
Chapter 3221: World of Departed Souls

Chapter 3221: World of Departed Souls

After they were beaten out of hiding by the old dragon, the two of them were terrified.

“Your Majesty, please save us!” The two of them rushed over to the True Dragon Celestial Empire’s side, and from what they thought, only Huang Dinghai would be able to save their lives after they angered the old dragon.

Staring uneasily in the direction of the members of the Blazing Dragon Celestial Empire, Huang Dinghai stuttered, “Senior Blazing Dragon, they…” Before he could finish, a terrifying pressure descended from the heavens and smashed the two of them into meat paste!

The Yin Yang Buddha and the Silver Headed Ghost didn’t even have time to scream before their bodies were destroyed.

Huang Dinghai’s eyebrows twitched in shock as he gulped in fear.

“Little Dinghai, what were you saying?” The old dragon’s voice emerged from somewhere in the Blazing Dragon Celestial Empire.

Huang Dinghai’s expression sank.

The old dragon definitely did it on purpose!

He clearly knew that the two of them were experts of the True Dragon Celestial Empire, and he exterminated their souls before Huang Dinghai could plead for mercy!

It was clear the old dragon was slapping them across the face!

“Little Dinghai, I heard everything you said just now. Are you implying that I have to obtain your permission before I can appoint the Son of Creation of my world?”

Everyone turned to look at Huang Dinghai.

A smile crept up the faces of Di Cangtian and the other experts of the Blazing Dragon Celestial Empire.

Stuttering in fear, Huang Dinghai explained, “Junior… Junior didn’t mean that! I only mentioned that all three celestial empires should come to an agreement. After all, this concerns our world!”

“Do you think I’m old and senile?”

Huang Shengdao was about to speak, but Huang Dinghai stopped him in time. If they angered the old dragon, there was no way of knowing if he would exterminate them all with a single swipe.

Huang Shengdao was strong, but he wasn’t even as strong as Huang Dinghai! None of them there could stand up to the old dragon!

“Take better care of your members during my appointment ceremony tomorrow. Otherwise, you can’t blame me for taking drastic action against your men!” Killing intent overflowed when the old dragon gave his final warning.

There was no mistaking it. If the members of the True Dragon Celestial Empire, or anyone for that matter, dared to cause trouble, the old dragon would kill them without a second thought!

Silence fell on the lands and Huang Dinghai’s expression was as bad as it could be.

No one would think that the old dragon would threaten him in front of so many people. No matter what, he was the Celestial Emperor of the True Dragon Celestial Empire!

Eventually, the dust settled and Di Cangtian brought Huang Xiaolong back into the Purple Lightning Manor. After strolling about for quite some time, Huang Xiaolong and Yuan Tianyi returned to the celestial palace.

Seeing as Huang Xiaolong had returned, everyone left.

Huang Dinghai found no reason to remain as he left the area with the members of the True Dragon Celestial Empire.

When Huang Shengdao left, he invited Fu Luosen to his palace for a quick chat. After a short moment of hesitation, Fu Luosen agreed.

Zeng Ying forced herself to look away, and a strange feeling welled up in her heart.

“Princess, who would have thought that the Purple Lightning Young Master is the Son of Creation of our Blazing Dragon World?!” One of the female attendants behind Zeng Ying sighed.

She realized a pretty serious problem. If Huang Xiaolong was the Son of Creation of the Blazing Dragon World, wouldn’t Zeng Ying be required to bow in his presence?

Clearly, Zeng Ying thought of the same problem. Complicated lights flashed in her eyes.

Huang Shengdao and Fu Luosen returned to Huang Shengdao’s temporary manor, and Fu Luosen didn’t plan on beating about the bush. “Brother Shengdao, since Huang Xiaolong is now the Son of Creation of the Blazing Dragon World, he should be able to control the world origin. His cultivation speed would soar once again, and it will be too difficult for us if we wish to kill him!”

Huang Shengdao frowned. That was exactly what he was afraid of.

However, everything was set in stone, and even with his strength, he wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it!

“Seems like that old b*stard was the one who saved Huang Xiaolong that year…” Huang Shengdao growled. “He’s definitely behind Huang Xiaolong’s sudden growth in the past three thousand years!”

Fu Luosen snarled in jealousy, “The little brat is too f*cking lucky! If we fail to get rid of him, he’s going to be a hidden threat to your True Dragon Celestial Empire! If he enters the God of Creation Realm…”

His meaning couldn’t be more clear.

Huang Shengdao glanced at Fu Luosen from the corner of his eye. “Even if he enters the God of Creation Realm, he won’t be able to raise any waves.”

“In fact, it would be great if he could enter the God of Creation Realm!” Huang Shengdao sneered.

?! Fu Luosen stared at Huang Shengdao curiously as he couldn’t understand the meaning behind his words.

The night passed quickly, and the appointment ceremony started at the break of dawn.

The Blazing Dragon Sacred Land was filled with people, and it was a rare sight to see so many people present.

As the world leaders of the various holy worlds came up to congratulate Huang Xiaolong, the ceremony officially kicked off to an amazing start. The princes and princesses of the various celestial empires, along with the patriarchs of the ancient races gathered in the main hall of the celestial palace.

According to the customs of the Blazing Dragon Celestial Empire, Huang Xiaolong bowed and officially took the God of Creation as his master. In front of everyone present, the old dragon announced Huang Xiaolong’s position as the Son of Creation of the Blazing Dragon World.

After that was done, Di Cangtian and the other officials of the Blazing Dragon Celestial Empire paid their respects to Huang Xiaolong.

A month passed in festivities, and the appointment ceremony came to an end.

The experts started to take their leave, and the old dragon brought Huang Xiaolong back to his cultivation space. Pointing at the giant mountain of precious herbs and spiritual veins before him, he chuckled happily, “These are the presents given by the experts during your appointment ceremony. I took it upon myself to give half of it to the celestial empire, and you can have the other half. You won’t blame me for giving away your items, right?”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and chuckled in amusement, “These are useless to me. You can do whatever you want with them.”

“Well, not all of them are useless. The Flower of Time can be said to be exceptionally useful for you right now. That’s why I kept all of them for you.” The old dragon nodded seriously.

Among the gifts presented by the various powers, there were quite a number of them. Even though a single faction might not be in possession of a lot of them, the accumulated number across all the factions could be said to be a shocking number!

There were over two hundred and eighty of them!

One had to know that the most Huang Xiaolong managed to obtain was sixty eight of them!

“Now, I’ll teach you my Blazing Dragon Grand Art. When you learn how to control the world origin, you can enter seclusion to refine the Flowers of Time.”

Huang Xiaolong bowed in acknowledgement.

“In a million years, the World of Departed Souls and the Soul Burying Silver River will open. I hope that you will be able to reach the grand perfection level within these million years!” The old dragon muttered.

“World of Departed Souls and the Soul Burying Silver River?” Huang Xiaolong was stunned.

“That’s right. The World of Departed Souls is created during the formation of the universe. Like the Blazing Dragon World, Excessive Darkness World, and Pangu World, it’s one of the great worlds. There are countless treasures located within, but there’s a natural restriction that prevents anyone from entering the World of Departed Souls. It will only open every one hundred million years, and it will remain open for several dozen years. The time it will remain open can be said to be a heaven-sent opportunity!”

“Only experts under the God of Creation Realm would be able to enter, and I hope you can treasure your chance to enter.”

Huang Xiaolong asked all of a sudden, “Master, is the World of Departed Souls ownerless?”

The old dragon stared at Huang Xiaolong and his jaws dropped in fright. Who would have thought that his disciple would think of something so terrifying the moment he heard of the World of Departed Souls?! Roaring with laughter, the old dragon mocked, “Yes it is! However, don’t bother setting your sights on the World of Departed Souls. No one has been able to control it in the past, and no one will ever be able to obtain the origin of the world!”

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