Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 16:1: Chen Heng’s Girlfriend, Part 1

Huh? Chen Heng eyed the expressionless Luo Li. The look on his face was nothing short of marvelous.

Since Luo Li had the triple protection of her system, the Re:Life Chat Group, and the Primal Chaos Bell, and she was also a time ability user, Chen Heng needed to concentrate hard to glimpse her future.

Out of trust for Luo Li, he hadn’t delved deep into her future, taking only a cursory look.

It was like someone reading a book by only glancing at the outline. Chen Heng had never expected Luo Li to say something like that.

He looked at Luo Li again and found her face still expressionless. In a way, her ability to say such an embarrassing thing while stonefaced was a talent in itself.

“Luo Li, don’t take that to heart. I was just joking,” Chen Heng said.


“You people from other worlds are truly something else!” Tohsaka Rin hadn’t expected such a seemingly cold and aloof Time Witch to say something so cheesy.


“Little Rin, Little Sakura, this is your elder cousin Chen Heng, your elder cousin Sirin, who was adopted by Chen Heng’s family, and your cousin Jeanne d’Arc, Chen Heng’s elder sister, and this is Chen Heng’s girlfriend, Luo Li. These two are your elder cousin’s friends, Roman and his girlfriend, Barbie. They’ve come to Japan for a visit, so they’ll be staying at our place. You haven’t seen each other in a long time, so get acquainted. I’ll prepare some fruit.” Tohsaka Aoi introduced Chen Heng and his companions to Tohsaka Rin and her younger sister, then went off to prepare fruit, leaving Tohsaka Rin staring in confusion at her “cousins.”

“…” Tohsaka Rin suddenly felt her world was going insane, unable to comprehend how these people had disguised their identities so perfectly.

“Little Sakura, do you remember me?” Chen Heng asked, moving to Sakura and patting her head after Tohsaka Aoi left.

“Yes, it’s been a long time, Elder Brother Chen Heng.”

“Good girl! Here, take this necklace, a gift from Elder Brother Chen Heng,” Chen Heng said, handing Sakura a necklace with a calming effect.

“Thank you, Elder Brother.”

Sakura is really polite, knowing how to express gratitude after receiving a gift. Tohsaka Rin took the orb earlier without even a word of thanks. Chen Heng did not even think about what he had done to Tohsaka Rin.

“Elder Brother Chen Heng, can you come here for a moment? I have something private to tell you,” Tohsaka Rin said, pulling Chen Heng aside without waiting for his consent.

“It’s Little Rin! Do you want a gift too?”

“Shut up! How did you manage all this? You even have a series of legal IDs, and I can’t find anything wrong.”

“It couldn’t be helped. Root personally helped us fabricate these identities. If you found anything amiss, it would embarrass Root, wouldn’t it?”

“Root? Do you think you can fool me? If you don’t want to say it, fine! Humph!” Tohsaka Rin was clearly dissatisfied with Chen Heng’s uncooperative attitude and left to find her younger sister with a cold snort.

“Does nobody believe the truth anymore?” Chen Heng wondered aloud. Root had indeed created their identities. After all, Root was the world consciousness. It had only cost him five points to purchase temporary world legal IDs for his group from Root.

The Dimension Administrators Association typically offered its members certain privileges while carrying out their tasks, so they wouldn’t have to pay for IDs. However, Chen Heng had Luo Li with him, so Root charged a small symbolic fee.

After Tohsaka Aoi finished slicing the fruit, she returned, tray in hand.

A warm and friendly conversation unfolded between Chen Heng, Tohsaka Aoi, and the others.

Tohsaka Rin, sitting nearby, found herself left out of the conversation. Chen Heng had instructed Root to block Tohsaka Rin’s access to the fabricated memories, leaving her uncomfortable.

Thanks to the world consciousness, Chen Heng and his companions could move in with their bags without even needing to clean up their rooms themselves. Everything was prepared by the world consciousness, which was simply fantastic.

For reasons unknown, the world consciousness, or Root, or Root Shiki, or Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki, had set up Luo Li as Chen Heng’s girlfriend. This created a slight hiccup in the room assignments.

Chen Heng suspected that Root Shiki had done it on purpose, wanting to create a spectacle. However, he had no proof.

Roman and the Queen of Sheba shared a room; Sirin and Jeanne d’Arc were together; Fafnir and Benares, the two dragons, were relegated to the Poké Balls, and then came…

Chen Heng and Luo Li together in one room!

Upon hearing the room assignments, Sirin glared at Chen Heng and Luo Li, almost crushing her cup.

Luo Li was unfazed by Sirin’s glower. She’d been acting detached for so long that it had become second nature, and she didn’t see Sirin as a threat. Sirin could glare all she wanted; it was only the lament of the weak.

Chen Heng felt different, though. He felt incredibly embarrassed at Sirin’s black look. He hadn’t known Luo Li would be assigned as his girlfriend by the world consciousness, and Tohsaka Aoi had naturally assigned the pair to a room.

Before returning to her room, Tohsaka Aoi even made an encouraging gesture to Chen Heng. Huh? What is she up to? Is this some kind of special assist?

Chen Heng didn’t refuse. It wasn’t that he coveted Luo Li; he just didn’t care where he stayed. At the same time, he didn’t want to give Root Shiki the satisfaction of a show, so he did not object. In any case, he might not be sleeping on the bed for the next few days.

Chen Heng was focused on his Chiliad Sword Conception, which had only just formed one sword. He had planned to form one-tenth of his Chen Clan Sword Technique’s original sword conceptions into Will Energy swords before the college entrance exams. But then this happened.

However, Chen Heng had no regrets. Watching Merlin suffer seemed more urgent; his Chiliad Sword Conception could wait.

Condensing a Will Energy sword wasn’t hard, but it did consume Will Energy. He estimated that half of his Will Energy would suffice for one sword, which represented one sword conception.

Given Chen Heng’s cautious nature, he would not drain his Will Energy to below 60 percent. However, he had Luo Li now.

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