Investment Return System, Start by taking Demon Empress as a Disciple

Chapter 55: Over a Hundred Profound Sky and a Unity Realm, Worthy of Immortal’s Assessment

Chapter 55: Over a Hundred Profound Sky and a Unity Realm, Worthy of Immortal's Assessment

Before long, more and more people from the Northern Domain were transported into the secret realm. Although their positions were randomized, each individual was separated from others by at least a kilometer.

In the outside world, a kilometer might easily incite conflict and battle. However, due to the limited visibility and divine sense suppression caused by the red clouds here, encounters were not as easily triggered.

Nevertheless, everyone remained on high alert, guarding against potential foes. The majority chose to head towards the Scarlet Cloud Immortal Palace, where they could possibly gain the immortal's legacy.

However, there were two other groups of people who went west and east, respectively. Besides the Scarlet Cloud Immortal Palace, the secret realm held opportunities in these two directions as well.

To the west, there was a Spirit Pool that produced a small pool of spiritual fluid every two hundred years, and even spiritual stones. To the east, there was a battlefield.

Every time the secret realm opened, someone would obtain treasures from that battlefield. Rumor had it that even the Heaven-Quelling Treasure of the Jin Ding Sect was obtained from that battlefield. It was a middle-grade Earth-tier treasure, a prominent existence in the Northern Domain!

Even if one couldn't obtain an Earth-tier treasure, getting a Profound-tier treasure would still be a tremendous opportunity! Compared to the elusive and ethereal immortal's legacy, they preferred something more tangible!

However, not a single person chose to head south. Though they were unaware of the exact danger lurking there, everyone in the Northern Domain knew that the south was a place of great terror!

Initially, the Northern Domain powers participating in the Scarlet Cloud Valley hadn't noticed any danger in the south. But as they participated more times, they gradually realized that every person who went south never returned; they all died within the secret realm.

As a result, no one dared to venture to the southern area anymore!

Before long, everyone began to move independently.

Leng Yanran furrowed her eyebrows. She looked at the demonic beast that had clearly been heavily injured by her, yet was now standing up unsteadily.

"Something's off… Even though it's so heavily wounded, it acts as if nothing happened, and it doesn't seem to feel any pain."

She analyzed the strange state of the Void Sky Realm demonic beast before her. Moreover, the creature seemed to lack consciousness, only instinctively charging towards her to attack.


The demonic beast roared, lunging at Leng Yanran once again. One of its legs was even severed due to injuries, swinging limply as it charged. However, it displayed no signs of pain.


Leng Yanran's gaze sharpened. With her condensed Qi and spiritual energy, she casually slapped the demonic beast's head, shattering it. The beast, now headless, staggered for a moment before collapsing to the ground, motionless.

"It seems the beasts here need their heads shattered to be killed. But as long as there's a weakness, everything will be manageable."

Leng Yanran's deduction had already taken shape. The demonic beasts here seemed to have undergone some form of necrosis, becoming mindless creatures driven only by the urge to kill.

With these insights, she quickened her pace, her footsteps accompanied by her divine sense, which could extend up to fifty meters. Along the way, she opted to avoid combat whenever possible, choosing to fight only when necessary.

This approach relieved her of undue pressure.

Meanwhile, on Li Shenruo's side, she encountered similar creatures that seemed to have undergone necrotic transformations. After dealing with a few of them, Li Shenruo realized that these creatures could only be defeated by crushing their skulls.

"I need to pick up the pace. I'm afraid that witch has already taken a considerable lead ahead of me," Li Shenruo suddenly remarked.

She spotted a strange monster's corpse on the ground, different from the one she had just killed. Lingering spiritual energy was present on it, indicating that it had been killed recently.

Without much thought, she could guess who was responsible. To keep up with Leng Yanran, she decided to quicken her pace, dispatching monsters with headshots whenever possible. She was determined not to fall behind in obtaining the immortal's legacy.

Currently, the world's cultivation techniques only reached Heaven-rank. Even in her holy land, the highest available was Heaven-rank. Though there were prodigies who cultivated Heaven-rank techniques, without exception, they had received an immortal's legacy to gain access to such techniques.

In today's world, aspiring to cultivate Heaven-tier techniques was thwarted due to the lack of available methods. She, Li Shenruo, with her Saint-tier aptitude, could have striven for immortality before the Heaven-tier techniques were lost. But now, her path to immortality was locked.

Though she possessed talent and great ambitions, she lacked a technique capable of supporting her journey to the realm of immortals. How frustrating!

Before long, as the two ventured deeper into the southern region, they encountered increasingly powerful monsters. Void Sky Realm beasts were scarce, and all encountered creatures possessed the power of Profound Sky. Yet, facing these, Leng Yanran and Li Shenruo exhibited an almost overwhelming strength.

This wasn't enough to slow them down, and it barely affected their pace.

However, Leng Yanran soon noticed that the number of monsters had mysteriously diminished. Sensing something amiss, she slowed her pace and remained vigilant of her surroundings.


With a wolf's howl, red dots began to light up within the crimson mist. Or more precisely, eyes were glowing!

Leng Yanran's expression grew serious. In the sea of red clouds, countless red eyes emerged - dozens, if not hundreds, of monstrous creatures!

Facing the siege of hundreds of mysterious monsters at the same time is not so easy to deal with, and these are all monsters who don't feel pain and only know how to fight!

"Boom, boom, boom."

As the ground shook for a while, a wolf monster with a height of more than ten feet and a height of nearly ten floors appeared, staring at Leng Yanran covetously, and the corners of its mouth kept dripping.

Obviously it was the leader of the pack.

Leng Yanran was a little surprised. She didn't expect that this monster-like pack of wolves actually had a leader, who even seemed to be able to command other strange wolves through it's howls!

This is difficult to deal with. Originally, these monsters didn't feel pain and could only be killed by smashing their heads. And now if there was a leader to command them, it will be extremely troublesome!

And this wolf-monster had copper head, which is a bit troublesome to deal with than other wolves.

"Tsk, this assessment is a bit too much, isn't it? The highest realm that is allowed to enter is the Profound Sky Realm. The assessment is so difficult, is this the standard for immortal inheritance?

"Forget it, it's just a matter of warming up here first, and then I can compete for the treasures of heaven and earth when I arrive at the Immortal Palace!"

Leng Yanran looked at the hundreds of Profound Sky Realm monsters in front of her, and the leader of the Unity Realm stared at her.

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