"Ooh, isn't this the boy we met at the restaurant this afternoon? How did he get to the castle?" The golden-haired boy came out of the dining room of the Aurelia Kingdom and walked towards Ziel with his minions following.

"Could he be an intruder? Should we call the guards, young master?" A girl behind the golden-haired boy asked.

"Wait a minute. Judging from his clothes, I thought he was a servant of one of the nobles participating in the Five Kingdoms Conference. I have to ask him before taking that action." The golden-haired boy didn't want to be careless. If he called soldiers and Ziel proved not to be an intruder, he would only bring unnecessary trouble to him and his father.

The boy and girl behind Alfonso could only agree after he spoke. Even though they came from noble families, they went from a low class that wasn't worth mentioning. They were able to come to the castle with the help of the golden-haired boy and his father.

The golden-haired boy was named Alfonso Goldwnine. He is the only son of Viscount Joshua Goldwine, one of the nobles of the Aurelia Kingdom who rules the area close to the borders of the Aurelia Kingdom and the Neigal Kingdom. Having always been pampered since childhood, he became a very arrogant boy and often abused others when he was outside. Viscount Joshua ruled over a region close to the borders of the Aurelia and Neigal Kingdom.

At the Five Kingdoms Conference this time, Viscount Joshua was chosen to be one of the participants on the recommendation of King Leonida because of his excellent track record. Because of that, Alfonso could enter the castle.

"Hey! Which noble family house are you from? Quickly tell me!" Alfonso asked impatiently. If Ziel came from a lower noble than him, he wasn't afraid to make calculations with him about matters at the restaurant. But if Ziel came from a higher noble house than him, Alfonso would immediately leave and forget his plans.

Ziel didn't answer Alfonso's question and only looked at him coldly. He still hasn't punished him for daring to threaten Kalya in the restaurant. Ziel intended to look for him later but didn't expect Alfonso to come to him.

But then Ziel remembered that he was inside the castle and not far from the dining hall of the Aurelia Kingdom and the Neigal Kingdom. He would cause trouble if he killed Alfonso because the other party had come along with his minions.

Ziel would attract the attention of the conference attendees if he took action against them at that place. He could have eliminated Alfonso and his minions all at once to prevent either of them from screaming. But Ziel won't do it. Although he didn't feel guilty when he had to kill thousands of people, Ziel wasn't a cold-blooded killer. Moreover, several strong people were mixed in the dining room, and they would probably notice Ziel's actions.

Because of that, Ziel decided to leave the place and ignore Alfonso. He could punish him whenever he wanted in the future. But for now, Ziel didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. When Ziel turned around and was about to leave, someone suddenly shouted at him in a rather high-pitched voice.

"Hey! Are you deaf! Didn't you hear that the young master was asking you!?" A boy, one of Alfonso's minions, was annoyed that Ziel ignored them. He stretched out his hand and intended to grab Ziel's shoulder, but Ziel's figure quickly moved a few centimeters from where he was standing and avoided his hand.

The boy, Alfonso, and his other minions were shocked by the scene before their eyes. The boy who intended to grab Ziel's shoulders was a Senior Knight. But with his speed, he lost his target and could only catch the air. Even so, they thought it was just a coincidence. They couldn't believe that a young servant like Ziel could be stronger than them.

"You! How dare you avoid me!" The boy stretched his hand again, this time with more speed and power than before. If his hand hit an ordinary person, that person's shoulder would be crushed. The boy didn't seem to care if Ziel got hurt. The boy was angry that Ziel ignored and avoided him. His pride as the son of a noble was like being trampled down by a mere servant.

On the other hand, Alfonso smirked because he didn't bother to intervene. If Ziel were a high-class noble servant and got injured, he would pass the blame on that boy because Alfonso never ordered him to attack Ziel. But before the boy's hand touched Ziel's shoulder, an angry voice sounded behind them.

"What are you guys doing in this place!?" The person who spoke was a beautiful golden-haired girl who looked graceful and dazzling. She is the Princess of the Aurelia Kingdom, Freya Aurelia. She didn't come there alone.

Princess Freya was accompanied by Aryana and a woman with a face similar to hers. She is the mother of Princess Freya and the queen of the Aurelia Kingdom, Helena Aurelia. Even though she was allowed to join the dinner, Queen Helena still looked pale and walked with Princess Freya's support.

(How could Princess Freya and Queen Helena suddenly appear here!? Aren't they having dinner with King Leonida!? There should be no way they could eat their food so fast! What's more, they came at a time like this! Is this just a coincidence?)

Alfonso and his minions trembled and broke out in cold sweat after seeing the appearance of Princess Freya and Queen Helena. Even though Alfonso had made sure that no one would appear to disturb them, he didn't expect that their little quarrel would attract the attention of the Aurelia Royal family.

Ziel sighed when Princess Freya appeared. He had contacted her via the communications brooch and asked her to take care of Alfonso before he did. But when Ziel saw Princess Freya appear, what caught his attention was not her but the woman next to her, Queen Helena. He wasn't mesmerized by the beauty of a middle-aged woman but by something inside her body.

Ziel narrowed his eyes to confirm what he had seen. But then he realized that Queen Helena looked back at him and smiled. As expected of a Magic King, despite being weak, Queen Helena could still notice his gaze, or so Ziel thought. Ziel responded calmly and bowed his head slightly to her.

But Ziel didn't know that Queen Helena realized his gaze was not due to her strength but her intuition as a mother. From the moment he came, Queen Helena had been secretly watching Ziel and appraising him for some reason.

(I can't read the boy at all! He is not simple!)

Queen Helena smiled and replied to Ziel with a small nod. Their little interaction was done secretly without being noticed by the people around him, including Princess Freya.

"So, what's going on here? Why do you want to attack that male servant? Have you forgotten that you are prohibited from fighting in this castle, especially during the Five Kingdoms Conference? Are you ignoring the rules of my Kingdom?" Princess Freya said coldly, releasing her power to suppress Alfonso and his minions.

"Ugh!" Alfonso and his minions were shaking, and they couldn't even move their fingertips under the pressure because the difference in their strength was too great.

"Eh?" Queen Helena was surprised by Princess Freya's firm attitude and strength. She didn't expect his graceful and gentle daughter to have such a side. Queen Helena felt that Princess Freya had changed significantly in less than a year when she went to the academy. Of course, the change was positive, and she was sure it had something to do with the male butler in front of her.

(This is getting more and more interesting!)

Queen Helena smiled sweetly like a little girl who had just got a new toy from her parents.

"That's..." The boy who wanted to hit Ziel looked to Alfonso for his help, but the other side turned their gaze away and showed that he didn't want to interfere in the matter. Alfonso was not stupid by trying to defend his minions in front of the Princess and Queen of the Kingdom of Aurelia, who had seen the incident.

The boy's heart sank after seeing the response from Alfonso. He realized Alfonso had no intention of helping him and let him sort things out alone. After a long silence, the boy gritted his teeth and spoke.

"It's because he offended me first. That's why I got angry and wanted to teach him a lesson. I apologize if my actions caused a commotion and disturbed you, Princess Freya." The boy explained by squeezing his words out under pressure from Princess Freya.

"Ooh… So he has offended you first, a noble's son. May I know what he has done to make you angry?" Princess Freya asked calmly. If it wasn't for having her mother with her, Princess Freya might have cast magic on him for slandering Ziel.

"He… he has ignored me and insulted me! Yes, he has insulted me!" The boy was confused and didn't know what to say. He couldn't help but have to tell a lie to Princess Freya for fear of punishment. The boy wished that Princess Freya hadn't seen the incident in the first place.

But what the boy thought was wrong because Princess Freya knew Ziel, and she didn't need to know about the whole incident. Moreover, she was sure that Ziel wouldn't do that for no reason. If the boy intended to find trouble with Ziel, it would be the same as looking for a problem with her. So from the start, Princess Freya had come to that place not to hear the explanation but to take action against them.

The boy lowered his head and did not dare look at Princess Freya for fear that she would find out he had lied to her. But suddenly, a flash of golden light came towards him and pierced his thigh.

"Argh!" The boy knelt and screamed in pain. His thigh was bleeding from the golden light strike just now. When he raised his head, the boy saw Princess Freya pointing at him and looking at him with disdain like she was trash. Princess Freya had already set up a barrier before she attacked the boy to keep his screams from being heard and make the rest of the conference participants panic.

Queen Helena and Aryana were shocked by Princess Freya's actions. They did not expect that she would suddenly attack the boy.

"Do you think I'm stupid? How dare you lie to me!?" Princess Freya snorted, and golden light gathered and compressed at her fingertips.

"Aah! I'm sorry, Princess Freya. I apologize, Queen Helena!" The boy was frightened and knelt before Princess Freya and her mother. But Princess Freya ignored him and looked at Alfonso.

"Quickly get him out of here and back to your room! I know this problem comes from you. I'm ignoring you because you still haven't done anything from the start, but that doesn't mean you're innocent. If I still see you and your minions running around and making a fuss again, I will not hesitate to ask the soldiers to imprison you in the dungeon!" Princess Freya said coldly, and a hint of killing intent leaked from her voice.

"I…I understand! Thank you for your forgiveness, Princess Freya, Queen Helena!" Alfonso trembled with fear and bowed to Princess Freya and Queen Helena. Then he took the boy in his arms and quickly left the place with his other minions.

"Haa… they finally left. Those noble children are very troublesome." Princess Freya complained and smiled bitterly.

"If they are spoiled since childhood, then they will grow up to be arrogant like that and don't care about other people under them." Queen Helena smiled and patted Princess Freya's shoulder gently. Then she averted her eyes after hearing the sound of footsteps approaching them.

"I express my gratitude for your help, Princess Freya." Ziel bowed his head to Princess Freya and Queen Helena.

"Uhm... it's just a small matter. You don't need to thank me. You can go back to your room, and I'm sure your master is waiting for you." Princess Freya was embarrassed and answered awkwardly because of Ziel's formal attitude towards her.

"I understand. In that case, I'll take my leave first. Excuse me." Ziel bowed his head again and left the place.

Princess Freya kept looking at Ziel until her figure disappeared into the dining room of the Neigal Kingdom. She still wanted to chat with him, but the current situation didn't allow it. As Princess Freya was lost in her thoughts, the voice from Queen Helena brought her back to her senses.

"So, who exactly is that boy?"

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