Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 36:1: As Long as It Is Something Alive…, Part 1

The Special Affairs Bureau was quite strong. Sure, it couldn’t stack up against ancient clans with thousands of years of history, but as a government entity in China, it had a mandate and luck. Many of the ancient clans would also give way to them.

Things like the state’s mandate and blessings fluctuated with the prosperity of each era. In the 21st century, China’s booming economy meant the government’s mandate and luck were something to be reckoned with.

Given these circumstances, large clans often sent their promising young disciples into the mundane world for real-world experience, hoping to tap some of that mandate and luck of the Chinese officials.

That was why the Special Affairs Bureau had no shortage of talent, and that also explained the different factions within it.

Speaking of luck made Chen Heng angry as he remembered how his Chen Clan had been a single line of descent for dozens of generations because his clan’s luck had been taken by the world, none of it ending up with the clan…. Never mind, never mind…that world consciousness has already been beaten to death. There’s nothing more to say about it.

Furthermore, Chen Heng’s ancestor had said he would get some rare stuff from the Multidimensional World Consciousness Conference as compensation for the loss of that luck plus interest on it. Chen Heng did not know how this had gone or what his ancestor had managed to exchange for.

However, Chen Heng was already very satisfied with the small gifts his ancestor had given him. If his ancestor wanted to keep the compensation, he had no objection. After all, those were the fruits of his ancestor’s efforts.

“…” Jiang Cheng had nothing to say, as the Special Affairs Bureau knew about Chen Heng being Immortal Phoenix Fu Hua’s second disciple. However, he knew nothing else.

At first, Jiang Cheng thought he could fish for some information from Chen Heng.

The Special Affairs Bureau had no records on Chen Heng at all. It did not know if he was an ability user or if he had started on the path of cultivation.

It only knew that Chen Heng was Fu Hua’s disciple and that he was the only heir of the ancient Chen Clan, which had been around for thousands of years. Furthermore, that Chen Clan was a single line of descent.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Just as Jiang Cheng was about to change the topic to Ryougi Shiki, his phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Cheng looked at his phone and saw that the call came from the other squad leader stationed at his examination venue.

“Hello. What’s wrong? Old Luo? Yes, I’m at the hospital where the suspected new ability user is. What? The ability suppressor device got stolen? Alright, alright, alright. I’ll go over immediately.”

Jiang Cheng removed the sound isolation barrier from the room after hanging up.

“Squad Leader Jiang, what happened?”

“I suspect your mouth jinxes things or you have some divination method. Just as you said earlier, the ability suppressor device at the examination venue got stolen and switched with a fake. It must have happened when it was transferred from the examination hall to the storage facility. I wonder which unfortunate child did it. This ability suppressor device uses a special energy. Those who can figure out the energy can create another ability suppressor device, so getting the ability suppressor device is useless.”

“Then what about my younger sister?”

“What can I do? How would I know what to do? Don’t you have a way to deal with it yourself?”

“Ah! No! I meant, are you going to register her?”

“Alright, alright. We are all people of the hidden world. What is there to register? I need to go see if I can get the ability suppressor device back. That thing is quite expensive to make.” Jiang Cheng shrugged before leaving with his two subordinates.

“That’s why I say failure strikes at the very last moment. It’s true. Also, mind closing the door on your way out?” Chen Heng shook his head and sighed when he saw the door left ajar. Then he used his attraction ability to shut the door.

With the door closed, Chen Heng focused on Ryougi Shiki. If his Precognition was right, she would open her eyes soon.

Indeed, it went as Chen Heng’s Absolute Precognition showed. Ryougi Shiki opened her eyes three seconds later.

“Elder Brother, I have a rough control over the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception already.”

“That’s good. That’s good. Come, give me your hand. I’ll infuse some Spiritual Energy into you to accelerate your recovery. Also, take this medicinal pill. After that, we can handle your discharge procedures.”

Chen Heng took out a high-grade medicinal pill from his spatial storage and placed it on Ryougi Shiki’s hand. Then he took out a clear elixir for Ryougi Shiki.

These two came as a set. They could help patients who had been bedridden for a long time recover.

Although Ryougi Shiki had the powerful Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, her physique was only that of an ordinary person. It would be quite easy for her to recover.

Two hours later, Chen Heng walked out of the hospital, pushing Ryougi Shiki, who sat in a wheelchair.

It had been somewhat troublesome to get her discharged, as she had been in a coma for two years but had suddenly awakened.

However, it was fine with the explanation of the Spiritual Energy Resurgence and Ryougi Shiki appearing like an ability user. It was not too strange for things to be different with ability users.

Despite the hospital’s resistance, he had succeeded in getting her discharged in the end. Had this been before the world merger, it would have been a real headache.

It was now 7 p.m. Before helping Ryougi Shiki recover, he had already informed his master not to cook dinner for him. Chen Heng intended to buy some medicinal cuisine for Ryougi Shiki when he got home and eat with her.

Although Chen Heng’s Spiritual Energy and the medicine had already helped Ryougi Shiki recover significantly, she had been unconscious for two years. If she did not recuperate properly, the root cause of the disease would remain. Although recovering from that would not be that difficult, he would do as much as he could to prevent her from suffering.

Chen Heng did not push Ryougi Shiki out of the hospital in an ordinary manner. Instead, he set up an attraction barrier in his surroundings, preventing everything, including the wind, from entering. The barrier moved together with the two.

The clothes Ryougi Shiki wore right now came from Ryougi Shiki’s room. Chen Heng had asked his master to get them from the wardrobe. He didn’t know where the world consciousness got these clothes from, but they fit Ryougi Shiki.

Don’t ask how Ryougi Shiki put on the clothes.

“Elder Brother, I can walk now. Do you need to push me in a wheelchair?” Ryougi Shiki tilted her head up to look at Chen Heng, who was pushing the wheelchair from behind.

“Don’t tilt your head up like that; it’s not good for the neck. You are currently a patient who has lain in bed for two years. Although I infused some Spiritual Energy into you and fed you some medicine, you still need to be careful. You are a patient. How can I let you walk?”


“Hey, Shiki, I’m not actually your elder brother. You can tell, right?”

“I can tell. When I addressed you as Elder Brother, you appeared uncomfortable.”

“Very good. Although you lost your memories, you retained basic reasoning.”

“Then, Elder Brother, who exactly am I?”

“You already know I’m not your elder brother, so why call me Elder Brother?”

“Although I know you are not my elder brother, I can tell you sincerely care about me. However, I don’t know why.”

“Erm…am I that easy to read?”

“Elder Brother, you…are easy to read.”

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