“It seems they die when they consume Divine Power.”

How long had we slept after staying up all night?

When we woke up, the Archmage informed us of this.

The beasts we’d brought back were similar to the Jahukaya of the Great Forest—though they were of different species and consumed Arcane Power instead—and could consume Divine Power, but doing so would result in their deaths.

“Since there are so few Jahukaya and transporting them to the Magic Tower took some time, the experiments only began two days ago… All the ones fed with Divine Power died.”

It seemed some of those few specimens had already died because of this experiment. I offered a silent prayer for the wizards who must be screaming right now.

Thanks to their sacrifice, we learned this wasn’t a new threat and Divine Power wasn’t ineffective against them. That was a huge relief.

“But that’s not the important part. What’s truly crucial is…”

“Finding out where these things came from, right?”


“Then, investigating the direction they came from… isn’t feasible, is it? Since they’re swarming from all directions.”

In the meantime, Deb and the Inquisitor exchanged opinions with the Archmage one by one. As for Bers? She was also present but nodding off.


“…Perhaps we should’ve let Berserk sleep a bit longer.”

“Should I take her to her room?”

No, she’d completely fallen asleep. Since the conversation began, she looked like she found the whole thing too difficult and incomprehensible, and she’d finally passed out.





Suddenly, the door to the dining room we were in flung open. Someone had kicked it open.

“What the hell? I heard they were staying here!”

His rapid approach made me think he might have something to tell us, but judging by his attitude, that didn’t seem to be the case.

But who the hell had kicked open the door to our lodging? Judging by his attire, he didn’t seem to be from the Temple.

There was no Magic Tower branch in this city, and his attire didn’t seem to suggest he was a wizard, either.

“And you are…”

“Wait, please wait! Didn’t I tell you to wait!”

“Oh my, second young master!!”

We were completely dazed for a moment. Just as the Archmage was about to say something, new figures burst into the room.

They were dressed like priests and staff—or should I call them servants, considering this place’s worldview?


They grabbed the initial intruder from both sides as if trying to apprehend him. Some even moved to close the open door.

However, that person who’d overcome all these efforts looked at us with a crooked gaze.

“I heard some Hero came to town. Is it you guys?”

Setting aside that he knew about us, his luxurious appearance perfectly matched his obnoxious attitude.

“Oh my, second young master!”

“We apologize. We will resolve this quickly, so please, dear guests, show some mercy and overlook this…”

“Get out of my way. I asked you! Are you those Heroes?!”

While I felt like shifting in place, I stared at that wealthy young man.

With my character setting applied, my personality wasn’t much better than his, so I had no intention of reprimanding him…

“Are you mute or something? Why aren’t you answering?”

“Second young master!!”

“Stop this! Even if you’re the Lord’s son, we can’t tolerate this any longer!”

That guy? What was his deal? How could he act like this in front of two nearly 2-meter-tall giants (Bers and the Archmage)?

I might not know my exact height, but I was around 190cm myself.

That guy had some serious guts. In his position, I would have been so scared that I’d barely get out a ‘Whoops, wrong door”, give a 90-degree bow, and get out of there as fast as possible.

“Berserk is amazed! How can a person get so round like that?”


“Indeed. I find that quite fascinating, as well.”


Amid all this, the clueless Bers blurted out her true feelings, and the pure-hearted Inquisitor agreed.

I had no intention of making fun of anyone’s weight, so I added nothing to their comments.

One of my friends once gained a lot of weight due to stress-induced overeating… Yeah. I’d show my concern, but I never made fun of them. That friend had a really tough time back then.

“Wh-What did you say? You dumb musclehead…!”

“Please, let’s just go, second young master!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“Let’s just leave it at that and move on.”

Everything aside, this guy would certainly be great at judo or wrestling. Usually, people who gained that much weight struggled to even hold their ground, but he resisted them with incredible strength.

“Let go! I can walk on my own! Damn it, I came all the way here for nothing.”

Of course, he would need to fix his personality first.

“Had I known there would be nothing but a young girl, a pale beast, and a dirty half-beast here, I wouldn’t have bothered trying to meet the Hero…”

“Second young master!!”

What did he just say? A young girl? A pale beast? A dirty half-beast? Was he joking??

“…Did you just insult the envoy of God and her companions?”

“So what if I did? What are you going to do about it?”

“Second young master, please…!”

Even to my ears, those were some serious insults. Imagine how those of this world would react.

The Temple officials, who were trying to use a moderate approach because he was the lord’s son—probably?—turned red with anger.

“How dare you insult the Archmage…!”

“Oh… Half-beast. It’s been a while since I last heard that insult…”


Our group reacted similarly.

The face of the Inquisitor, who usually stayed calm unless dealing with Demons, hardened, and the two who’d been insulted as beasts also wore chilling expressions.

“Can I kill him?”

Even the usually laid-back Berserk, who’d been yawning up until now, showed apparent changes. Not in her expression but in her tone, which became deadly serious.

“What did that musclehead just say—?!”

“Insulting the representative of God is the same as insulting God himself. We won’t tolerate this any longer. Take him away!”

“W-Wait a minute!”

“Wh-What?! You bastards!”

Whether fortunately or unfortunately, the Temple officials acted before our group could, moving decisively while shouting and exerting force.

“L-Let go! I’m the next lord, how could—O-Ow! Let go!!”

“Hah, not only did you blaspheme, but you also claim to be the next lord when there’s already a legitimate heir? We will report your obvious act of rebellion to the lord!”

“W-We’re doomed…”

In other words, they’d given up on controlling their strength. Seeing them use Divine Power made that abundantly clear.

From what I had seen of the Inquisitor’s power, he was 100% guaranteed to get some nasty bruises. He might even break a bone.

“L-Let go of me!”

“Take him away, throw him in the dungeon!”

Anyway, the servants who’d been desperately trying to stop him ended up with pathetic looks on their faces. Unable to do anything, they were just fumbling around helplessly.

“Stand down. Berserk, you too, put down your halberd.”

“But! That guy insulted you—”

“Can’t we just kill him?”

“If you're angry because you were insulted, that’s one thing. But there’s no need to do this for my sake, Inquisitor. And you too, Berserk. He’s being taken away anyway, so there’s no need to become a criminal by killing him.”

Meanwhile, as the man was getting dragged away, the Archmage sighed and pressed down on his temples.

“I’m sorry. This was a mistake on our part…”

One remaining priest, trying to make amends or perhaps out of desperation, bowed deeply in apology toward us.

Those statements weren’t really this priest’s fault, so he was probably apologizing for not stopping them beforehand.

“It alright. How could you have stopped the Lord’s son from coming here?”

“No, this was indeed our mistake. We should have been more careful, knowing what kind of person he is…”

“I said it’s alright. More importantly, are you okay? You were also insulted, yet I just dealt with it on my own like this…”

“Me? Yeah. I’m used to this. Besides, he was properly taken away and won’t be let off lightly. But are you okay, Mister Archmage?”

“…I’m fine. In my younger days, there were far more intolerant people like this.”


“They’re all idiots. Whether it’s race or whatever, break their necks and they all die just the same.”

At those two’s words, I felt a surge of frustration coming up. Berserk’s comment also nearly made me retort instinctively.

Honestly, it was true. Break their necks and, regardless of race, most living things would die.

“Don’t get used to insults. The same goes for you, Berserk. No one should be despised for what they were born as, nor should they become accustomed to it.”

“…You’re saying that after brushing off being called a young girl?”

“What’s wrong with that? I am young, and I am a girl, so what’s there to brush off?”

Did she not notice that it was intended as an insult? That was almost funny. Maybe that’s what one called a true mental victory.

“…Never mind if you didn’t get it. But if we’re talking about being despised, what about when you treated me like nothing but a criminal?”

“That’s…! I… I admit I was a bit quick to judge…! But still, acting like a thief and being treated like one is very different from being born a Curety and being treated like a half-beast!”

Maybe people oblivious to such things had an easier time in life.

While I was pondering about this, the Inquisitor shouted in her defense.

“Seriously. Are you defending or insulting me? You just admitted to thinking I was a mere thief.”

Deb grumbled as he sighed. He mostly seemed to be complaining because it was a little ridiculous. He wasn’t actually angry.

The Archmage smiled warmly.

* * *

“Oh, right. Hey, priest. You mentioned he was the lord’s son, but why did he come here?”

Deb, seemingly uncomfortable with this awkward atmosphere, changed the subject. I was curious about that, too.

Why did he come looking for us?

“Well, erm. I’m not entirely sure, but…”

Deb’s question left the priest a bit flustered.

However, he didn’t stubbornly insist that he didn’t know. Despite being told that an apology wasn’t necessary, this priest seemed to feel even guiltier.

He appeared to be struggling to give us an answer.

“Well… He probably came to urge you to hunt the beasts. Because of the sudden increase in wild animals, the young lady’s wedding has been postponed.”

That answer was somewhat surprising.

Seeing how he was referring to the young lady and the second young master separately, it seemed the young lady was probably his elder sibling. Even if he was a brute, did he still care for his family or something? That was odd, considering he claimed he would be the next lord.

“I can see why he’d want to rush us, knowing there is a Hero among us… but what does the wedding have to do with it?”

“Well… Sigh. The young lady’s marriage partner is the young lord of Ednium.”


“…A marriage between future lords? That’s rather unusual. Even in arranged marriages, they usually don’t link heirs.”

“Ah, it’s not an arranged marriage. It’s a love marriage.”

“Oh, a love marriage.”


“…The second young master probably thinks that after the wedding, the young lady will abdicate her position and move to that city.”

I finally understood. It was a very optimistic scenario, but not entirely impossible.

“Is he an idiot?”

“How foolish. To behave like that and believe he can become the Lord.”

“I don’t see what a wedding has to do with stepping down as heir.”

“That’s… quite the surprising assumption.”

Still, did he not consider the possibility that the other person might come here?

“…It’s not just because of the wedding. The lord and the young lady have quite the strained relationship, whereas the lord favors the second young master.”


Deb reflexively asked. However, the priest could only nod in agreement instead of taking it as a rude gesture.

“We are just as puzzled about that, as well. The young lady is very wise and intelligent, much like her mother, but for some reason, the lord… Oh, I apologize. As a servant of God, I shouldn’t speak ill of others.”

“It’s alright. The Lord will forgive you.”

Well, I wouldn’t even count this as speaking ill of someone. Discussing other people’s family matters casually wasn't good, but this much? It could only be considered a warning rather than actual slander, right?

“Good grief. Such is the nature of mortals.”

“At least he’ll receive proper punishment this time. For an insult of this magnitude, he’ll likely be sent to a monastery, so even if the young lady leaves for another city, there’s no chance of him ever being appointed lord.”

While I was lost in thought, the Inquisitor spoke with relief. Her tone made it clear that she never wanted to see that guy become lord.

The priest’s expression became more complex.

“He probably won’t be sent to a monastery.”


“He’s the lord’s favored child. He’ll find a way to smooth this over somehow.”

“…You’re saying he’ll cover up an offense committed against none other than my companions within Temple grounds?”

“…Given the precedent, the lord or the young lady will likely come to the Temple, kneel in apology, and donate a substantial sum of money, probably in the millions. That amount would help thousands, so we’ve turned a blind eye until now… But this time, we’ll fully adhere to the Hero’s wishes. Yes.”

The Inquisitor’s and Deb’s expressions twisted in displeasure while Berserk softly muttered, “We should have just killed him, after all,” in the background.

* * *

“My deepest apologies.”

Unfortunately, the priest’s prediction turned out to be spot on.

In less than an hour, the young lady arrived, carrying an enormous amount of money.

“It is my fault for not properly looking after my brother. Please show mercy.”

She didn’t hesitate to immediately kneel before us, even though it wasn’t her fault.

Perhaps it wasn’t because she considered her brother’s mistake her own, but because she was too accustomed to doing this.

“…Please stand up.”

At the Inquisitor’s words, the young lady gracefully rose. Her black hair flowed smoothly, almost like silk.

“We didn’t ask for this kind of apology.”

“…My apologies.”

“Moreover, an apology from you, someone unrelated to this incident, is even less acceptable.”

At the kimchi dumpling’s words, the young lady closed her eyes tightly, her cherry blossom-colored irises hidden beneath her eyelids.

“What I seek is an apology from the one who insulted my comrades and a fitting punishment for him.”

In response to the Inquisitor’s demand, the young lady opened her eyes again. A troubled look briefly appeared in them before she suppressed it.

“…I humbly ask of you, as a representative of God, could you please accept my apology for the sake of my honor?”

“Explain to me how accepting your apology would protect your honor?”

There it was: the Inquisitor’s habit of taking things literally, unable to grasp the subtleties of nuanced speech, and throwing in a direct question.

It left the young lady frozen. Her expression remained calm, but internally, she was probably struggling to find the right words.


“Why should I apologize?!”

However, whatever she had been about to say became utterly useless. The culprit, showing not a single sign of remorse, had stepped forward.

The young lady’s gentle eyes momentarily turned cold.

“So what if you're the Hero? You’ll just end up dying to some Demons anyway—”

With that comment, he’d crossed the line and also inadvertently attacked my character.




“Demon Knight!”

I’d been waiting for this opportunity, and it was handed to me on a silver platter.

I knew violence wasn’t the answer, but the urge to smash his damn head in was just too strong. With that comment, he had forced my hand.

“Say that again.”

I stomped the ground right before him—more like smashed it—creating a crater, and drew my sword with less than 70 cm between us.

“Who did you say would die to the Demons?”


Maybe because the impact had shaken the ground before him, he fell backward, so I didn’t even use my full height to look down on him.

I had raised my sword, positioned such that I could pierce his ample belly.

“S-Second young master!”

“I asked you who. Would. Die. To. The Demons?”

The sheer ferocity in my voice kept him from looking away. Good.

“If you harm the second young master—”

“I wasn’t asking you.”

Nice, nice. Since I happened to be standing with my back to the light, this should scare the damn wretch properly, right?

“If you don’t want your tongue ripped out, you better shut up.”


That guy was kind of funny, in a way. Despite being surrounded by servants and guards, none seemed willing to risk their lives to save him.

No one respected him at all.

“Well, looks like I lost my prey to you again, huh?”

“…Were you also planning to intervene? Please, just be patient.”

“But someone like him doesn’t deserve to live—”

“Uwaah. You’re right, but could you keep it down? He can hear you!”

Meanwhile, Bers also seemed about to act. However, unlike me, she wouldn’t do so while considering the consequences of her actions but with the full intent to kill.

“I-I’m the s-son of the lord…”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“I-If you harm me…”

Maybe it was for the best that I had stepped up. At least my plan only involved threats.

After all, this guy was the lord’s favorite child, right?

Threats could be brushed off if followed with an apology, but causing actual harm would be pushing it a bit too far.

Even if we had the Hero's backing, making an enemy of this place’s lord wouldn’t be wise, especially since what I was doing wasn’t entirely legal.

“That’s also not the answer to my question.”


So, I only raised my sword as if planning to stab him. The fact that he thought I would actually do it was a deliberately created misunderstanding.


…Though this wasn’t something I’d intended.

I saw a certain someone’s pants darken with liquid and discreetly bit the inside of my cheek.

Exchanging someone’s dignity for a more natural exit strategy seemed like a fair trade-off.

“…It would be an insult to my blade to dirty it with the blood of a worm like you. Don’t ever show yourself to me again.”

I sheathed my unswung sword. Then, I quickly stepped back, avoiding the urine creeping toward my shoes.

My gears’ automatic cleaning function was one thing, but getting unnecessarily sullied by that stuff was another.

“…Let’s consider this matter settled, Inquisitor.”


“No matter the crime, we don't have the right to threaten someone’s life. Ending things here is in everyone’s best interest, don’t you think?”

And with that, the prolonged argument seemed to end. As I left the room, I glanced back to listen to the conversation continuing behind me.

“I don’t mind at all.”

“Pfft. Berserk doesn’t mind, either. I don’t want to see that pathetic fool anymore.”

“…If that’s the consensus, we’ll proceed as such. The money I brought will still be donated. And as for you all, take responsibility. Take Hyden back to the castle.”

“…Yes! Young lady!”

“Th-Th-This is insane… How could you… do this to me…?”

And just like that, the situation was resolved with a compromise.

“…Originally, I came here to discuss something of more import with you all.”

“Well, if that discussion is for everyone’s benefit, why would this incident affect it?”

“…Very well, with your permission, may I proceed with the conversation?”

“That depends on what you have to say.”

“It’s about a letter we received from Ednium.”

And so, the resolution of one matter brought about a new development.

It felt like our vague and uncertain situation was finally about to clear up.


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