They can go further, but they respect each other's choice. His kiss and touch can make Yan Xi happy. Looking at her leaning on his arm, Jiang Mochen gently raised her chin.

"Tired these days?"

He refers to the matter of fighting wits and courage with brilliant entertainment. Yan Xi held out his hand and held him tightly, "it's ok With sister Xia and Chen Yu and you helping me, I'm not tired. "

"How do you know I'm doing it too?" He raised his eyebrows slightly. He knew that Yan Xi didn't want him to intervene, so he had to bear it all the time. Otherwise, there would have been no brilliant entertainment in the world. Bai luofan's small role would not have entered Jiang's eyes.

"In addition to Mr. Jiang, who is worth more than 100 billion yuan, who can make them give up the responsibility with one phone call?"

Jiang Mochen praised the corner of his lips. Yan Xi was really smart.

"Don't you blame me?" He looked at the man in his arms and asked in a low voice.

"No wonder, I know you also care about me. I think this matter is too simple. In order to protect the reputation of brilliant entertainment and their own interests, I will not use those mean means. If it is not for you, I may Thank you, Mochen

His protection and respect are what Yan Xi wants most.

But these, do not need her to say, Jiang Mochen will stand in her angle to consider for her, this is also Yan Xi most want to get along with each other, the distance between their two hearts is constantly narrowing.

"In the future, you must tell me something."

"Well, I will protect myself for you." Yan Xi made a serious commitment.


The lawyer that Xia Jie finds for Yan Xi is the best in the industry. Of course, the money is from Yan Xi himself. Although these years retired, but Yan Xi has not gone to the end of the mountain step.

"Lawyer Chen, Bai is not here." Belovan's secretary stopped them at the door.

Sister Xia had expected that Bai luofan would use this to delay time. She looked at Lawyer Chen and said, "it's OK. We're not in a hurry. We'll wait here."

She didn't believe it. Belovan would never show up.

The Secretary's face was embarrassed, and there was no reason to shirk, so they were allowed to sit on the sofa next to them.

Xia elder sister sent a message to Yan Xi, "Bai luofan doesn't see us."

"Well, I have half an hour to go to the company, and I'll settle with him today!" Yan Xi finished and hung up the phone.

Because they have the evidence of Bai luofan's adultery with Jiang Yumeng, they also play tricks behind their back to discredit Yan Xi and make use of Yan Xi's recording. In addition, there are many loopholes in the contract signed that year, and now Yan Xi has the upper hand.

But Xia elder sister did not expect, Bai luofan actually appeared in front of her in 20 minutes, "want to settle down, right? Come in

Xia Jie realized that something was wrong and sent a message to Yan Xi. After that, she went into Bai luofan's office with Lawyer Chen.

"Sit down. I know you are thinking about Yan Xi. Now that the company is in such a mess, I can find time to see you. You should cherish your time." Bai luofan's eyes are full of light. He has asked for help from her second sister in advance and has thought out the countermeasures.

As soon as Xia Jie spoke, he could lead them into his trap.

"Don't think that if you say that, we will give up. The contract Yan Xi signed with you was unfair at all. She has suffered a lot in the company for so many years, so we want you..."

"Publicly apologize to Yan Xi? Yes. " Bai luofan interrupted Xia Jie's words and said it first.

This sentence, Yan Xi just stood at the door, heard clearly, and her eyes Bai luofan expression is particularly dazzling, he seems to be sure to win them, this feeling makes Yan Xi very uncomfortable.

"However, I will not give up Yumeng. My relationship with Yan Xi has completely ended. From now on, there is only a working relationship between me and her. No matter whether the contract is fair or not, now the contract has not expired, she is still a brilliant entertainer, and she must obey the company's arrangement, but..."

He suddenly looked at Yan Xi at the door, got up and took out a set of planning books from the briefcase.

"I want you to have a reality show with Yumeng, and clarify to the outside world that your relationship is not so hot. This is good for everyone. Even if you settle the contract with me, do you think you can easily stand firm in the circle? It's better to help each other, so that we can get together and disperse well! "

The last four words, blafan said very hard.

"Otherwise, even if I pay for the whole company, I will make you disappear in the entertainment industry forever."

Yan Xi never thought that she and Bai luofan would come to this stage today. Facing his aggressiveness, she was tolerant again and again, but

"You want to use Yan Xi again!" Xia Jie stood up. "We won't be manipulated by you. The fact is the fact. Why should we clarify it? Brilliant entertainment is a black hearted workshop. You want to hold up Jiang Yumeng. No one has any problem. But do you have a conscience when you use Yan Xi so much? "

"The world is like this, big fish eat small fish, I can make brilliant entertainment to today, is it luck? Yan Xi, do you agree? "Bai luofan is to force Yan Xi to nod his head.

His second sister said that Yan Xi was a smart person who would weigh the pros and cons. As long as he made up his mind to hold her up, Yan Xi would not be so cruel as to break up with the company. When Jiang Yumeng appeared with her in public view, it would be of great benefit to restore the company's image and pave the way for Jiang Yumeng to win the position of shadow queen.

Looking at the current situation, Bai luofan is not easy to let go, let her leave the company.

Yan Xi calmly looked at him, "OK, I agree."

"Yan Xi!" Sister Xia stomped her feet, worried that Yan Xi would be trapped by Bai luofan.

"You asked us to participate in the same program on your own initiative. If something goes wrong, don't blame me. And my lawyer's request. You should consider it carefully."

This is Yan Xi's biggest concession. She doesn't want to end the game so early. Even if she takes over the reality show, it doesn't mean that she will become the foil, drama and singing of Jiang Yumeng.


Bai luofan gnaws his teeth and waits for Yan Xi to leave. He just leans on the office chair to breathe a sigh of relief and calls Bai Wanning.

"Elder sister, Yan Xi agreed. What should I do next?"

"According to the plan, step by step, don't let Jiang Yumeng act rashly. Things will develop to this stage today because she is jealous of Yan Xi. Remember, the company must hold Yan Xi and let the outside world see your sincerity, so as to wash the news of your cheating."

"Don't worry, I won't mess up again this time. There's something about Xiaoxiao. I'll make her better!"

At least, he must force Yan Xi to donate bone marrow before leaving.

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