Unscientific check-in: I am invincible in the town of monsters and towers Chapter 299 Just a drop or two

The Stone Monkey King had only been with Zhou Xuan for a short time, and he didn't know much about Zhou Xuan, nor was he familiar with Zhou Xuan's style of doing things.

But the Babao Chicken Demon is different, it has followed Zhou Xuan for half a year, and has a certain understanding of Zhou Xuan's style of doing things.

Now, it has learned to help Zhou Xuan solve problems in advance.

Some unnecessary trivial matters, it will be resolved in advance, so as not to bother Zhou Xuan.

The Stone Monkey King looked at the Demon Suppressing Tower in front of him, feeling filled with emotion.

It was kept inside for four hundred and ninety-nine years, almost five hundred years.

Five hundred years, five hundred years, how many five hundred years are monkeys born!

Fortunately, there is no need to go back to the Demon Town Tower now, and I have gained another kind of freedom.

At this moment, it is facing the Zhenyao Tower, and really wants to roar: "I'm out."

Although it is impossible to see people with their true colors now, it is better than being imprisoned in the Demon Town Tower!

Although Zhou Xuan was not outside, it did not escape. It is well aware of how deep the foundation of Zhenyao Academy is, as long as it shows its strength, it will definitely be suppressed.

"Eternal God Emperor"

Among other things, Li Ziyin and Sun Qian have been looking for it.

When the Stone Monkey King thought of Li Ziyin, he shook his head for a while: "This king failed to lead her to find the colorful ginseng. This king broke his promise."

The Eight Treasure Chicken Demon suddenly took a look at the Stone Monkey King, and said, "You mean the man named Li Ziyin, right? Unexpectedly, you are a monkey who cares about beautiful women."

The little golden monkey breathed coldly: "Why, you have an opinion, believe it or not, this king slapped you to death?"

After hearing this, the Eight Treasure Chicken Demon showed a mocking expression.

Not only was it not afraid, but it also took the initiative to stretch its head over: "Come on, shoot me quickly, and kill me. If you want to shoot me to death, you have to show your strength. When the time comes, I will die first or you will die first."

Stone Monkey King: "..."

It felt aggrieved, and wanted to hit the Babao Chicken Demon's head a few times, but was worried about revealing its identity.

Now it only hates to pretend that its realm is too low, otherwise, it won't be able to get rid of the eight-treasure chicken demon in the transcendent realm.

The Eight Treasure Chicken Demon glanced at the Stone Monkey King again, and said, "To tell you the truth, Li Ziyin has already obtained the seven-color spirit ginseng."

The Stone Monkey King was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: "Impossible, it is impossible for her to get the colorful spirit ginseng."

The Eight Treasure Chicken Demon said, "Who says it's impossible."

The Stone Monkey King stared at the eight-treasure chicken demon: "Then tell me, how did she get the colorful spirit ginseng?"

The Eight Treasure Chicken Demon had a proud expression on his face: "I gave it to you."

The Stone Monkey King was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly: "Are you kidding me? You alone can give her the colorful spirit ginseng. May I ask where you got the colorful spirit ginseng from?"

Babao Chicken Demon explained: "Seven-colored ginseng grows in the East China Sea, so it is naturally obtained from the East China Sea."

The Stone Monkey King said disdainfully: "It's not because I look down on you, but because of your cultivation, it's impossible to **** the colorful spirit ginseng from the Hai Clan."

The Eight Treasure Chicken Demon shook his head: "Who said I was going to **** it? To tell you the truth, it was Zhou Xuan who got the seven-colored ginseng, and then asked me to give the seven-colored ginseng to Li Ziyin. You don't know it yet, right now that Li Ziyin is treating me Thank you very much."

Indeed, as it said, because Zhou Xuan wanted to practice watering, he was unable to participate in the auction held by the academy, so he asked the eight-treasure chicken demon to bring the seven-colored ginseng to the auction.

For this reason, the Eight Treasure Chicken Demon also changed its identity through the art of transformation taught by Zhou Xuan.

Once the colorful ginseng appeared, it caused an uproar. Many people came here just to see what the seven-colored ginseng, which can increase longevity, looks like.

The most exciting thing is Li Ziyin. One of her goals when she went to the East China Sea last time was to find colorful ginseng.

But due to an accident in the middle of the Stone Monkey King, she also lost her guide and had no chance to get the colorful spirit ginseng.

She didn't expect that the colorful ginseng would appear in the auction of Zhenyao Academy, which was a surprise.

She swore secretly that no matter what price she paid, she would get the colorful ginseng to keep her adoptive mother alive.

You raise me up, and I grow old with you. She just wanted to show more filial piety so that her adoptive mother could enjoy her rewards more.

However, there are not a few people who want the colorful spiritual ginseng, a spiritual thing that increases longevity.

After all, even though it was an auction held by the Town Demon Academy, it was open to the public and anyone outside could participate.

At the auction, the colorful ginseng was looted, and the price kept rising.

Li Ziyin followed up all the way, and even she was flustered in the end. The competition was too great, and she was not sure about getting the colorful ginseng, and she was faintly anxious.

At that critical moment, the chicken thief's eight-treasure chicken demon said that he wanted to hear the reasons of those who wanted the seven-color spirit ginseng.

"Why do you want colorful spirit ginseng?"

Some people say, of course it is used to increase longevity. Some people also say that it is used for collection and kept for future life.

When it was Li Ziyin's turn, she did not hide it, saying that it was used to renew the life of her adoptive mother.

When the Babao chicken demon heard this, he said that Li Ziyin's behavior was touching, so he gave Li Ziyin the colorful ginseng.

Note that it is a gift, not the kind of reward.

At that time, the audience was shocked. Not to mention that other people were shocked, even Li Ziyin himself was shocked, feeling unbelievable.

Those people thought that the eight-treasure chicken demon was a fool, who actually gave away the life-enhancing elixir.

The Stone Monkey King was taken aback when he heard that.

"How did he get the colorful spirit ginseng?"

In fact, the eight-treasure chicken demon himself didn't want to give it away. But the colorful spirit ginseng belonged to Zhou Xuan, it was only following orders.

Under the eyes of everyone, it gave the colorful ginseng to Li Ziyin, and then strode away from the auction house.

It wasn't until its figure disappeared that everyone recovered from their astonishment.

"What is the identity of that guy, to be so generous in his actions, and to give away seven-colored ginseng?"

Li Ziyin also immediately tracked down the identity of the Babao Chicken Demon. She must remember this monster who gave her colorful ginseng, and find opportunities to thank him in the future.

The person in charge of the auction house told everyone that the beast just now was the war beast of a man named Chu Xunhuan.

"Who is Chu Xunhuan?" Everyone wondered, full of puzzlement

Many people are hearing this name for the first time, and have never heard of it before.

"Chu Xunhuan." Li Ziyin was also stunned for a moment, and then realized, "So it's him!"

"Chu Xunhuan is the mysterious person who destroyed the Evil Spirit Gate!" Someone started breaking the news.

"So what if the Evil Spirit Gate is destroyed, he's such a dick, he actually gave someone seven-colored ginseng. Just give it away, why not give it to me?" Someone was full of resentment~ www.mtlnovel.com~ He was from Kunlun Shan, do you think he is a dick? "The person who broke the news asked.

"Ah?" For a moment, many people were dumbfounded, "It turns out that he is from Kunlun Mountain, no wonder he can give away seven-colored ginseng! But, can't he also give me a plant?"

This incident happened a few days ago, and it is still hot and talked about.

It's just that the Stone Monkey King stayed under the Demon Suppressing Tower, didn't pay attention to the news outside, and didn't know.

Now it heard that the Babao Chicken Demon gave Li Ziyin the seven-colored ginseng, and it condensed thousands of words into one sentence: "It's good for the girl to get the seven-colored ginseng."

After Li Ziyin got the colorful ginseng, she immediately went to find her adoptive mother. Now, she has succeeded in renewing the life of her adoptive mother.

And as time passed, Zhou Xuan finally came out from the Demon Town Tower.

Now he is already a six-star Legend Realm, which has been promoted by a small realm.

But when he came out, he still behaved mediocrely.

This made the Stone Monkey King wonder, did Zhou Xuan make a breakthrough?

Only the Eight Treasure Chicken Demon can be sure that Zhou Xuan must have made a breakthrough.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zhou Xuan to practice in seclusion for so many days!

It knew that Zhou Xuan's behavior was so mediocre, it was just for the purpose of shady people.

After Zhou Xuan came out, he called the Stone Monkey King over: "Give me a drop or two of your blood essence."

These words frightened the Stone Monkey King: "Don't joke with me, I only have a few drops in total, don't you want my life?"

Zhou Xuan looked at it, and said: "Just one or two drops will not affect your life, at most it will let you lose a few days."


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