another time, definitely not now.

Though I can't consume it again for a long time because of the limitations, I knew waiting a few years was worth it if we were talking about the Mana pool.

I was now ready for her test and I believed I would be ok with anything possible thrown at me.

Well, I at least knew she will not ask something totally impossible.

And if there was a chance, I will have to find it and clear it.

Today was tiring but good enough.

"Haaa..." I sighed and laid back on the pure white floor.

'Status window.'


Name: Axion Kromet

Age: 11

Strength: 118

Dexterity: 116

Stamina: 120

Magic Power: 153

Intelligence: 134

Luck: 77

Charm: 78

[Skill: Energy Circulation, Quickstep, Appraisal, Shadow Dive, Mana Vision, Shadow curtain, Energy burst, Stark Triangle, Mana Shield.]

[Origin Skill: Sun's Blessing: Intermediate Mastery

-Three Eyes (Stage-2)

-Dynamic Heart (Stage-1)

-White Crack (Stage-1)


My Mana was almost at the level of higher level (tier-4) mages, but I was still just a (tier-3).

That was quite a big number if I had to say because, after a hundred, it was too difficult to raise the stat by even one.

Aside from intelligence which was based on the knowledge and wisdom of the individual, and luck and charm which were given by the world, all stats were based on the physical body.

My soul was strong enough that I can stay in that form for a while but, it also helped me understand the magic and magical things better.

That was the specialty of being in astral form, and I was fortunate to have mastered it this much.

My body contained Mana, Aura, and Solnova, so my overall M.P. was naturally that high.

I had finally achieved Aura after a while of hearing the test, and my Aura ... was magnificent.

I loved just how it looked, felt, and burned.

It was pure power and so I was happy to have such powers.

My family was also doing far better than before and things were going calmly.

My two rivals were getting stronger, and now they were stronger than me in their own fields.

Carla was a stronger knight than me without a doubt and Alf was a genius mage far better than most, but it will still be difficult against me.

Well, those two were fun and every letter and talk we had was filled with exciting things.

I even taught Alf some things... or more like writing in the letter, so everyone learned it, but they definitely helped them.

I had resources and I could share with them some of the safe knowledge I had, if not all.

Not that I doubted they would tell someone how to create the high-end explosive or deadly poisons.

Some things were safe with me, no need to tell others until necessary.

The knowledge I had just after reading some thousand books was probably more than enough for now.

So, I was ready for her test. In fact, I was looking forward to the day.

But, one thing was still concerning.

And that concern could only be resolved after seeing it through.

I didn't want to think too deep about it so, I always just avoided it, not that she didn't know.

"Well..." Standing up from the ground, I checked the time on my special pocket watch.

This thing was also special.

I still couldn't believe there was a room filled with different artifacts and I can just have anything I wanted from there.

Didn't that mean I was the richest in the empire too?

Not that money matters to me that much but, it was still something.

And I had yet to see the 51st floor, [The Treasury].

"Haaa..." just how many times have I sighed today?

Shaking my head and confirming I was alright, I went to the kitchen.

It was already night so the master should have prepared the dinner.

Her cooking was truly unparalleled and every time I ate something new, it would surprise me beyond belief.

My grandma... was truly marvelous.

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