The latest website: Amu's voice reached the ears of Tongtian God Elephant. It came back to its senses and found that the hunters in the village had already surrounded the village to the east.

In fact, Tongtian Divine Elephant had already discovered the trace of the male elephant, but he didn't say anything about it.

It knows better that there are a group of female elephants behind the male elephant.

Amu and the others rushed over, only wanting to kill the male elephant, but they also alarmed the group of female elephants.

Then, the elephant herd was frightened, became restless, and went on a rampage. Some hunters couldn't dodge, and they were already knocked out. Several ribs were broken, and hot blood spurted out of their mouths. They fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Amu was dealing with the bull elephant, but was hit by a flying tree and fell down.

He gritted his teeth and wanted to get up, but saw the angry bull elephant stepping down hard.

"It's over." Amu forgot to resist.

Of course, he could not resist the angry bull elephant alone.

Amu thought he was dead, but when he opened his eyes, he found that he was not dead, it was the bull elephant that died.

The bull elephant lay beside him, lifeless.

Amu was stunned, even a little frightened.

"What's the matter?"

Just when he was wondering, other people surrounded him.

"Amu, are you okay?" Someone asked with concern.

"Amu, I convince you to get up." Someone came to help Amu up.

Amu was lifted up, looked at the crowd, and asked, "What happened just now?"

Everyone looked at the Tongtian God Elephant at the side, and explained: "It was he who drove away the elephants and killed the male elephant, saving our lives."

Amu then looked at Tongtian God with a shocked expression on his face.

"You actually killed the bull elephant?"

Tongtian Shenxiang said: "Actually, I didn't tell you that I was born with supernatural power."

Amu was stunned: "Are you born with supernatural power?"

Tongtian Divine Elephant nodded and said, "That's right. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to kill this male elephant, nor would I be able to save you."

It is nonsense, but Amu and others firmly believe it.

Tongtian Shenxiang also said that because of his innate supernatural power, he wanted to seek advice from immortals and try to make a breakthrough.

It's just that immortals are hard to find, even if you search the entire mountain, you can't find them.

The Tongtian God Elephant not only helped the hunters kill the male elephant, but also found some high-quality medicinal materials to help the hunters heal their wounds.

The medicinal materials it found have excellent curative effects, beyond the imagination of Amu and others.

So, Amu said, it is the lucky star.

In this regard, Tongtian Shenxiang could only shake his head silently. Xianting does have a lucky star, but it is not it.

That lucky star is much weaker than it.

Before, it had no dealings with mortals. Now, after dealing with Amu and others, he realizes that mortals' minds are so simple.

Originally, Amu and the others planned to break open the meat of the male elephant and carry a large piece each.

Tongtian God Elephant volunteered and took the initiative to carry the whole male elephant, which stunned Amu and others.

"He actually carried a whole bull elephant, he is really born with supernatural power." Amu and the others reacted and were filled with emotion.

Tongtian God Elephant carried the whole male elephant down the mountain, his steps were steady and fast.

Behind, Amu and others quickened their pace, but they still couldn't catch up with the Tongtian God.

Immediately, Amu muttered: "He is a natural hunter. If you hunt with him, why worry about not being able to catch the prey?"

They returned to the village and were warmly welcomed by the people.

Amu and the others were the ones hunting, but every household in the village was given a piece of meat.

When the people in the village learned that it was Tongtian Shenxiang who hunted and killed the male elephant, they immediately cast adoring eyes on Tongtian Shenxiang.

They gathered around the elephant and toasted it, thanking it for killing the bull elephant and bringing food to the people.

People don't know the true identity of Tongtian God, and respect for it comes from the heart.

In the evening, they also held a bonfire party and named Tongtian idols as heroes.

There are also women who take the initiative to throw themselves into the arms of the Tongtian God, planning to have a good night with the Tongtian God.

Tongtian Shenxiang never thought that it would be such an experience to come to the East Pole.

There is no great danger, but a taste of the life of a mortal.

The next day, when people woke up and took a look, they found that the **** Tongtian was gone.

Amu, Tiesheng and others went from house to house in the village looking for the God of Tongtian, but they found nothing.

In the end, they determined that Tongtian Shenxiang had left the village.

Tie Sheng said: "He is born with supernatural power, and he is destined to have an extraordinary life. I think he must have gone looking for a fairy."

Amu said: "He is destined to be an excellent hunter. I don't know if I will see him in the future."

Tongtian Shenxiang left the village in the middle of the night without alarming anyone.

By the time the people in the village looked for him, he had already traveled hundreds of thousands of miles.

He kept looking for targets along the way, passing by many villages.

Those villages are similar to the villages where Tiesheng and Amu live. The people there are just mortals, but they have a long lifespan.

Everywhere, there are lotus flowers of various colors, red, blue, and golden.

He passed by villages one by one, and found that the people inside regarded lotus as a sacred object. They don't worship gods, but lotus flowers.

In their cognition, it is not the gods who create everything, but the lotus flower that creates everything.

They also said that they can have a long lifespan and their current life, all due to the blessing of the lotus.

The lotus has a lofty status in their hearts and is an existence that cannot be desecrated.

The Tongtian God Elephant traveled all over thousands of mountains and thousands of rivers, looking for the Shenlong guarding the land of the East Pole, and the Qing Emperor who was suppressed here.

It's just that it has been turned for a long time, but still nothing.

"It's really strange, why is there no trace at all?" Tongtian Shenxiang frowned, feeling as if he had entered an illusion.

Until that day, it came to a mountain peak and saw a high mountain and deep pool.

The pool is green and full of lotus flowers. There are green lotuses all around, only the one in the middle is a golden lotus.

On the golden lotus, there is a person sitting cross-legged.

The man's head is bald, the curtain is closed, and he is practicing.

Not far from that person, there was a little green snake.

The little green snake is wrapped around a green lotus, basking lazily in the sun.

When the little green snake saw the Heavenly Phenomenon, it spit out: "You idiot, you are really useless, you have searched for so long to come here."

Seeing the little green snake, Tongtian God Elephant couldn't hide the shock in his eyes: "I never thought that your majestic beast, Qinglong, has now turned into a little snake."

The Tongtian Divine Elephant recognized the identity of the little green snake, which was the divine beast guarding the land of the East Pole—the green dragon.

It's just surprising that the dignified Qinglong has now turned into a little snake.

Qinglong is here, so where is Qingdi?

Suddenly, it looked at the person sitting cross-legged on the golden lotus, and its heart skipped a beat. Could it be that person is Qingdi?

It couldn't see through that person, and felt more and more uneasy.


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