Is this destiny?

Chapter 2118 - Christmas Party 2023 (5)

"Ready for the baby?", Mia asked Sarah who bobbed her head excitedly in response.

The Russo organization and the Army of Chaos are collaborating wonderfully. Igor from the Army of Chaos and Roberto (Mia's half brother and her right-hand man) are handling the business details while Mia and Sarah bonded over pregnancy-talk. Neither of them forgot that they agreed to a sparring match after they pop their babies out.

Aiden watched Sarah chatter enthusiastically with Mia and he smiled a little. He still remembered Sarah as an introvert who kept to herself, yet now she was like a queen bee, surrounded by friends and family. Since they started dating, Sarah blossomed, despite all the challenges they faced.

Just like Mia and Sarah, their husbands are getting along well.

Aiden and Hunter have similar personalities; both are itchy to get into the fighting ring, exchange blows, and have a friendly drink later.

In the last three months, Hunter (and Mia) visited the Cliffside Villa on several occasions, and Hunter had a chance to spar with Michael, Haru, Ron, and other kids and he acknowledged that they are not playing.

Hunter and Aiden are discussing the final details of a deal where several kids from the Cliffside Villa will spend some time at the Russo property in Portland with a goal to train a special unit that will work directly under Hunter and Mia. 

Back to the present…

Max put Mila down and gave her a reminder to behave before letting her go. A second later, Luke was next to Mila, grabbing her hand.

"Don't worry, Uncle Max. I will be with her.", Luke said seriously and then turned to Mia. "You are not stable on your legs. Hold onto me tightly…"

Mila's vocabulary was limited, but her smile confirmed she was OK with what Luke said. She was used to 'big brother Luke' taking care of her and setting the rules.

Genie led the way toward the room where the other kids are. Luke and Mila went after Genie, and Liz and Brianna were behind the kids.

"It seems that Mila is claimed…", Aiden said while watching Luke and Mila holding hands.

Max frowned at the thought of Luke claiming Mila. Romance? Marriage? That means intimacy as well. Sure, they are kids and it's cute, and Quentin and Brianna are their good friends, but kids grow up quickly and that is his daughter, damnit! 

"Please, follow Nicole…", Sarah said to Max, Hunter, Quentin, and Mia while gesturing toward the maid that was standing on the side. "She will show you to the event hall, and we will join you shortly. Dinner will be served in about one hour. Until then, enjoy the entertainment and help yourself with appetizers and drinks."

Mia wanted to talk more with Sarah, but she knew that they are greeting guests. Sarah told her that there will be more than a hundred people. That is a big party!

Stella and Edward arrived with Sophia, Felix, Lia, Adam, and Valentin.

The group of seven was formally dressed, the older four looked elegant, while three little humans were adorable.

Lia's long light brown hair which she inherited from daddy-Felix was curled up and held back loosely with a white silk ribbon. The ribbon matched the white details on her baby-blue dress, and she could easily be mistaken for a doll.

Adam wore a blue suit, like a little gentleman, and even eight months-old Valentin had a suit that color matched his siblings. 

Sophia was three months pregnant and whenever Stella and Edward visit, they stay in the Tuscan villa with a goal to help out around the kids. It's hard to be pregnant and have a job (more than one actually) with three little kids.

Stella couldn't believe that Sophia got pregnant again. Felix can believe it. He is mighty like that.

It's not that Stella opposes having more grandkids, but she was worried about Sophia's body. Whenever Stella voiced her concerns, Sophia glared at Felix who only smiled in response.

Sophia understood that the only way for them to stop having kids is if they stop having sex, and that's not happening. Felix's skills are too precious to be wasted and not used. Sophia said that after this pregnancy, she will discuss with JoAnna surgical procedures that will prevent her from having more babies. Three is enough, four is plenty.

Felix doesn't mind either way. He is perfectly happy. Part of him is wondering if he will be able to get Sophia pregnant after her surgery. If he succeeds, that will probably be some record.

Every year, on Sylvie's birthday, Felix visits his mother who is residing in a mental institution. He brings photos and shows her how wrong she was. Felix will never forget how Sylvie caused them trouble while shouting that Sophia won't make him happy, and they won't have a family because Sophia is focused on her career. Felix makes sure that Sylvie knows how due to her narrowmindedness and eccentric behavior that puts her and others in danger, she lost a chance to enjoy her time with her grandchildren.

Sylvie still has her episodes of rage, and the likelihood of her being able to join society is close to nil. After Lia's abduction attempt, there is no way that Felix will allow Sylvie anywhere near his children.

"Honey, you shouldn't be standing…", Stella reminded Sarah.

Aiden gave Sarah I-told-you-so look and Sarah rolled her eyes at him.

"I just got here, to welcome you…", Sarah said, and Aiden couldn't believe that she just made that up on the spot. Her next words pacified him. "We will go to the event hall now, and I will sit on a comfy sofa."

"Good, good…", Edward approved. "Your body is making a baby and you shouldn't strain yourself."

They all walked toward the elevators together, and Stella said, "We instructed your staff to bring in the presents."

"Moooom…", Sarah whined. "You really shouldn't have. We have too many presents already. And we agreed that no one from guests brings presents."

Stella waved at Sarah to stop talking. "Nonsense. There is no such thing as too many presents for Christmas. And since when are I and your father guests?"

Aiden snickered when Sarah shrunk. Only Stella can give a piece of her mind to Sarah and not suffer consequences.

In the event hall, Allen and Julius were seated side-by-side in front of a grand piano, wearing matching sharp black suits as their four hands moved over the keys elegantly, filling the space with the intense fast-paced melody.

Allen and Julius were focused on the black and white keys, each having a small smile lingering at the edge of their lips. They enjoy doing things together, and playing the piano is one of their favorite activities.

Jeff offered to Allen and Julius a long-term contract to work as his assistants, which they accepted. Allen and Julius were planning to start their business after graduating from college but working for Jeff is an amazing opportunity to learn from the best. They would be foolish to skip on it, and Jeff pays them very well. Their business idea is postponed for now.

Other than matching outfits and smiles, Allen and Julius also had matching thoughts.

Neither of them forgot about their talk during Sarah's and Aiden's wedding party when they sat on the dock and touched the topic of their marriage.

Both Allen and Julius placed under the Christmas tree a small present for the other one, and they have no idea that the rings they purchased are almost identical.

They are inseparable since they met in the orphanage as kids, and they are looking forward to the rest of their lives. Together.


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