Chapter 179 Charm

Feeling everyone's eyes on her, Leng Yanran was somewhat uneasy. She sensed some changes in her body. Moreover, this time, her physique improvement had bestowed her with a new innate talent: Charm.

Although, in the past, due to her inherent charm, she possessed a special attraction to the opposite sex, but now she could actively charm them. The effect was more than a hundred times stronger than passive charm.

"Wow— Senior Sister, you've got a tail! Can I touch it? I want a little tail too!"

Seeing Senior Sister wake up, Li Yourong's eyes immediately lit up as she stared at that heart-shaped tail, full of envy. Not only did Senior Sister have horns on her head, but she also grew a heart-shaped tail, um…

Without waiting for Senior Sister's consent, she reached out to try and touch Senior Sister's tail, wanting to experience it herself. However, the tail was incredibly agile, dodging her attempts multiple times. Li Yourong felt disappointed as she couldn't catch it and pouted.

"How can you touch the tail so randomly?"

Leng Yanran couldn't help but give her junior sister a stern look. In the meantime, she also discreetly observed the Master. She wondered if the Master would like her little tail. If he found it strange, she could hide it. She could control whether the tail was visible or not.

But seeing the Master's intrigued expression, perhaps… he didn't dislike it?

As Leng Yanran was pondering this, her entire body suddenly stiffened. Her limbs felt weak and her pupils grew hazy.

"Mm... So this is the sensation."

Curious, Chen Daoxuan had gotten up and approached Yanran. He absentmindedly held the heart-shaped tail in his hand, examining it. While touching and playing with it, he marveled at it.

However, his actions made Leng Yanran shiver uncontrollably.

"Mas… Master… Mm…"

Although the tail was incredibly agile, able to dodge Li Yourong's grab, it couldn't avoid the Master's touch. Being held and played with by him, she found it difficult to control her her breathing became rapid, her face reddening. She softly bit her crimson lips, refraining from speaking further, afraid of making any strange sounds.

"Huh? Yanran, are you alright? What's happening to you?"

Chen Daoxuan only noticed his disciple's peculiar behavior now, which startled him. He quickly let go and gently placed his hand on her forehead.

"Whoa... Why is it so hot? Why do you have a fever? Strange, at the Annihilation Realm, you shouldn't have a fever anymore…"

Feeling Yanran's forehead, which had become quite warm, he drew in a sharp breath while feeling puzzled. Usually, once someone reached the Annihilation Realm, they should be immune to common ailments like fever and cold.

"I'm… I'm fine… Perhaps it's due to the recent upgrade in physique."

Leng Yanran lowered her head, avoiding direct eye contact with the Master and offered a casual excuse.

"I see… "Yourong, take your Senior Sister to her room to rest."

Hearing this, Chen Daoxuan didn't overthink it. After all, if there was a real problem, he could always resolve it. He decided to let Yanran rest for a while first.

"Oh! Senior Sister, let Yourong help you to rest."

Upon hearing the words of her master, Li Yourong, too, looked at her senior sister with concern. She seemed to be in some pain, though it didn't quite resemble ordinary pain. Nevertheless, she quickly assisted her senior sister, supporting her as they headed toward the main hall.

"It seems that the breakthrough in Senior Sister's constitution earlier consumed a lot of energy. She's so weak even while walking…"

As Yourong supported her senior sister, she noticed that her steps seemed somewhat unsteady, and she couldn't help but mutter to herself.


Hearing Yourong's muttered words, Leng Yanran couldn't help feeling a bit embarrassed. Her steps quickened, but due to her weakened legs, she stumbled slightly, prompting Yourong to catch her.

Once they reached the room, Yourong helped her senior sister lie down and thoughtfully covered her with a blanket.

"Senior Sister, rest well. Yourong has a few things to attend to, so I'll come take care of you later."

Since her senior sister seemed to be fine, Yourong spoke with the earnestness of a responsible young adult. After she left, there was still one thing she needed to do – tend to the spirit beasts she had captured. They needed to be housed somewhere by Master so they wouldn't suffocate in the spirit beast pouch.


Leng Yanran watched Yourong leave, then reached out and locked her room door with a wave of her hand. Next, she expertly retrieved a set of deep black robes that bore her master's unique scent. She raised the robes to her nose and took a gentle sniff.


Simultaneously, her small peach-heart-shaped tail emerged and wound tightly around the robes.

"I wonder if this charm will work on Master…"

With her new innate talent in mind, a hint of curiosity flickered in Leng Yanran's eyes. In the gazebo earlier, there had been too many people around for her to use her charm technique. In her view, even in times of confrontation, she wouldn't resort to using charm as a tactic – that was reserved for her Master!

However, even though her tail could actively evoke charm, it also had a weakness – it was incredibly sensitive!

"Even if it doesn't affect Master now, it should eventually, once I elevate my constitution to a higher level, right? Mmm…"

As she pondered these thoughts, Leng Yanran decided to set these matters aside for now and focus on her task. However, she suddenly brightened up, a brilliant idea forming in her mind! With a swaying motion, her peach-heart-shaped tail appeared before her eyes.

A pink halo radiated from it, and she used her allure directly on herself! In an instant, two heart-shaped pupils appeared in her eyes. Her idea had actually worked!

"How is your senior sister?"

As Yourong returned to the small pavilion, Chen Daoxuan asked with concern.

"Senior Sister said she's fine, just a bit tired. A good rest will fix it," Yourong replied, blinking her eyes. She felt a twinge of regret that she hadn't been able to touch her senior sister's tail earlier.

"That's good. If you don't have anything to do later, make sure to take care of her." Chen Daoxuan nodded slightly.

"Master, what should we do with these spirit beasts? Where should we put them?"

Seeing that her master was planning to go back to sleep after finishing his meal, Yourong took out the two spirit beast pouches.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Let's see… put them in the open space on the east side of the kitchen. It's close by for feeding."

Chen Daoxuan stroked his chin, pondered for a moment, then pointed slightly toward the east side of the kitchen's main hall. Instantly, a series of barriers appeared, creating an expansive pasture.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢

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