In the great forest, I have mentioned so many times, I was standing before a peculiar panther.

This creature was enormous, so big that I looked like a simple ant before it.

In books, it wasn't something like this.

In normal circumstances, this [spirit Black Panther] shouldn't be this big.

Even though it was a (Blue) ranked creature, when I saw it from the other side of the lake, it looked... it definitely was smaller.

Back then, I wasn't sure if it actually looked at me or not, but I had a doubt it did.

Right now, the beast that just appeared before me, and talked, is something very different from anything I had met until now.

Even though it wasn't an origin beast like Fern, the energy that I was currently feeling from it was relatively the same as them.

A creature that was waiting for me, and something that I can't even fathom to gauge the power of.

Standing here in this pressure was something of a trial itself.

[ "Hmmm. That's not your actual appearance, right?" ]

It was a female voice, and it contained power, dignity, as well as curiosity.

Even though it was authoritative, I could feel the wisdom and interest for me just from those words.

If not for my heart and the herbs that I took after parting ways with Fern, and were a bit stronger, I knew I would faint with no doubt.

I instinctively knew that even if I used my appraisal skill on her, the only thing I get will be a headache and a scratching voice like Fern's time.

Fern knew how to control her powers and they weren't meant for fighting.

She was a helper of the beings inside nature, but the creature before me was something of an entirely different stage.

It was a predator, beast, hunter, and something that was an important part of the ancient willow's ecosystem.

If I miss something here, I would be lucky to have a normal death.

But there was a question in my mind that popped up after hearing her question.

"This is a disguise. You're the first being to figure it out." My reply to it filled her with awe and my eyes were genuinely sparkling.

This was the first time someone had seen through Celes's <Skill>.

And, seeing that it is a special and powerful creature, I was admiring Celes even more.

But, I got a smirk before a normal reply from her.

[ "No, child. Even I can't tell you're using a skill. The noble master described your appearance differently, so it was just a guess." ] she paused and took a step closer to me.

And, as soon as she took another step, her body started shrinking.

I stood still, not fearing the ferocious aura that didn't change at all.

I knew this situation wasn't dangerous now.

By the time she stood before me, she was the same size that I remembered.

She was still big, almost three meters in height, but... she was smiling.

[ "To have a skill that even I fail to detect. Indeed, you're the one master talked about." ]

I was shocked after hearing that even someone like her failed to detect the skill.

Now, I had even greater respect for my dear partner.

[ "Thank you, Celes." ] I thanked her from the bottom of my heart to be with me.

[[ Hm? For… what? ]] she asked in a puzzled voice.

I never thought about it, but she never actually feared any of the powerful beasts we came across.

Even now, she was admiring the unique beast before us with no fear or doubt or anything.

Well, there wasn't anything to think too deeply about it anyway.

[ "Oh? Is this your familiar skill or something? Can I meet them?" ] The lady jaguar asked with shining eyes.

"Yes, she is talking about you for a while now," I replied and Celes came out from her sleeping mark.

There wasn't much to do outside, so she mostly stayed inside.

Looking at her sitting on my head in surprise, the jaguar closed her mouth.

[ "Not only you are special, but your partner also seems special too." ]

Complimenting Celes, she turned around with no other unnecessary chat.

[ "He said you look quite good, so I wanted to check. It has been a long time since a human has entered these parts of the forest." ]

She was walking away, and I was following her into the bright blue light ahead of us.

From her tone and 'master' word, I could tell that she was talking about the willow tree.

The willow tree was an ancient tree and having a powerful beast as its servant wasn't something unbelievable.

But I was expecting something more from this encounter.

I thought that I would have to pass some trials to get to the willow tree and fight some strong opponents.

But a direct escort was not something I could refuse.

The journey to this place wasn't easy, and I knew there won't be many things I could do if the jaguar attacked me.

The willow tree already knew we were coming, and I had expected that much from an ancient tree that had a will of its own.

I was excited to see such a dominant life form, and I was right to hope for something big.

In a large open area before the enormous lake, a single tree stood tall without any difficulty.

The tree was so big that the great Banya tree was nothing in front of this.

All I can see right now was a wall-like trunk and roots that were somewhat outside the ground.

The tree itself held beautiful colors and its shining, small leaves were something that increased its beauty.

The blue light was almost blinding at first, but I managed to adjust my eyes to that bright blue light.

It was already the time of sunset but the area before me was something that was in eternal night.

From the tree's size and shadow alone, it was able to block any sunlight down this area.

This was magnificent and looking at the tree alone explained the reason why someone so strong, like the lady black panther, served it.

I was only here for two reasons... maybe three, but there were two things I must do here.

Flowers, fruits, and, if possible, the soul essence and nectar.

Nectar would be something I might personally have to collect, but that would be a problem for later.

For now, I had to get that legendary fruit at all costs... not that I can do anything stupid here.

I was deep in thought when I heard a deep, old voice in my mind.

[[ Welcome, lost child. ]]

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