
Chapter 3188: Auction Off the Flower of Time

Chapter 3188: Auction Off the Flower of Time

When Huang Xiaolong retracted his gaze, Gu Chunguang yelped in shock as he turned to look at Huang Xiaolong.

“Brother Chunguang, what’s wrong?” A middle-aged man who was clad in golden robes couldn’t help but ask when he noticed Gu Chunguang’s unusual behavior.

As someone who could speak casually to the president of the largest chamber of commerce in the Blazing Dragon World, one could only imagine how important the young man was.

When one looked at the robes on the young man’s golden dragon robe, they would see that there were twenty claws on the body of the dragon.

Even princes of the Blazing Dragon Celestial Empire would only be able to wear robes with a ten-clawed dragon.

Peering through the countless layers of void, Gu Chunguang stared at Huang Xiaolong. “That’s strange… That kid seems to be able to determine our position.”

The young man sitting beside him stared at him in stunned silence. However, he soon chuckled in amusement. “There’s no way… After all, he will have to be as strong as us if he wishes to detect our presence. Do you really think a kid like that is as strong as us? In the Blazing Dragon World, the number of people who can match up to our strength can probably be counted on one hand! How can someone who appeared from god knows where reach such a high level?”

Gu Chunguang stared at Huang Xiaolong and he nodded slowly. “I might be mistaken.”

With his tone changing all of a sudden he said seriously, “Nothing can go wrong this time. Lord Creation personally requested for me to auction off the corpse of the dragon, and nothing is allowed to mess up the auction this time!”

The golden robed young man nodded in confirmation. “The old ancestor’s intention to accept a disciple has already started to spread around. I wonder which lucky kid would be able to obtain the old ancestor’s inheritance to become the Son of Creation…”

Gu Chunguang laughed, “Too bad our old bones won’t be lucky enough to grab the chance…”

The two of them burst out laughing in response.

In the auction venue, Lei Qinghai returned to his seat and he glared at Huang Xiaolong coldly. He snorted, “I’ll let you off for the time being. When the auction ends, I’ll kill you, you dog b*stard.”

The eyes of Yuan Tianyi and the others turned cold in unison.

Raising his hand, Huang Xiaolong stopped them from destroying the future of the Lightning Yang Race. “We’ll deal with this after the auction.”

When the auction ended, he would just deal with You Wuyi and Lei Qinghai in tandem. There was no need to waste time hunting them down one by one.

“Yes, Your Highness!” After they spoke, they backed down.

As the various ancient races and world masters arrived, the plaza became rowdy again.

An hour passed in a flash, and the auction commenced.

The first item they brought out was a rarely seen genesis level herb, and it had a starting price of two hundred million dao coins.

For auctions of that level, the items wouldn’t go any lower than several hundred millions, and everyone present knew that.

Eventually, the herb was bought by a random world leader for five hundred million.

Several tens of items of the same level were sold, and the quality of the items slowly got higher.

Like Huang Xiaolong, You Wuyi and the others were there for treasures at the level of the Flower of Time and the Void Reincarnation Thistle. Of course, the eventual goal was the corpse of the creation level dragon. However, You Wuyi and the others bouts several items before the final treasures were revealed.

Every time they raised a bid, they would glance at Huang Xiaolong in provocation.

However, he ignored them all as he had long since gotten used to it.

The only people who were bored enough to play with You Wuyi and the others were He Zhen and Li Shuo. They rolled their eyes whenever they caught them looking over.

When Chen Yingxue saw their reactions, she couldn’t help but sneer with rage, “How dare those slaves disrespect me? When the auction is over, I’ll show them!”

“I’ll let you deal with them when this is all over.” You Wuyi spoke up all of a sudden.

“Young Palace Master, you can rest assured I’ll make their lives a living hell!”

Nodding slightly, You Wuyi turned his attention back to the auction. After all, he was clear how cruel Chen Yingxue could be.

There were a hundred items up for auction, and eventually, the last ten items were left.

Every single one of them were priceless treasures, and they were the main goal of many experts present.

“Now, we will auction off a batch of Flower of Time and Void Reincarnation Thistle!” The auctioneer yelled, and the entire plaza fell silent in anticipation. In the various pavilions, anyone of respectable status sat upright as they stared at the stage.

An expert from the Radiance of Spring Chamber of Commerce carefully brought a multi-sided crystal and laid it on stage.

When they saw the crystal, the eyes of many experts lit up.

That was an artifact made from the Crystal of Time. The Crystal of Time was something that grew around the Flower of Time to protect it, and not every flower would be able to produce something at that level.

The benefits of the crystal were no less than the Flower of Time, and the auctioneer quickly started his introduction. “I’m sure everyone here is familiar with the Crystal of Time. Our resident blacksmith managed to turn it into a time-attributed cosmos artifact, and that in itself is a priceless treasure. It possesses both offensive and defensive capabilities, and one would be able to make a speedy escape with it.”

“Of course, the artifact contains a total of sixty-eight stalks of the Flower of Time, and eighty stalks of Void Reincarnation Thistle.”

When he was done, he released the restriction on the artifact and revealed the treasures to those present.

Everyone felt their breathing speeding up when they saw the sheer amount of herbs.

Even monstrous presences like the Mysterious Pool Black Devil and the Golden Bamboo Old Ancestor couldn’t sit still.

Huang Xiaolong rejoiced in his heart. He didn’t think that there would be that many of them!

Of course, the more there were, the better it was for him.

After the hammer sounded, the price started at fifteen trillion dao coins. The excitement in the hearts of many died down instantly.

“Didn’t they say it would start at ten trillion?!” You Wuyi’s expression sank. The price was too far off his estimations.

The Nether Spirit Palace might be a hegemon in the Blazing Dragon World, but their expenses were huge. The number of dao coins You Wuyi brought with him wasn’t enough to compete against the ultra rich. Especially when the starting price was five trillion dao coins higher than his estimates!

He wasn’t the only one who was shocked. The princes of the celestial empire were equally surprised.

“Fifteen trillion and one hundred billion.” When everyone was hesitating, a voice rang through the air.

When everyone turned to stare at the source of the voice in shock, they were flabbergasted to discover that it was Huang Xiaolong.

The entire plaza broke out into a ruckus.

“How can someone like him bring out fifteen trillion and one hundred billion?!”

“Bullsh*t! Didn’t he spend three hundred billion on a manor?!”

“Are you stupid? How can you compare three hundred billion to fifteen trillion and one hundred billion?! He’s definitely here to cause trouble today!”

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