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Song Fan recovered from his injuries, is in good health and in a good mood.

During this time, Chen Yueru was taking care of him, and he took good care of him.

Song Fan rented the house in Biji District all the time, but he only went back when he brought his female ticket for the night.

He lay down for several days, and now it was too late to wait for dark, so he took Chen Yueru to the Biji community.

In his words, he wanted to thank Chen Yueru for taking care of her these few days.

Wu Ju's injury is also very good, but he is not as hungry and thirsty as Song Fan.

He clenched his fist, indicating that it was itchy.

So, after eating and drinking enough, he went directly to the back mountain to practice in the Demon Town Pagoda.

He wants to prove himself, even if he lies down for several days, his ability to fight tigers is still there.

In addition to Song Fan and Wu Ju's recovery, Chen Qingqing, Li Fei and others also recovered.

As soon as Chen Qingqing recovered, she was dragged by Lu Xiaolu to have a big meal.

Lu Xiaolu said that without Chen Qingqing's company these days, she would not eat well.

In order to celebrate Chen Qingqing's recovery, she specially ordered a feast of monster meat.

Chen Qingqing looked at a table full of monster meat feasts, her clever eyes opened a little wide: "Is this a little too much?"

Lu Xiaolu had already moved his chopsticks, and said: "Not much at all. You were injured by monsters, and you have been lying on the bed for so many days. Now that you are in good health, you should eat more meat from monsters, as revenge."

After hearing this, Chen Qingqing was not polite, and began to enjoy the delicious monster meat feast.

While eating, Lu Xiaolu glanced at Chen Qingqing and said, "When we finish eating, go to the back mountain to find Zhou Xuan."

Chen Qingqing asked subconsciously: "What do you want him for?"

Lu Xiaolu said: "Didn't you say that he can train war beasts, and the effect is very good, I want to ask him to help train my war beasts."

Some time ago, she bought a war beast, which was a lion demon.

When she chose the Beast, she also specifically asked Zhou Xuan for his opinion. In the end, she followed Zhou Xuan's suggestion and chose a powerful beast that could protect her.

After experiencing the hunting of monsters, she knows the importance of war beasts.

Especially after she saw the progress of Chen Qingqing's mountain eagle, she was eager to improve the strength of her war beast.

So, she thought of Zhou Xuan.

Chen Qingqing nodded slightly: "He is indeed good at training beasts, but you have to be prepared, he is not free, he has to charge, and it is not low."

Lu Xiaolu smacked his lips and said, "I heard you say, one hundred thousand yuan. One hundred thousand yuan is indeed a lot, but I still have some."

Chen Qingqing nodded again: "That's good, then after we finish eating, we will go to the back mountain."

Speaking of which, she paid 100,000 yuan for training and enjoyed many after-sales services.

Especially this time, her war beast Mountain Eagle went to the back mountain, and after eating some monster meat at Zhou Xuan's place, it raised its cultivation base to the platinum level, which really surprised her.

She originally planned to go to the back mountain to thank Zhou Xuan personally.

Now since Lu Xiaolu is going too, it happens to be together.

On the other side, Song Fan and Chen Yueru stayed in Biji Community for half a day, until the afternoon before they were willing to leave.

Song Fan felt that everything else was fine, except that his waist hurt a little.

He touched his lower back and said: "I have to go to Xiao Xuanzi to mend it."

Immediately, these words made Chen Yueru roll her eyes.

Song Fan quickly explained: "Little Xuanzi has good things there. Er Gouzi told me when I was still lying on the bed. By the way, you can go together too."

Chen Yueru froze for a moment: "My battle beast has already received his help and has reached the platinum level. If I go again, it won't be suitable, right?"

Song Fan shook his head: "Little Xuanzi and I have a life-long friendship, brothers of life and death, there is nothing suitable or inappropriate."

In the end, without any food, he took Chen Yueru to the back mountain to find Zhou Xuan.

Among them, Wuju was the first to arrive at the back mountain.

He arrived at the back mountain at noon. At that time, Zhou Xuan had already signed in and came out from the third floor.

He signed on the rat demon in room 1 on the third floor, and obtained the earth escaping technique.

Sign in on the black dog demon in room 2 and get a thunder bell.

Sign in on a ghost-backed spider in room 3 and get thirty intermediate star stones.

One mid-level starstone is equivalent to ten low-level starstones, and thirty mid-level starstones is equivalent to three hundred low-level starstones.

Now, he is rich again.

After he had lunch, he saw Wu Ju come here to practice.

Wu Ju said that although he was injured. However, when he hunted and killed monsters in the monster hunting operation, he gained a lot of combat insights and gained a lot.

In the past few days in bed, he has digested those battle sentiments. Now, he just wants to practice with monsters to see how much his combat power has improved.

Zhou Xuan quite liked the fighting spirit of martial arts, so he quickly opened the door for the other party and brought him into the Demon Town Tower, allowing him to practice to his heart's content.

After Wuju entered the Demon Suppressing Tower to practice, Zhou Xuan walked out, sat under the Demon Suppressing Tower and quietly comprehended the Earth Escape Technique.

The floor tiles in the Town Demon Tower are so hard that even the best escaping skills cannot escape.

Therefore, he can only practice outside.

It is said that if you want to practice the ground escape technique, you need to dig a big pit and bury yourself in the soil. That way the practice will be faster and the effect will be better.

However, for Zhou Xuan, it is completely unnecessary.

He's a top-notch talent who doesn't need all those bells and whistles.

The ground escaping technique is a very mysterious spell, and Zhou Xuan happened to have top-level comprehension.

In just half an hour, he initially comprehended the technique of escaping from the ground.

He looked around and saw there were students beside him, so he got up and left, went to the nearby Cangtian Ancient Forest, performed the Earth Escape Technique, and fled into the soil with a swish.

When he appeared again, he had already come down the mountain.

He drilled out of the soil under the mountain, and it was so mysterious and mysterious.

Even though he drilled thousands of meters into the soil, his clothes were still clean without getting soiled.

This is the mystery of the ground escape technique.

The ground escaping technique can drill indiscriminately in the soil, but it will not look embarrassed at all.

Zhou Xuan stood at the foot of the mountain, carefully comprehending some details of performing the ground escaping technique.

It was his first time to perform the Earth Escape Technique, and he was able to escape to a depth of two meters in the soil, which was considered pretty good.

But as he continues to comprehend the technique of escaping from the ground, the depth will become deeper and deeper in the future.

In the future, let alone two meters, twenty meters, two hundred meters are possible.

Originally, he planned to continue using the ground escaping technique to go up the back mountain.

However, it was seen by two students.

"Brother Zhou Xuan." A charming voice came from afar.

Zhou Xuan took a look and found that it was Lu Xiaolu.

Next to Lu Xiaolu, there is Chen Qingqing.

In addition to the two of them, they also brought war beasts. Chen Qingqing's mountain eagle, Lu Xiaolu's lion demon.

Zhou Xuan saw the two of them, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of ??using the ground escape technique to go up the back mountain.

After he talked with the two, he learned that they were planning to go to the back mountain to find him.

So he went up the mountain with the two of them.

On the way, Lu Xiaolu revealed her purpose, to ask Zhou Xuan to help train the lion demon.

Regarding this, Zhou Xuan did not refuse. Of course, he does not train for free, he has to charge a little training fee.

Lu Xiaolu said without hesitation: "I have already prepared the training fee."

As she spoke, she took out the 100,000 yuan she had prepared.

Zhou Xuan looked at it, and said: "Actually, I can help you train the beasts first, and after you see the effect, I will collect the training fee."

At the beginning, Chen Qingqing couldn't afford 100,000 yuan in training fees, so she chose to pay in installments.

Lu Xiaolu glanced at Chen Qingqing's war beast, the mountain eagle, and said: "I have seen the effect of your training, so I trust you. You should accept the training fee."

Zhou Xuan did not refuse after hearing this, and said: "In that case, I will accept it. Since I have accepted your money, I will help you train the beasts with all my heart. You don't have to worry about this, I have a reputation people."

Lu Xiaolu nodded: "Of course I believe in you, otherwise I wouldn't have looked for you."

Several people came to the lounge in the back mountain. Chen Qingqing looked at Zhou Xuan and said, "Zhou Xuan, thank you."

Zhou Xuan brewed a pot of tea, poured a cup for the two of them, and said, "How do you say it?"

Chen Qingqing explained: "Thank you for helping my Beast improve its strength. If it wasn't for your help, it would be impossible for my Mountain Eagle to break through to the platinum level."

Zhou Xuan waved his hand, and said calmly: "You don't need to thank me. You paid the training fee, and this belongs to the follow-up training."

After Chen Qingqing heard this, her heart became hot.

In the past, she really felt that Zhou Xuan's training fee of 100,000 yuan was a bit expensive. However, looking at it now, the training fee of 100,000 yuan is too worthwhile, not expensive at all.

Now, she even felt that this was already worth it.

After Lu Xiaolu heard it, her heart became more and more looking forward to it.

She just paid 100,000 yuan for training, and she believed it would be worth the money.

The two sat in the lounge, drinking the tea made by Zhou Xuan, feeling very happy.

They discovered that Zhou Xuan had broken through to the golden realm, so they talked with Zhou Xuan about the cultivation and understanding of this realm.

Lu Xiaolu is a five-star gold star, and Chen Qingqing is a seven-star gold star. The two of them originally had good intentions, sharing their experience of the golden realm with Zhou Xuan, and wanted to help Zhou Xuan improve his cultivation.

But they didn't know that Zhou Xuan's real realm had already reached the nine stars of the Transcendent Realm, a realm they couldn't even imagine.

They shared their experience with Zhou Xuan, but they were enlightened by Zhou Xuan and had a new understanding.

Then, Lu Xiaolu broke through on the spot and reached the gold six stars.

Chen Qingqing also made a breakthrough on the spot, reaching the eight gold stars.

After the two broke through, they were pleasantly surprised, but they were more in a trance.

"We actually made a breakthrough?" Lu Xiaolu looked at Chen Qingqing in surprise, still not believing it.

Chen Qingqing froze for a while, then nodded, and said, "Yes, we have made a breakthrough."

Lu Xiaolu had a small mouth, her chest was trembling all the time, she was so excited: "This is simply unbelievable, just like a fake."

Chen Qingqing looked at Zhou Xuan, and said: "We were the ones who pointed you out, but you did. It seems that we have to thank you again."

They pointed Zhou Xuan, but Zhou Xuan did not break through. On the contrary, Zhou Xuan just pointed out a few words, and they had a feeling and made a breakthrough.

Zhou Xuan looked at the two of them and said, "Congratulations to both of you."

Then, he took a sip of tea and said, "Actually, my words are not that powerful, mainly because of the effect of the tea."

Lu Xiaolu leaned over and said, "Is this tea? I feel that it has no effect other than the fragrance."

Zhou Xuan explained: "This is actually a special kind of tea. After drinking it, it can make people realize the Tao and have a new understanding."

"Ah?" Lu Xiaolu and Chen Qingqing were both taken aback when they heard this.

At this moment, they realized: "No wonder we felt the explosion just now, so that's what happened."

Zhou Xuan also drinks this kind of tea, but this tea has no effect on him.

Mainly because he drank too much and got used to it.

After Chen Qingqing learned that it was the tea leaves, she once again expressed her gratitude to Zhou Xuan.

She felt that Zhou Xuan was too generous to entertain them with such good tea.

As everyone knows, Zhou Xuan only regards this kind of tea as ordinary tea.

This tea is obtained by signing in, and it is as much as ten catties.

He has been drinking for a long time, and there are still two catties left, which is enough for him to drink for several days.

After Chen Qingqing and Lu Xiaolu broke through, they began to consolidate their realm.

They never thought that the trip to the back mountain would lead to a breakthrough in the realm, which was simply a surprise.

They are consolidating their realm with peace of mind, and their war beasts were taken to train by the Babao Chicken Demon.

A mountain eagle and a lion demon are being trained by the eight-treasure chicken demon at the moment, and their hearts are suffering.

That mountain eagle has been trained by the eight-treasure chicken demon and is ready.

However, the lion demon had not been trained by the eight-treasure chicken demon. At the beginning, he was very crazy and expressed dissatisfaction.

For this, Shanying cast a pitiful look.

Sure enough, the lion demon was quickly rubbed against the ground by the eight-treasure chicken demon, screaming.

"Don't, don't hit it, I'm convinced!" The lion demon fell to the ground, pitifully.

It has a bruised nose and a swollen face, with one head and two big heads, like a young man who has just entered society and was beaten severely by society.

Shanying on the side saw this scene with sympathetic eyes.

This is the price of ignorance!

Back then, it was the same way, provoking the Eight Treasure Chicken Demon recklessly.

In the end, he was beaten up by the Eight Treasure Chicken Demon until he didn't even recognize his parents.

Now, it has learned to be good, and it doesn't dare to challenge the eight-treasure chicken demon.

Otherwise ~www.mtlnovel.com~ that is courting death.

"Master Chicken, don't hit me, if you hit me again, I'm going to burp." The lion demon pitifully begged for mercy.

"What's wrong, aren't you crazy anymore?" Babao Chicken Demon said cheaply.

The lion demon shook his head like a rattle drum and said, "I'm not crazy anymore."

The Eight-treasure Chicken Demon laughed and said, "Don't, keep going crazy, I haven't beaten Yin yet."

The lion demon trembled after hearing this, and said: "Master Chicken, I was wrong, and I dare not be mad anymore. From now on, you will be the master, and I will obey you."

After hearing this, Babao Chicken Demon finally nodded in satisfaction and said, "If that's the case, then get up."

"Thank you, Master Chicken." After hearing this, the lion demon was grateful and got up.

While resting, it looked at Shanying and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier that I was beaten for nothing?"

Shan Ying gave it a blank look: "Would you listen to what I said earlier?"

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