“Where have you been?”

Immediately after buying the thread, I returned to the Temple.

Because the shop was in the lower district, a round trip took roughly an hour, which unfortunately made it impossible for me to slip out and come back unnoticed.

The Archmage was in the dining/living room, pouring some tea.

– Is someone there? –

In front of him was a spherical object, probably a communication device. From it, I could hear White Wind’s voice.

“It’s just the Demon Knight, no need to worry.”

– Aah. You were quite busy this morning. –

Despite my worries about being interrogated over where I went, the matter was brushed aside so easily. It was surprising, yet pretty unsurprising.

After all, it was unusual to question someone about where they’d been on the morning of their day off. It was just that, considering the incident I’d caused yesterday and other circumstances, I kind of felt guilty on my own.

I tried not to show any sign of that while crossing the room.

Our lodgings were structured like a typical family home, with the rooms connected around a central living room, so there was no other way to reach my room.

– Anyway, let me continue. You know those Arcane serpents we transported over first? It’s about those… –

However, it was hard for me to ignore these words.

When the Jahukaya were mentioned, I hesitated before my room’s door. Since this could be related to Demons, it wasn’t easy for me to decide whether to stay and listen or just go inside.

Noticing my hesitation, the Archmage silently pointed to a chair.


– To conclude, nothing unusual has been found yet. –

Instead of refusing, I silently sat in the seat he’d gestured toward.

– Since there are only four of them, we’re handling them very cautiously, so we’ve been unable to conduct proper experiments yet. –

Despite already having some tea prepared, the Archmage went ahead and poured out some fresh water. He let well-dried tea leaves plop into the water.

The difference in tea color suggested he was brewing with different tea leaves this time.

– All we’ve discovered is that they can consume Arcane Power fixed in the air but not contained in material, like a barrier. Within a certain distance, they can sense and move toward sources of Arcane Power, regardless of whether it has substance. –

Meanwhile, White Wind continued his explanation.

– Ah, and unlike the one we caught last time, which had traces of Demonic Energy, these new ones have none. After observing them for a few days, I don’t believe they hold even a shred of Demonic Energy. It’s still uncertain whether they can transform Demonic Energy into Arcane Power.

Sitting here felt like a waste of time, as this information didn’t seem particularly useful.

After all, if they didn’t contain Demonic Energy, there was no reason to pursue this any further. Their Arcane Power-consuming nature was something the wizards had to handle themselves.

“Not all beings born from concentrated Arcane Power contain Demonic Energy. That’s some good news, at least.”

– So what? There’s a high probability of them possessing the ability to consume Arcane Power. We’re doomed if that’s true. –

“Aren’t we already trying hard to avoid that fate? It’s alright.”

– Uuurgh, how annooooying. –

For some reason, I stared at the brewing tea more intently. White Wind’s whining didn’t concern me much, and there was little else to focus on, so I fixed my gaze on it in a daze.

But why did the tea’s aroma resemble the one I liked so much?

“Anyway, good work. How about the area in the Great Forest?”

─ My subordinates are still moving within the Jatav territory, so I’ve yet to receive any reports. The Mountain Lord mentioned something, though… It seems the Mountain Lord itself possesses Demonic Energy. However, it found the energy so unpleasant that it converted all of it into Arcane Power. –

“Considering one’s very origins unpleasant. How interesting.”

– Maybe it’s because it wasn’t entirely born from fully corrupted Arcane Power. After being born, it absorbed all the old Arcane Power, but that power was a bit weaker than pure Demonic Energy. –

While pondering whether it was mere coincidence that the Archmage brewed me this tea I particularly liked despite having other tea prepared, I couldn’t help but wonder.

Did he notice? But there shouldn’t be any reason for the Archmage to cater specifically to my tastes.

“…If that’s the case, it might explain why the Jahukaya haven’t any Demonic Energy. Perhaps whether one is born with Demonic Energy depends on the degree of corruption of the Arcane Power from which they were born.”

– I think so, too. We’ll need to check where the Jatav are raising these snakes to be sure, but it’s highly likely. –

After thinking about it for a bit longer, I decided to stop. Whether the Archmage was intentionally or coincidentally catering to my tastes, I chose to simply accept the tea gratefully.

– We’ll need to verify that… When are you coming today? –

“Will you be conducting tests today?”

– Of course. Did you expect us to delay the tests when we don’t even know when you’ll leave again? –

“…I appreciate the consideration.”

The conversation could essentially be summarized as a premonition of the hardships to come, so I didn't really have to concern myself with it.

Given the earlier discussion, it was clear we’d be facing creatures capable of consuming Arcane Power, possibly even some harboring Demonic Energy, in the future.

Considering the Mountain Lord, we’d also likely encounter intelligent beings with these traits, further complicating the task of distinguishing friend from foe.

“Did you hear that, Demon Knight?”

Meanwhile, having finished brewing tea, the Archmage began to pour it into cups as he spoke. Although I hadn’t exactly paid full attention to the conversation, I hadn’t missed much, so I just narrowed my eyes.

“What time?”

– Come whenever is convenient for you. It’d be better if you came during the day, though. –

“Then it would be best to leave after we have a meal. What do you think?”

That would be good. I nodded, and the Archmage, having settled our schedule, ended the call with White Wind.

“Here, take it.”

Instead, he handed me a teacup. I reflexively reached out to take it.



Right before I could take the cup, the Archmage pulled it back.

“Take it.”

Just when I thought he was playing a prank on me, the Archmage held out the cup once more. However, just as I was about to take it, he withdrew his hand again.

“…What is this?”

What was this? Seriously. Was the Archmage trying to train me like a pet dog?

“Just say ‘thank you’.”

…Was he really trying to train me?!

“What are you—”

“I’ve never heard you say ‘thank you’ before, that’s why.”

Th-Th-That was true. I’d never actually said it, not even once, due to my character setting.

I blinked, caught between the stark reality presented and the constraints of my character settings. It was the only natural reaction I could give, since I couldn’t let my eyes wander.

“Just say ‘thank you’. I’ll give it to you then.”

But this was just too much! Far too much!!

I was thrown into a wild storm of emotions.

The sheer absurdity of the situation, which made me want to laugh, thoughts about why the Archmage was doing this, and the existential crisis of whether I should really be acting like this at my age, even if it was part of my character setting.


However, what came before these emotions was my character setting. As always.

“Do you think I’m your dog?”

No, I mean, my character wasn’t a small child anymore, and more than anything, he wouldn’t bend his pride for just a simple cup of tea. He wasn’t obsessed with food.

Besides, while the real me might be relaxed, my character wasn’t at all happy about this situation.

From constant Demon-related issues to our recent encounter with that bastard in the Great Forest, and even being interrupted by Bers while trying to rest in town, it was just one thing after another.

Was that all? The Mountain Lord had also completely shaken my values, so there was no way I would react positively to this.

“Looks like you're greatly underestimating me now.”

I deliberately made a loud noise as I stood up, visibly furious. This act would definitely drop the Archmage’s favorability to -100.

Of course, it wasn’t like his favorability was positive to begin with, anyway.

“You seem to be under the illusion that you leash me, using the Demon as an excuse—”

Tap, tap, tap!

Just as I was about to raise my voice, my lips and eyes twitching in anger, there was a sudden presence outside our lodging.

It was moving quickly, as if fleeing from something or preparing to attack.


I swiftly kicked the table away—to clear the space around us—and placed my hand on my sword.

“Just what…”

The Archmage had also instinctively raised his staff as he abruptly stood up. At that moment, the door was violently flung open.

If the person entering had applied just a bit more force, the door might have been ripped off its hinges.

“Huff, huff.”

However, it didn’t matter how roughly they entered. What mattered was that this person was the meat dumpling.

He seemed somewhat pale, at that.



If it was Deb, we didn’t need to be on guard. I released my sword’s hilt and brought my slightly spread legs back together. Deb began to speak, leaning against the door to catch his breath.



No, he started but stopped midway.

“…It’s nothing.”

Something had clearly happened, so what did he mean by nothing?

I frowned deeply at Deb, who’d gone quiet. Since he didn’t say anything, I couldn’t ask anything, either, so this was a natural reaction.

The problem was that Deb’s interruption had disrupted the whole atmosphere, making it somewhat awkward to continue my confrontation with the Archmage.

In the end, I just walked past the table I’d pushed aside and headed for the door Deb had come through. Since the tea had also been knocked over along with the table, I was careful not to slip on the spilled liquid.

Deb, who’d just caught his breath, looked between me and the Archmage.

“Erm, did something happen…?”

Oh, it had, but he could hear the details from the Archmage.

I walked past Deb, a stern expression on my face.

Where should I go? Well, it was almost mealtime, and since I definitely couldn’t eat anything here under these circumstances, I figured I should find a decent place for a meal and then head to the Magic Tower.

I could eat whatever I wanted without worrying about anyone else.

* * *

* * *

“Seriously, what happened??”

Deathbringer asked urgently, contrasting the Demon Knight’s face, which had been fairly unbothered this morning, with the vastly different one he’d had just now when walking past.

Although he wasn’t in a particularly good mood himself, seeing the Demon Knight’s expression made his anger practically vanish.

“It’s the usual. I made a little mistake. But it seems like you have a story to tell yourself here.”

“S-Something just happened.”

A moment ago, he said it was nothing, but only because the Demon Knight was there. Instinctively, he’d decided not to share this.

However, coming face-to-face with the Demon Knight’s fierce expression must have been quite a shock, given how he’d forgotten all the words he’d been planning to say.

Deathbringer wiped away the sweat. He had no idea whether it appeared due to his rush here or the Demon Knight’s killing intent.

“What did you do to make him that upset? He seemed fine earlier.”

“It’s nothing serious. He… Despite not liking to mingle with us, he tolerates quite a bit, doesn’t he? Whether he does so because he’s aware of the Demon or simply because he considers it unnecessary, I can’t say.”


“Still, he seemed to have mellowed out a bit lately… So, I thought it was time to take the first step to close the distance and slowly develop a proper relationship. As you saw, it didn’t go too well. I suppose it’s still too early.”

“Mister Wizaaaard…”

Hearing this, it didn’t sound like a big deal.

He didn’t know what precisely the wizard had done to make the Demon Knight so angry, but this had to be done at some point.

Although they’d come together with a common goal, it was abnormal for everyone to constantly walk on eggshells around the Demon Knight. Even if getting him to see completely eye to eye with them was impossible, something had to change so they could at least communicate normally.

“But are you okay? Did someone attack you?”

“An attack… Probably not. I think.”

“Probably not?”

With his worries settled, only his own problems remained. Deathbringer scratched the back of his head as the Archmage looked at him.

“Since I wasn’t directly injured.”

“…Not being injured isn’t the same as not being harmed by something. What happened?”

Well, how should he explain this?

Deathbringer recalled the person he had encountered earlier and the words that person had said.

Have you ever felt resentful of your significantly inferior level of strength? Following someone you admire so much, yet feeling disgusted with yourself for being unable to help him at all?

“…I don’t know.”

He replayed the words that person’s black tongue had whispered into his ears.

You needn’t be so cautious. I’m just trying to help you. Honestly, isn’t it annoying? That infuriating priest, that frustrating girl, being more useful than you.

“It’s just, just…”

But I can help you. I can make you stronger than anyone, so long as you desire it.


Yes, I can make you stronger than that Hero. As long as that’s what you want.

Those words were more potent a poison than any he’d brought back from the Great Forest.

“Damn it.”

The more he ruminated on this, the more pitiful his situation seemed.

Knowing this, Deathbringer shook his head vigorously and closed his eyes tightly.

“I think I just got possessed by a Demon. I’m not sure if it really was a Demon, though.”

“What do you mean…?”

“It’s just, it felt like the things it said were exactly what a Demon would say. Like a con artist… something like that.”

“What did it say…?”

“Nothing much. Just stuff like, ‘Aren’t you jealous of the Hero?’ or, ‘I can make you stronger.’ Those kinds of things.”

Besides, he wasn’t stupid enough to fall for such things or careless enough to hide something like that.

Sure, it was pretty dumb of him to have been too shocked to even think of putting a shadow on that thing, but at least he wasn’t foolish enough to fall for such sweet talk and do something rash.

“It knew you were the Hero’s companion?”

“Yeah. If it hadn’t mentioned that, I would’ve thought it was just a regular con artist. But it was so suspicious, you know? My blade also reacted to it. And I don’t know if it was just an illusion or whatnot, but it felt like I saw something like a whale.”

Of course, yeah.

There was no way he could admit to anyone that he was even the slightest bit tempted by the proposition.

“…This isn't normal. Let’s keep this to ourselves for now. If the others hear about this, they’ll drop everything and go on a wild goose chase despite having gotten barely any rest.”

“Got it.”

That natural-born Hero, steadfast and straightforward despite all the obstacles in her way, wasn’t someone a shabby, orphaned thief should be jealous of.

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