
Chapter 3110: Mysterious Ring

Chapter 3110: Mysterious Ring

Taking out the Purple Lightning Peak, Huang Xiaolong brought everyone away from the Limitless City.

Of course, that included San Song, Wangu Xu, and the other experts who were beaten into submission.

The Purple Lightning Peak was more than spacious enough to house all of them.

Very quickly, the Purple Lightning Peak turned into a streak of light and disappeared into the horizon.

Sitting on the peak of the Purple Lightning Peak, Huang Xiaolong looked at the blood-red stone in his hands. It was precisely the one he had bought back at the Golden Fox Heavenly Cave, and it was something he couldn’t understand up till now.

After buying the mysterious stone, Huang Xiaolong hadn’t focused on unraveling its mystery. It wasn’t because he couldn’t do so, but it was because he felt a sense of uneasiness when he played with it.

As flashes of light crossed his eyes, he finally decided to uncover the secrets of the stone. Of course, it wasn’t going to be easy. After all, even the Mystical Pavilion’s branch in the Golden Fox Heavenly Cave had failed to do anything to it.

After summoning the Huang Long Twin Blades, a sea of blade lights filled the space around him. The lightning qi that surrounded the mountain was pierced apart and multiple tears formed in the air around him.

Waving the twin blades, Huang Xiaolong whittled down the mysterious stone bit by bit.

Every time his blades slashed downwards, the stone would turn a little smaller. It eventually stopped when it became the size of a palm.

The object hidden in the stone was finally revealed to Huang Xiaolong.

When Huang Xiaolong looked at whatever was left in his hand, he realized that it was a ball of blood! It was a ball of blood that was pure gold in color, and it contained a horrifying amount of vitality!

Huang Xiaolong’s heart sank when he saw the ball of blood in his hands. He could feel that it belonged to his father, the God of Creation, Huang Long!

That wasn’t any ordinary blood essence he was holding! Instead, it was Huang Long’s lifeblood!

There was no way Huang Long would remove that much lifeblood from his body, and it was clear that he was injured! No ordinary power could force a God of Creation to suffer from such serious injuries, and there was only one possibility.

“Heavens Burial Lands…” Huang Xiaolong muttered to himself.

There was only a single explanation about the matter, and it was that a supremely terrifying being had forced his father to cough up his lifeblood after inflicting serious injuries on the man.

After all, the mysterious stone was found by the Mystical Pavilion in the Heavens Burial lands.

There was no more time for Huang Xiaolong to hesitate. He had only one thing left to do, and it was to enter the Heavens Burial Lands again!

Keeping the rock-like ball of blood into the Blood Dragon Stele, Huang Xiaolong retrieved a ring that was a muddy yellow. It was the size of someone’s neck, and there were intricate runes carved into it. Even Huang Xiaolong had no idea what the runes represented, and the way the runes swirled about produced a weirdly majestic feeling.

That was something the Myriad Formation Devil had obtained from the Death Beasts Peril Lands, and since the time he had gotten his hands on it, he had failed to uncover its mystery.

Huang Xiaolong used the Soaring Dragon Art to uncover its secrets, and he even used his Huang Long Bloodline to support his secret art! Yet, no matter how hard he tried, the ring didn’t react.

After several more tries, Huang Xiaolong could only give up.

He decided to head over to ask the Ten Beast Kings of the Death Beasts Peril Lands what was up with the muddy yellow ring in the future.

From what the Myriad Formation Devil said, the ring was sure to be some sort of treasure as he had only managed to get his hands on it after spending a lot of effort.

When Huang Xiaolong returned to the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce, the Origin Holy World exploded into chaos.

“The Mystical Pavilion’s branch in the Origin Heavenly Cave was flattened by Huang Xiaolong!”

“That’s not all… More than thirty creeds lost contact with their experts who were sent over to the Limitless City! All of them disappeared after entering the Mystical Pavilion’s branch, and Huang Xiaolong might have something to do with it!”

“Is it possible for more than two thousand people to go missing?! Even the World Master’s Manor wouldn’t be able to achieve something like that!”

“If someone like Wangu Xu failed to escape, how are they supposed to? Who in the world is Huang Xiaolong?! From what I’ve heard, even San Song from the Main Mystical Pavilion failed to escape with more than seven hundred high-level Dao Venerables!”

Everyone was shocked when they heard the news.

They had no idea how Huang Xiaolong managed to destroy a branch of the Mystical Pavilion, especially one with San Song holding the fort!

The even more shocking piece of news was that Huang Xiaolong dared to offend the Mystical Pavilion! That wasn’t all. He even took care of the experts from more than thirty top-tier creeds in the Origin Heavenly Cave!

It didn’t take long for more rumors to emerge in the outside world.

“Wangu Xu, Mu Guang, Pang Rui, and a ton of disciples of the Mystical Pavilion submitted to Huang Xiaolong! Even Lord San Song changed his allegiance! More than two thousand experts from the thirty Creeds who sent their men there also agreed to serve under Huang Xiaolong!”

The Origin Holy World trembled as soon as the news started to spread.

There were many people who were skeptical about the news, but there were some who mentioned that they saw the Purple Lightning Peak heading back to the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce. They said that Wangu Xu, San Song, and the others were all standing on the peak as they treated Huang Xiaolong with the utmost respect.

In the World Master’s Manor…

Xiao Yuncheng and the others gathered in the main hall once again.

“This… Don’t tell me it’s true…” Jiang Meng felt his throat going dry.

Xuan Kong and Xiao Yuncheng looked at each other, and they saw the look of fear in each other’s eyes. They didn’t know how to speak up, but they knew what they saw in the Golden Flame Sandy Land previously. They witnessed Huang Xiaolong’s strength first-hand, and Xiao Yuncheng knew that he was no weaker than his father, the World Master of the Origin Holy World! However, even with strength like that, how was it possible for him to level a branch of the Mystical Pavilion?!

Even if Huang Xiaolong had Lei Yu, the Wind Cloud Dao Venerable, and several others with him, the Mystical Pavilion’s branch had Lord San Song, Wangu Xu, Mu Guang, and several other experts! Moreover, their strength was further increased by the genesis-level formations they had at their disposal! Unless San Song and the others were weaker than Huang Xiaolong by a huge margin, there was no way for them to lose!

The only thing more unbelievable than that was that San Song and the others had submitted to Huang Xiaolong!

Xiao Yuncheng felt all the hair on his body standing on end.

He couldn’t believe anything that had happened.

“Your Highness, when will Lord World Master be coming back?” Jiang Meng asked. Without the World Master personally sitting in the World Master’s Manor, Jiang Meng suddenly felt that the entire place was no longer as safe.

After all, he was someone who had threatened Huang Xiaolong to his face!

Xiao Yuncheng couldn’t help but shake his head when he saw Jiang Meng’s reaction. “I have no idea. Father said that he would need several more days to return from the Origin Lands.”

Yang Yuyuan spoke up all of a sudden. “Your Highness, Jiang Meng angered Huang Xiaolong in the past. Do you think we should head over to the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce to apologize?” A red glow appeared on his face when he thought about the fact that they would have to lower their heads to a youngster.

He never thought that he would ever need to apologize to anyone!

Xiao Yuncheng looked at Xuan Kong, and he eventually nodded his head. “Alright. Lord Huang Xiaolong has been in our Origin Heavenly Cave for some time now. He has been in seclusion this whole time, and we failed to pay a visit to him previously. Let’s head over to the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce to greet him.”

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