Chapter 76: Hongmeng ruler is out, don't rush to leave

Upon hearing the Ren Family Patriarch's words, the others also realized. How could such a terrifying attack be resisted head-on? Using a treasure to block it was a possibility.

Even the Xiaoyao Palace Master and the three elders of the Holy Mountain wouldn't dare claim they could resist such an attack single-handedly. They couldn't believe that someone from the remote border region like the Northern Domain could achieve this.

From the beginning to the end, in the eyes of the Eastern Domain's people, the Northern Domain was nothing more than a tiny, insignificant place. Even if there were powerful individuals, they were just slightly larger ants.

But now, witnessing Chen Daoxuan's performance, the people from the Eastern Domain couldn't help but revise their opinions. After all, whether relying on a treasure or not, he truly possessed the strength that demanded their attention.

"Boy, that treasure of yours that can withstand our Ren Family's Five Elements Formation, I'm sure you can't use it repeatedly! Even if you can withstand one attack, how will you handle the rest?

"Hmph, the barren land of the Northern Domain. I don't believe you can produce such a treasure again!"

The Ren Family Patriarch was utterly convinced of his judgment. Even if Chen Daoxuan possessed a treasure, he couldn't withstand several attacks.

"Water Formation!"

Once again, he waved the formation flag, summoning a water Unicorn. The aura emitted by the Unicorn was no weaker than the earlier fiery dragon. A cold dampness swept over everyone present.

As the Ren Family Patriarch waved the flag, the water Unicorn let out a roar before charging at Chen Daoxuan through a misty veil.

All eyes were fixed on Chen Daoxuan, wondering if he could produce another treasure capable of resisting the attacks of the Five Elements Formation.

"A treasure, huh? It seems I do have a treasure. I almost forgot if you hadn't reminded me. Thanks for that."

Seeing the charging water Unicorn, Chen Daoxuan remained composed, and his eyes brightened. A treasure? Well, he did have one! If it weren't for their reminder, he might have actually forgotten about possessing a treasure.

This was a perfect opportunity to test the power of the treasure.

With a flick of his hand, a seemingly ordinary ruler appeared, emitting a dense and profound aura. However, the two characters 'Hongmeng' engraved on the ruler's surface proved that it was no ordinary item. It was the merit treasure he had obtained from the initial reward package, the Hongmeng Ruler!

The ruler's strength wasn't its most impressive aspect. Its true terror lay in its unique feature – killing without accumulating karmic consequences!

As Chen Daoxuan had explained to his disciples, excessively committing killings would lead to the accumulation of bad karma. This could result in being plagued by inner demons in the future, severely impacting one's fortune and luck. However, if the Hongmeng Ruler, this merit treasure, was used for killing, it wouldn't incur any bad karma!

By now, the water Unicorn had charged close to Chen Daoxuan.

The terrifying aura emanating from the water Unicorn caused ripples to appear even in the barrier formed by the three Holy Mountain elders, demonstrating the fearsome power it possessed.

For the Northern Domain residents present, this was the first time they had witnessed such a terrifying attack. They quickly set up barriers to avoid being harmed by the aftermath of the collision.

Everyone widened their eyes, their gaze fixed on Chen Daoxuan. They saw him take out a ruler, an unremarkable treasure at first glance. He bore a calm smile, his left hand behind his back, while his right hand raised the ruler and gently tapped the Unicorn's head as it charged towards him.

It almost seemed like the demeanor of a teacher disciplining a student.

"Has this guy gone insane… He plans to block the Five Elements Formation's water Unicorn attack so casually?"

Everyone couldn't help but shake their heads. The aura the water Unicorn emitted was already so terrifying, and the force it unleashed must have been even more formidable. But Chen Daoxuan seemed entirely unperturbed. Did he actually think he could casually resist this attack? Was he pretending to be indifferent?

Only one person, upon seeing the Hongmeng Ruler, was filled with confidence.

That person was Leng Yanran, who had witnessed the true power of the Hongmeng Ruler before. Having calmed down from her previous panic, she realized her own foolishness.

Just who was her master? He could even resurrect the dead and ask them questions. How could he be equated with the Ren Family?

To provoke the master was to truly court death!

Moreover, the master had unleashed such a divine weapon. The Ren Family was undoubtedly doomed. One could only wonder if they'd have the chance to experience being saved like Ren Qirui and being passed over by a dragon!

The Hongmeng Ruler gently landed on the water Unicorn's head with a soft sound, and the Unicorn burst open like a water balloon.

"What, what!? With just that light tap, the water Unicorn disappeared! What in the world is happening!?"

Initially, everyone had been eagerly anticipating the display of the water Unicorn's power and how Chen Daoxuan would struggle to withstand it. But now, they were dumbfounded by the seemingly casual action with the ruler. Some even suspected that the water Unicorn might not have had any real power, appearing intimidating only on the surface.

The Ren Family Patriarch was releasing water – was he planning to catch something alive? But as they looked at him now, his face was as shocked as theirs, unable to comprehend how Chen Daoxuan had achieved this feat.

"You are…"

The Ren Family Patriarch wanted to ask Chen Daoxuan how he had done it, but before he could finish his sentence, his eyes widened. His entire body began to tremble uncontrollably.

In his eyes, Chen Daoxuan, holding the Hongmeng Ruler, seemed tall and imposing, like a giant towering into the heavens. It was as though he were a strict instructor to the myriad realms and even the most supreme saints, wielding a disciplinary ruler and swinging it gently towards him.

He wanted to escape! Escape to the Ren Family in the Eastern Domain – no, the farther he fled, the better. As far away as possible from Chen Daoxuan!

However, he could barely move now, aside from trembling. He was frozen, as if a student receiving punishment from a teacher. This one ruler could only be fully understood when faced with it. To others, it appeared that Chen Daoxuan had lightly swung the Hongmeng Ruler at the Ren Family Patriarch.

With a "puff," the Ren Family Patriarch spewed a mouthful of blood, and his aura rapidly diminished. It was as though his vitality had been drained away by Chen Daoxuan's seemingly casual swing.

"Sacrifice! Sacrifice everything to me!" The Ren Family Patriarch gritted his teeth, roaring lowly. He began absorbing the life force of the four senior elders.

"Ah! Ancestor, no!!!"

The four senior elders immediately writhed in pain, their bodies visibly withering at an alarming speed until only faint breaths remained.

"Run! I need to flee this place. This person is too terrifying!"

The Ren Family Patriarch finally caught a breath. Only one thought echoed in his mind – escape, and flee far from Chen Daoxuan! As far away as possible! However, when he turned to escape, fear filled his eyes. Chen Daoxuan had already blocked his path in an instant!

"Old man, don't be in such a hurry to leave. I have some heart-to-heart matters I'd like to discuss with you."

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