The boss was there.


The ax covered in blood-red lines was swung. It was an ax with a blood-red aura.

At the same time, the meteor condensed the cold air in the atmosphere and created an armor of ice, and the boss ‘Blood Moon Singer”s super-large ax hit the armor.


The ice armor just shattered. Just before the broken pieces of ice and the ax hit the shooting star, he quickly flew away.


Yoosung caught his breath without even having time to wipe away the sweat that was pouring down like rain.

It wasn't easy.

But that's why he was a worthy challenger.

“If the game is too easy, it’s not fun.”

Yooseong muttered and adjusted the hilt of his sword. While refining the magical power of the cold energy swirling like a whirlpool beneath his feet, he raised his head and looked at the Blood Moon Singer.

The orcs up until now are so bulky and huge that they look like dwarves. Moreover, the giant axes held in both hands each contained a bloody aura.

The fact that a weapon has an aura means that the body of the person holding the weapon also has an aura.

“Releasing fire potion.”

Looking at the roaring Blood Moon Singer, Yooseong stretched out his arms and muttered a command. At the same time, a halo of light swirled around and a glass bottle appeared in Yoosung's hand.

It was a fiery potion that seemed to burst into flames inside the bottle.


He roared and threw a fire potion with all his might at the rushing chieftain.

An explosion whipped around with a clanging sound, and at the same time, the Blood Moon Singer cut through the flames, paying no heed to the explosion.

However, when the chief appeared through the flames, the shooting star had disappeared.

For some, the swirling flames obscured the view of both sides. That was enough.

Yoosung, who hid himself behind a curtain of flames, was looking for an opportunity to counterattack.

Amid the flames, the ax blade cuts through the air toward the blood-red moon singer. < Suddenly, a shooting star struck the ground, aiming for an opening in a blind spot. The distance narrowed like a flash, with swirling acceleration like an explosion. The frost sword in his hand struck down. Normal skill stabbing. However, the destructive power that the skill exerted in conjunction with the hero grade skill card was by no means an 'ordinary skill'. A striking blow aimed at a momentary blind spot. It was a blow that drove a wedge into the sluggish confrontation. Phew! The flesh was torn apart and the blade plunged deep into the flesh. At the same time, the ice blade exploded inside the body, shattering into pieces, and the flesh and bones of the Blood Moon Singer were scattered. ......... It was immediately after that that the intuition of death raised a red flag again. “It’s not over until it’s over!”] [Blood Moon Singer activates the skill ‘Berserk’!] Quickly condensing cold magic to create a shield of ice, and taking advantage of the gap, the meteor kicks the ground and flies into the distance. opened. The ice shield crumpled like a piece of paper and the ax hit the floor. The Blood Moon Singer was there, with more than 30% of his body shattered, exposing his intestines and ribs. He became a literal light warrior, not caring about the intestines and blood flowing down his face. However, Yoosung was not embarrassed. At some point, I quickly took a sip of the acceleration potion in my hand. He easily dodged the attacks of the Blood Moon Singers that were flooding in again, and the next attack was the same. When taking an acceleration potion, it is not difficult to match the stride of movement even if the opponent is activating the Berserk skill. Kuyuk A vibration resounded like the earth shaking again, and that sound meant only one thing. It was the sound of the berserker falling after his final struggle. It is not a good decision to fight fairly against an opponent who is using the berserk skill. Just taking the acceleration potion and waiting for 'the end' is enough. [The effect of the acceleration potion disappears.] 'It was close.' There is no guarantee that you will be defeated even if you do not take the acceleration potion, but you will have to overcome the stone bridge. [You have cleared the boss stage!] [You have conquered the tower of the Blood Moon Orc tribe! The tower has been conquered! The tower...] [You will receive an 'Attribute Skill Card Pack' as a reward for conquering the tower!] [Achievement points...] [Special achievement 'First conqueror...] After pounding on the stone bridge, you will finally be able to conquer the tower. It was time to get my hands on the replacement. 「Attribute Skill Card Pack」 Description: By specifying a specific attribute, you can randomly obtain a skill card of normal or higher level. After defeating the boss and obtaining various loot, Yooseong raised his head. Achievement points and special achievements However, the thing that caught Yoosung's attention the most was the card pack. It is also a pack that can be viewed by specifying one specific attribute. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the best reward you can get from Tier 3 Tower. No, it's such a hit that it's hard to get it even if you hit the top of Tier 4 right now. It worked out so well that it was almost ominous. ‘There is glacier synergy, so cold skills are the standard. It wouldn't be a bad idea to quickly secure 2 synergies and aim for metal... Currently, the only options Yoosung can choose are cold and metal builds. 'No, for now, let's go towards maximizing the efficiency of the glacial synergy.' The thought didn't last long. After thinking, Yoosung mouthed a command. “Open the pack with the cold attribute.” At the same time, a card popped out from the swirling cloud of light. “Has a legend emerged?” [Wow, a normal card!] [Ice Bolt obtained!] “It’s like that in all manga games.” Sure enough, as soon as Yoosung saw the message, he cursed. [Entered the Tower of Imp Demon Worshipers.] As the name suggests, it was a place full of imps who worshiped the devil, but what was spread out there was not the interior of the tower. It was a very dark cave. “Kiik. pagan! “You’re a disgusting heretic!” A horde of imps began pouring out of the darkness of the cave, and a shooting star stretched out his arms. A stream of cold air swirled from the fingertips and struck the group of imps. “Kill the infidel! Kiik r taang! The ice bolt hit. It was a blow that was strengthened by glacial synergy and contained more killing power than that of a bullet being fired. And it wasn't even a single shot. It was a barrage of dozens of ice bolts scattered in a fan shape. It's like line infantry aiming their muskets and pulling the trigger all at once. 《Ice Bolt》 - Attribute .Cold - Ability - Can condense cold air in the air and fire it in the form of a projectile. . Glacier synergy enhancement effect: Increased damage, increased number of projectiles, and the number of ice bolts that should have been single increased to dozens, scattering them alone. Ice bullets were literally raining down. The line of the charging imp group collapsed, and after piercing several more imps, it finally came to a halt. “Kiik Demon King! “Kick me to hell!” “Wait, you bastards, I’ll give you tickets now.” Nevertheless, it was not enough to suppress the endless madness of the Imp fanatics. Taaat! He adjusted his frost sword and kicked the meteor towards the group of imps. The sword swung, and each time the imps' flesh and bones froze to pieces. Yooseong stretched his arms out behind his back without even looking at him. Ice bolts swirled along the fingertips, scattering like volleys of musket infantry. Every time a blow is struck, dozens of imps are falling one by one like fallen leaves. Nevertheless, the number of imps still filling the cave is endless. 'There is no end, there is no end.' The number of players who can enter the 3rd tier tower at the same time is 1 to a maximum of 16. This means that it is at least four times larger than the tower of the Blood Moon Orc tribe that was attacked previously. This can be seen by looking at the number of Imp fanatics currently filling up the first tier. And rewards are no exception in proportion to the increasing number of threats and enemies. 'This damn world.' Yooseong cursed and swung his sword. Without a party or keeping pace with others, you just aim for the tower and advance endlessly. Otherwise, there was no such thing as an unwieldy mission to protect the world. Still, nothing changed. “Kick kick! Demon King! Bring me to hell ... At the same time, the meteor's frost sword was swung, and the breath of ice followed the frost sword. Finally, the edge of the endless crowd of imps came into view. End of Tier 1. And at the end of it, waiting was a cave hole leading to the second underground level, putting the tower to shame. Spewing ominous blazing flames and brimstone like a hole leading to the bottom of hell. It's not just the player who grows by gaining experience and leveling up. Skill cards are no exception to the fact that you gain experience, grow, and strengthen your abilities. [Imp Syoja (司敎) is given the cold state 'freeze'!] The body of the boss mob Imp Syoja was frozen. As soon as he saw that, Yooseong condensed his cold magic again. 《Frost Sword Creation》 (omitted) . Glacier synergy enhancement effect: Increases the number and type of additional weapons that can be created. Cold magical energy swirled around them, and each one took the form of a javelin. Before I knew it, dozens of ice and frost spears began to orbit around the shooting star. Like satellites circling around a planet. He stretched out his arm, grabbed a spear, and threw it with all his might. At the end of the javelin, the tip of the cold spear pierced down towards the imp. At the same time, he snatched up the second ice and frost spears that were orbiting around him and threw them. Two sacks , five sacks and seven sacks. Each time, the spears of cold rained down on the frozen imp group, and finally they kicked the ground, creating a frost sword. Head towards the boss of the tower with dozens of spear blades sticking out like a pirate roulette. When the skill 'Pierce' was activated, the body accelerated explosively and the distance narrowed. The rush was enough to make a dent in the floor of the cave I was standing on. Clink! Immediately after, the ice and frost spears stuck in the body exploded all at once, scattering pieces of cold air containing killing power within the body. The boss's body shattered like broken glass, and at the same time, a system message indicating clearing appeared. [Wow rare equipment!] [I obtained 《Silver Plate Mail》!] 'It's already legendary so it's meaningless.' It was at that moment that I was looking through the strategy rewards as usual. A faint light shone throughout the cave. Immediately after, darkness fell. Just as the stage goes dark to change the curtain. 『Face your shadow.”] [One of the forces in the tower shows deep interest in your activities.] The ground I was standing on shook ominously, and unexpected messages emerged. 'already?' The message meant only one thing. Therefore, even the worn-out meteor could not hide its surprise.

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