“Wahaha! Buddy! How do you feel after breaking a sweat? Refreshing, right?!”

I glared at Bers, who was laughing heartily.

However, she was right; after this game-like fight, I felt more relaxed, but…

“…Are you seriously laughing right now?”

Facing the Archmage, who looked exhausted to the point of seeming completely deflated, my conscience, which I’d completely neglected during this game, started kicking in.

I averted my eyes, feeling a bit guilty. Even for someone as shameless as me, this was a bit too much.

“Wow. You really went all out on this…”

No wonder… Our fight had practically obliterated the bridge connecting the Magic Tower to the town. The bridge over the lake was almost entirely destroyed.

There wasn’t a single part left intact, from the railings to the pillars to the deck.

Some sections were so thoroughly smashed that they’d even sunk into the water, leaving some gaps. The only good thing was that the Magic Tower’s main building remained undamaged.

I’d tried my hardest not to damage it, but still.

“And it appears the Temple even sent some people here. Hmph! After seeing all this commotion, I suppose it would have been stranger if they hadn’t!”

Thanks to our actions, the place was bustling with not just members of the Magic Tower but also the city guards, adventurers sent by the Adventurers’ Guild to assess the situation, and even priests who’d rushed out to prepare for any emergency.

And all of them were staring at me and Bers sitting in a corner.

I didn’t really know why they were just watching. Maybe they were scared? Judging by how they were arguing about who should approach us first, it seemed that way.

“…I can already guess the reason, but I’ll ask anyway. Why did you fight?”

The first to approach us had been the Archmage. He’d crossed the lake by boat and was now looking at us resignedly.

However, if I had any shame left, I couldn’t just blurt out that Bers had started it. Not that he would see it that way, but even if he did, it wouldn’t change that I’d willingly participated.

Even if it wasn’t my intention, I couldn’t deny that we’d fought and caused this mess.

“Berserk wanted to fight right now! So we fought!”

But unlike me, who’d stayed silent for the above reasons—it actually wasn’t part of my act—Bers shouted her answer proudly.

She was so confident that anyone listening might think we hadn’t done anything wrong here.

“Miss Fiiighter…”

“That’s not something to be proud of…”

Of course, that wasn’t the case, though.

I avoided the gazes of the kimchi and meat dumplings, who’d tried to stop us but ended up helplessly watching the fight after the bridge collapsed. I especially avoided Akata’s gaze.

I felt so embarrassed, like an adult getting caught acting foolish—because that’s what had happened.

But see, if I break character, I could lose my life, you know? So, I had no choice but to go along with it, okay? Although I did enjoy it, I’d also tried to minimize the damage, right?

Shouldn’t that count for something?

“Demon Knight, what about you?”

Right, probably not. No matter how much I was acting, this amount of damage was inexcusable. Uwaah.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?”

I glanced at the Archmage, who was questioning me. Naturally, even if I had a hundred mouths, there was nothing I could say.

“Demon Knight.”

…S-Still, I did feel I was being treated a bit unfairly.

I truly didn’t think things would end up like this.

I’d realized something was wrong when Bers started smashing the railings and tried to move.

It was just that Bers was so skilled that I’d failed to escape, and so, as a last resort, I even threw myself into the lake!

I’d voluntarily plunged into the lake to avoid harming others! I even volunteered to be a punching bag every time others were about to get involved in this!

Bers caused most of the damage to the bridge, anyway! I hardly broke anything!

“Demon Knight!”

…But yeah. Of course. As the one who fought with Bers, I also bore some responsibility… Especially since I didn’t exactly dislike fighting her.

Damn it! If I’d known this would happen, I wouldn’t have allowed myself to get carried away like that…!

“…How much.”


“I will compensate you.”

The problem was that my character would never admit his mistakes.

It’s not like I thought money could solve everything, but did he really think my character, with his immense pride, would readily admit to this?

Considering the backstory I’d created for this character, it was highly likely he rarely had to admit his mistakes and, therefore, hadn’t learned how to apologize appropriately.

I mean, if he’d spent his whole life only hunting Demons, how often would he have caused this type of incident? And even if he did cause trouble, it would have been minor and probably got resolved with either threats or money.

So, there was no way he would feel remorse.

Showing that here would break character.

“Do you… think I’m asking for compensation? While that is indeed necessary, there’s one thing in this world that takes priority.”

B-But this was so painful! My conscience hurt so much! It was actually killing me!

As the Archmage continued to speak in a calm, lecturing manner, I was screaming internally.

Of course, I knew that an apology should come before offering compensation!

I really, really wanted to apologize as well!

“Demon Knight.”

However, what could I do when my character was supposed to be damn stubborn! I knew what he’d do to me if I broke character here!

I kept my mouth shut while crying inside. Being unable to apologize when I really wanted to was incredibly frustrating, but I had no choice.

That was the character I’d chosen to act as, and therefore, I had to bear this guilt. I had to endure it with sheer willpower.

My eyes started growing warm with all the frustration I felt.

“What’s the problem? Berserk will also compensate! Berserk has money!”

Meanwhile, Bers was shouting loudly. In that instant, the Archmage’s expression started to shift through a series of emotions.

At first, he looked like someone who’d just heard some absurd nonsense, then like someone who’d realized some strange, profound truth.

“…That’s not the point. In times like these… before discussing compensation, you should first seek forgiveness. That is the right way.”

I didn’t know what precisely the Archmage had realized in that brief moment, but he spoke in a slightly gentler voice.

It seemed he’d come to understand that our emotional maturity was less than that of a three-year-old.

“Don’t you apologize by giving compensation?”

“Compensation doesn’t always only consist of something material. Sometimes, you can just atone with heartfelt words. Of course, given the scale of this incident, material compensation is also necessary.”

“Is that so…? My sister also said that if you make a mistake, you should apologize first.”

After some coaxing and persuasion from the Archmage, Bers stopped scratching her head and stood up. A few drops of water scattered as she moved, showing she wasn’t completely dry yet.

“Okay! I’ll apologize!”

“Good. Then go to the guards. Answer all their questions honestly.”

“Got it!”

At that moment, my partner, who shared in my guilt, left. I was now alone.

“Demon Knight.”

Sh-Should I just say I’m sorry? Should I??

B-But if I apologized, wouldn’t I be breaking character? Wouldn’t he doubt me if I complied too readily?

I felt my head spin from this Schrödinger’s apology dilemma.

Offering an apology here could lead to my character’s collapse, or it might not. I imagined a cat pointing at an apple, muttering an apple-ogy.

“Erm, Mister.”

At that moment, Deb slipped the Archmage a note. Since the paper was high quality, the letters didn’t show through the back, so I couldn’t see what was written on it.

I could only see the Archmage’s expression hardening.

“…I’ll let this slide for now. However, when the guards come to ask questions, be sure to cooperate.”

Wh-What the heck? What had the Archmage been shown for him to back off like this? Did something happen?

I bit my lip slightly as I watched the Archmage disappear into the crowd.

I really wanted to apologize for my actions but couldn’t, and I didn’t even know what was going on, either.

How frustrating.

* * *

* * *

“…Is this true?”

Meanwhile, the Archmage was verifying the authenticity of what was written on the note. The man with dark green eyes nodded slightly.

“I see.”

Family. So that was what this was about.

Was he reminiscing about his family? Berserk had interrupted him, which apparently led to this fight…

“I’m not certain, but if that weren’t the case, Mister Knight would have no reason to draw something like that…”


There was no need to think hard about why his family had suddenly come to mind.

He might have seen his lost family in Akata, and in any case, it wouldn’t be strange for him to suddenly start thinking of his family for no reason, either.

Yeah, but still.

Kill them! I have already murdered my own blood. What difference would the blood of these children make?!

After hearing those words, how could he reprimand him further? The Demon Knight wasn’t in the right, but how could he chastise someone who’d confessed to killing kin and was now reminiscing about them so deeply?

He couldn’t.

“For now, keep an eye on the Demon Knight. He probably won’t cause any more trouble, but you never know.”


The Archmage concealed his complicated feelings and sent the young man away. Given his perceptiveness, he could observe the Demon Knight without provoking him.

“Did you talk to him?”

Instead, he approached White Wind. Of the people he needed to talk to for the cleanup, White Wind was at the top of the list.

“…First, let me apologize on his behalf. I’ll also take care of the compensation.”

“Why? Even though you’re in the same party, you don’t have to handle all this for him. It’s not like the Demon Knight is short on money.”

“…That’s true. I have no reason to do this. He could probably pay for the repairs himself.”

But, but…

The Archmage glanced sideways at the person whose eyes had reddened slightly after being urged to reflect. He recalled the face of the man, someone with the power to shatter this whole bridge single-handedly, looking like a hurt boy just from being asked to apologize.

Seriously. When looked at without bias, he was still so young and imperfect.

“Isn’t it an adult’s duty to take responsibility to protect a child?”

While his body was already fully grown, his mind remained so immature.

However, after piecing together his comments and actions, it became clear that there had to be reasons behind them, which made it all the sadder.

The Archmage could no longer be angry with the Demon Knight.

“…A child?”

“I didn’t say this expecting you to understand, so just ignore it.”

“No, well, he does seem young… but isn’t he a bit strong to be called a child?”

“The strength of the body and the development of the mind are separate. You know that.”

“Well… That’s true.”

How could one be angry, knowing he’d probably lost his family at a very young age, perhaps even killing them himself while possessed by a Demon?

It was far too much to criticize him for being immature when his past weighed so heavily on him.

“Even so, I don’t know if it’s right to care for a fully grown adult like that…”

“I'm not planning to do everything for him. Just this time.”

“Well. Fine. It doesn’t really matter to me, anyway. We just want our compensation. But those guys might feel differently about this, you know?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll handle the explanations and apologies.”

“You’d better.”

Of course, that didn’t mean he would let this incident slide.

Understanding that he’d grown up without learning to apologize properly and simply letting it go were two very different matters.

Especially since he’d realized this, he shouldn’t just pass it off. He needed to help fill that void. That was his duty as a person and as someone who’d lived a bit longer.

“Uhm, Archmage. About the Demon Knight…”

“Ah, Inquisitor. Don’t worry. What you think will happen… won’t.”

“Erm, but shouldn’t the Demon Knight be arrested for this?”

“No, not necessarily. Unless the Magic Tower requests a severe punishment, it’ll likely end with just a fine.”

“If it’s because I’m a Hero, that would be an abuse of power…”

“Ah, it’s definitely not that, so don’t worry.”

He knew it wouldn’t be easy. Just educating the Hero on social norms was already incredibly difficult.

But just because it was challenging didn’t mean he could give up. The Archmage began mentally organizing his social education plan for the Demon Knight.

So far, he’d assumed the other’s behavior was just due to a poor personality and left it alone, but now that he understood the reason, he could no longer ignore it.


“Yes? What did you say, Mister?”


However, a certain someone getting an ominous feeling akin to a chill running down his spine and breaking into a cold sweat was, unfortunately, something the Archmage would never know about.

* * *

I suddenly shivered, an ominous feeling running through my body. There were too many potential sources to pinpoint the exact one.

“Mister, you don’t look so good—”

“I said it’s nothing.”

No… This might just be because of my guilty conscience…

I kept my mouth shut as I crouched down slightly. Of course, I didn't do it in an undignified way. I couldn’t afford to lose any more dignity.


At that moment, Akata quietly approached me. In her hand was a bracelet identical to the one she’d given me earlier.

【I made two, just in case…】

Ah, erm, was she giving me another one? Did she think I lost the first one?

I looked at the bracelet she handed me with mixed feelings. After venting properly during the fight by the lake, I didn’t feel like crying anymore. I still felt a bit complicated, similar to before, but less intense.


Despite everything, I managed to accept the bracelet calmly.

Wait, but I already had one in my inventory. Still, I wasn’t sure whether she was giving me another one because she thought I lost it.

And even if she did… it would be a bit awkward if I suddenly said, “I didn’t actually lose it, I still have it!” and showed it to her.


I called out to her and put the bracelet in my bag… or tried to. I would have if the kid hadn’t looked a little hurt.

Well, I guess I should wear it now, right?

However, wouldn’t putting it on right away be breaking character? Besides, how was I supposed to put it on with just one hand?

Unable to put it in my bag or wear it, I kept holding it. Then, the child came closer, her hand out, apparently intending to put it on for me.

She secured it around my left wrist. The memory of chains binding my whole body, including my neck, came to mind and left me slightly uncomfortable, but since it was just on my wrist, I could bear it.

I lacked the courage to say anything else in this situation.

An awkward silence fell over me, the child, and Deb, who’d gotten caught in the middle of all this.


At that moment, someone who looked like a guard approached me. It seemed this was what the Archmage had meant when he said I should cooperate with the guards, and I was actually quite pleased with this development.

Come now, save me from this awkwardness! If you ask me for my cooperation, I’ll gladly do anything you want, so just get me out of here!

“The investigation is almost complete, but there’s still something we need to address…”


I stood up, listening to the trembling guard. Since my character wasn’t supposed to be happy about this situation, I adjusted my expression accordingly.

Maybe that’s why this guard, who already appeared to be on the verge of fainting, looked even more distressed. But, well, I figured he’d be fine since I wasn’t planning to eat him alive or something.


“He’ll have to go alone. You’ll stay with me.”


And so, I was led to the investigation room set up by the guards.

Fortunately, it was deemed just a big squabble between young people. Given the Magic Tower’s poor reputation, the residents had simply shrugged it off, thinking, “Oh, it’s just the Magic Tower being the Magic Tower again.” There wasn’t any significant damage to their property, anyway.

I resolved the matter by taking on the total cost of compensation, paying for the damages of those affected, and an additional fine.

That was a great relief.

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