
Kalya and Lilith managed to destroy most of the boulders that came their way. But the earth dragon emperor's attack wasn't just that. Tens of gigantic spikes of stone shot toward the two girls from below and other boulders appeared again from above. They received attacks from both directions at the same time, and that made it difficult for them to fight back or dodge.

The earth dragon emperor used a double layer attack to lock up Kalya and Lilith as they continuously dodged. This way, he was confident he could hit them since he used a double attack and a dragon's breath as a third.

"What!?" Kalya and Lilith were shocked when they saw that. They did not expect the dragon to attack them blindly from all directions. The dragon's breath of the monster split into tens and trapped them in the middle.

The two girls managed to dodge the dragon's breath but the boulder from above managed to hit them. The next moment when Kalya and Lilith blocked the boulder, the spikes from below hurt them. It kept repeating and made their faces darken. Over time the wounds on their bodies increased, and blood slowly covered their smooth skin.

"Die!" The earth dragon emperor suddenly shouted and opened his jaw wide. A giant dragon's breath shot at Kalya and Lilith. The two girls couldn't dodge it because they had been caught in the dragon's consecutive attacks. So they could only withstand the onslaught head-on.

[Purple Orchid]

[Aegis Fortress]

A giant purple orchid bloomed and covered Lilith and Kalya. After that, a gray fortress formed around the flower, making it a two-layer barrier. Even though the defense looked solid, they knew it wouldn't be able to block the attack from the earth dragon emperor.

Kalya and Lilith were ready to withstand the attack head-on with their bodies. But before the dragon's breath touched the surface of their defense, three other barriers suddenly appeared, with golden light shrouding them.

[Clamshell Barrier]

[Tortoise Shield]

[Diamond Great Wall]

[Sun Goddess Protection]


Dozens of attacks from all directions hit Kalya and Lilith's barrier. The impact was terrifying because the earth dragon emperor used eighty percent of his strength on the dragon's breath.

The earth dragon emperor thought that his attack would kill the two girls. But his face darkened after the smoke that covered the area disappeared because Kalya and Lilith were fine. In addition, five other girls appeared next to them, and he didn't notice their arrival.

The five girls who suddenly appeared were Princess Freya, Clara, and the girls who returned after they saved the kings and handed them over to Hikaru's group. Fortunately, they rushed back to the place. Otherwise, Kalya and Lilith's condition might be even worse than now.

When Princess Freya and the others arrived at the place, they saw Kalya and Lilith in a dangerous state. Princess Freya, Clara, and Princess Aishia quickly activated the defense function on their artifact and strengthened it with the skill 'Sun Goddess Protection'.

Princess Freya also coated her and the girls' bodies with the 'Sun Goddess Protection' skill and charged into the double layer barrier of Kalya and Lilith. Fortunately, the two girls noticed their appearance and quickly made a hole in the barrier and let them in.

Clara and the girls unhesitatingly slipped in under the onslaught of the earth dragon emperor's attack. They were afraid that the combined barrier would not be able to withstand the attack because they created it in a hurry and imperfectly.

Therefore, Princess Aishia and the others intended to join forces with Kalya and Lilith to refine and strengthen it from within. The barrier will become more potent if the user is near it.

"How's your condition? Why don't you drink the potion!?" Princess Freya asked anxiously. She was confused because Kalya and Lilith shouldn't have been hurt to that extent if they had drunk Ziel's potion after they were injured.

"You don't have to worry. I'm fine and only suffered minor injuries. Lilith's condition isn't much different from mine either." Kalya smiled bitterly and then took a potion from her space storage and drank it.

"We couldn't drink the potion because the lizard kept attacking us non-stop with consecutive attacks from various directions. He didn't give us a chance to breathe, let alone counterattack." Lilith added and also drank Ziel's potion.

After drinking it, Lilith and Kalya were enveloped in the gray light, and the wounds on their bodies healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't fight directly against the earth dragon emperor? Then why are you doing it now?" Princess Iris felt sad when she saw Kalya and Lilith's previous condition because of the many wounds on their bodies.

Princess Aishia and the girls were willing to follow Kalya's plan because she said she would not face the dragon head-on. But now, they were injured from fighting against the monster to distract him.

Princess Iris, Princess Freya, and Princess Aishia feel guilty and share responsibility for Lilith and Kalya's condition as they both fight against the dragon so they can save their father. Kalya smiled when she saw the expressions of the three girls.

"You don't have to think about that. Aren't we family? So it's only natural that we help each other. After all, we had no intention of fighting the dragon. From the start, we only intended to dodge his attacks to buy time until you guys return. But it only made him angry and attacked us incessantly. So we have no other choice but to fight back." Kalya explained her reason for fighting against the earth dragon emperor. The eyes of the three girls turned red from being touched by her words.

"Sister..." The three Princesses subconsciously muttered the word. All this time, they considered Kalya their older sister but did not dare to express it directly because of their significant age difference. But the girls dare to say it now that Kalya has declared they are family. Their eyes filled with tears of joy. On the other hand, Clara and the other girls felt envious of the sight.

"In the future, you may have to call me big sister, so you should get used to it now. Of course, you too." Kalya nodded satisfactorily and then looked at Clara, Kyouka, and Lilith.

"Thank you!" Kyouka and the girls smiled broadly after knowing that Kalya hadn't forgotten about them.

"You don't need to thank me…" Kalya was about to reply to the girl's words, but she was interrupted by a roar of anger that echoed in the sky.


"Looks like the lizard doesn't want to give us a chance to chat any longer." Kalya's face turned serious, and she turned her gaze towards the earth dragon emperor.

"Then don't give that monster a chance to live any longer." Lilith wanted to retaliate for what the dragon did to her.

"If we combine our strengths, even a dragon with the power of a true god that has lived for hundreds of years can be defeated!" Princess Aishia said confidently.

"You are right. If we're together, I'm sure we can kill him!" Kyouka added.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's defeat that dragon and show Ziel that we are no longer girls who can only be protected. We might be able to ask him for a reward!" Princess Freya nodded, and her eyes showed a burning fighting spirit.

When they heard Princess Freya's words, Clara and the girls raised their eyebrows. They subconsciously released their full power simultaneously. The impact of the girls' power created a storm with a massive typhoon.

The girls became very excited when they realized they could ask Ziel for a reward after defeating the monster. In addition, Princess Freya, Princess Iris, and Princess Aishia must avenge their father against the earth dragon emperor. Not to mention what he had done to Kalya and Lilith. They intend to repay him many times over.

(We have to kill that giant lizard!!)

The girls stared intently at the earth dragon emperor like he was prey to be eliminated. Kalya and others split up and started their revenge and counterattack.


Not far from where Kalya's group fought against the earth dragon emperor, Hikaru's group was busy taking care of the kings. Megumi had been treating them, but her healing magic worked slowly because their wounds were too severe. They had also given potions to the kings. Unfortunately, the potions they gave were not from Princess Freya but their own.

"How are their conditions? Have there been any changes?" Princess Fritz asked anxiously.

"Their wounds are too severe, and the healing process is slow even though I've applied magic and potions. For now, we can only wait until the potion's effects work completely and their condition improves a bit. After that, I can do further treatment to them." Megumi answered helplessly and continued to cast healing magic on the five kings.

Prince Fritz still had another question for Megumi, but Princess Cordelia's voice cut him off first.

"Didn't Princess Freya leave the potion with you? Why don't you give it to them?" Princess Cordelia looked at Princess Fritz and Megumi.

"Ah, that's… I think it's the same potion as ours. So I don't need to give them the same potion because I'm afraid it will cause dangerous side effects in their state. After all, we don't know where the potion came from. So I don't want to take unnecessary risks." Prince Fritz explained why he didn't give the potion to the kings.

"Give me the potion." Princess Cordelia extended her hand toward Megumi. She saw that Princess Iris had given her four potions before she left.

"But…" Megumi took out a small bottle from her pocket. But she hesitated to give it away, fearing it would be dangerous for the kings.

Princess Cordelia quickly took the bottle from Megumi's hand before she continued her speech. Then she approached her father and gave him a drink.

"Wait!" Hikaru tried to stop her, but Princess Cordelia was one step ahead of him and had already given the potion to her father.

Princess Cordelia didn't hesitate to do so because she knew that the potion Princess Iris gave came from Ziel, and she was sure it would have a fantastic effect. After drinking it, King Raghnall was enveloped in a pale gray light, and the wounds on his body healed quickly. Princess Cordelia was astonished because the potion's effect far exceeded her expectations. Not long after, King Raghnall's previously pale face became much rosy, and it showed that his condition had become much better.

"What!?" Megumi and the others were shocked because they didn't know that the potion had such an effect and possessed extraordinary healing abilities. They quickly regained their senses and passed Ziel's elixir to the other kings.

The same effect happened to King Leonida and the other three kings. The wounds on their bodies quickly closed, and their faces became brighter. Prince Fritz and the others let out a sigh of relief after seeing the state of the kings.

"Ugh!" The first person to wake up was King Raghnall. When he opened his eyes, he saw the worried face of his daughter, Princess Cordelia.

"Father!" Princess Cordelia quickly hugged King Raghnall and burst into tears. She suppressed her sadness and tried to be strong in front of the others when she saw her father's dire condition. But Princess Cordelia could no longer hold back her tears after seeing King Raghnall awake. She was grateful to Princess Freya and the others in her heart for helping her father.

"Hmm... Lia? What has happened to me? Didn't the other kings and I fight against the earth dragon emperor before?" King Raghnall asked in confusion. He couldn't remember what happened after the dragon's breath hit him because his memory was still hazy.

Princess Cordelia let go of her father's arms and intended to answer his question. But before she could open her mouth, a groan sounded from next to her. One by one, the other kings began to awaken.

"Ugh! Fritz? Why are you here? I heard Freya's voice earlier. Where is she going?" King Leonida wakes up after King Raghnall. After opening his eyes, he immediately showered his son with questions and looked around. King Leonida faintly heard Princess Freya's voice in his subconscious. After that, the other kings also woke up and asked the same question.

Prince Fritz wanted to explain to his father about Princess Freya. But before he could speak, an explosion rang out from the location of the earth dragon emperor.

"Ah, that is…" Princess Fritz wanted to say that her sister was fighting the earth dragon emperor. But his father raised his hand to stop him.

"You don't need to explain. Let's go there." King Leonida seemed to have understood the current situation. Then he looked at the other kings, and they quickly flew towards the source of the explosion.

Hikaru and the others didn't have time to stop them because the kings were too fast and had already disappeared into the horizon.

"Let's follow them!" Prince Fritz clicked his tongue and looked at Hikaru and the others. After getting a nod from them, he and his group flew at high speed, following the kings.

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