That was it.

At the same time as the veil of darkness was disappearing despite the endlessly rising experience level, countless loot was pouring in.

It wasn't without a cost. But even that was a price worth paying for Yoosung.

The darkness cleared, and the meteor turned its head, leaving behind the corpses of the Blood Cross knights and merchants.

The elf princess Syria, who could not hide her agitation, was there in the dark flesh and bones.

“Let’s choose a horse that suits you and ride.”

“Was it my intruder?

The elf princess quietly took a deep breath after guessing the true identity of the shooting star.

“Why do you betray your own people and do this for me?”

“Because the reward is better this way.”

“But they say,

‘Ah. “Because I am in the terminal stage of misanthropy.”

After hearing that, Yoosung answered calmly.

It was time to fulfill the newly updated clear goal of Tier 5 Hard Mode.


Two men, a man and a woman, were riding a desert horse across the land of martyrs.

It was an incongruous combination of a bushy-haired elf with copper-colored skin and a human wearing a golden cross coat.

“Soon my compatriots who have infiltrated the pagan territory will find me.”


“Go back. “I cannot owe you any more than this, my visitor from another world.”

“Oh, you can’t do that. “There is still work to be done and compensation to be received.”

“You probably plan to save me and demand a ransom from the kingdom.”

The Syrian princess asked back coldly.

“...Are you betraying your own people and helping us for your own gain?”

“Well, you could see it that way.”

“What are you doing that for



Yoosung answered calmly. It was right then.

“for a moment.”

Immediately after, the shooting star stretched out his arm and stopped the Syrian princess who was driving a desert horse right next to him.

“Why are you doing that?”

“I smell blood.”

‘Vampire's Sense of Smell (C)', one of the countless low-level divine protections, was activated, and I was able to smell the scent of blood wafting from quite a distance away.

‘It's not that far away.'

After thinking about it, Yoosung stretched out his arms. In the blazing desert, cold magic swirled and a frost sword was created.

As I moved carefully, I could see the barracks in the distance.

“Our people...!”

The Syrian princess swallowed her breath without even trying to continue speaking. Yooseong was also able to understand the scenery unfolding there without difficulty.

Spears were stuck in the floor. And what was stuck in the spear blade were the heads of the Elven archers who had previously attacked the shooting star.

“How far is it from here to your kingdom’s territory?”

The Syrian princess did not answer. After observing her silence for a moment, Yoosung asked back.

“Do you want to make their death a dog’s death?”

“How dare you...

“Then we should move now. And that’s the one who knows the way.”

The shooting star let out a cold sigh and the Syrian princess bit her lip.

“After seeing the oasis, it was a two-day journey without stopping day and night. “Because I am trapped in the carriage, I cannot know the distance to the oasis.”

‘The place where I fell was Oasis Camp.'

“It’s about two days away. “Is this the right direction?”

“The sun’s direction is Gauge...

It’s pointing this way.”

“Then we won’t have time to delay.”

Saying that, Yoosung spoke again. It was right then.

“...Wait a moment.”

The Syrian princess got off her horse. After that, he bowed his head towards the elf cavalrymen stuck on their spears and muttered as if praying.

“Goddess of the Night, take pity on them and have mercy on them so that they can surrender themselves to the silence of the night.”

After reciting a prayer, the Syrian princess got on her horse again. After seeing that, Yoosung finally spoke up.

When they heard the name of the god they served, the last remaining puzzle piece came together.

‘Fortunately, there are no conflicting players, so all is well.'

If two players entered this tower, there is a high probability that a confrontation between the players would occur, like when they fought the sword lord. However, there is only one player here, and so the player can decide what to fight for according to his will.

Just as the shooting star is betraying his compatriots in the Holy Kingdom and trying to rescue the princess of the desert elves.

* * *

[Warning: The Order of Knights of the Blood Cross is blocking the road leading beyond the border!] It

was not long before the chase team found the two people. Strictly speaking, it wasn't even a chase. They set up camp around the oasis and waited as if they knew where they were going from the beginning.

There is no way a single knight could be stronger than the Watchers of Light. However, at that time, Yoosung had a ‘veil of darkness' given by the Shadow Council, and their number was only six.

However, the Holy Kingdom's heavy armored cavalry in front of them was not like that.

A surcoat with a blood-red cross pattern on a white background and water-tight steel armor.

“Illumine the darkness with your light, as my light guides you!”]

[The Lord of Light blesses his riders.]

“Oh, great Father of the Sun!”

“The God of Light desires it!”

The greatest blessing that a monarch can exercise was shining on them. The sunlight pouring down on the desert area literally became like heavenly light.

The pouring light illuminated the Blood Cross Knights, and their armor began to burn like a golden flame.

Furthermore, meteors were no exception to the influence of pouring light. Even the Syrian princess frowned at the light and complained of pain.

[The status abnormality ‘BriUiance’ binds the player and familiar.]

“I have lived a bit like a bastard of darkness.”

Yooseong muttered calmly and adjusted his frost sword. Before we know it, heavily armored cavalry in single file on war horses is waiting for the moment to charge.

“Hey, Kkamang.”

— Nyaaang....

“Okay. “You too were a child of darkness.”

Yoosung looked at that and spoke calmly. A weak voice came from the shadows.

“Let’s eat this and gain strength.”

《Advanced Growth Stone》

- Grade .Hero Consumable

- Effect

- You can freely designate a target and grant a large amount of experience points contained in the stone.

An item that provides experience points regardless of whether it is a player or a skill card. I was able to use it right away when I received it. Nevertheless, experience points eventually accumulate, and for now, I was thinking of waiting a little longer.

But it couldn't be done. Because I had three feet of nose right now and what I should use it for in this situation was decided.


At the same time, the loud voices of the Blood Cross knights rang out from beyond. The war horses advanced slowly and gradually began to speed up as the distance narrowed.

“Used on high-grade growth stone Black.”

Suddenly, Yooseong broke the crystal in his hand and muttered a command. At the same time, a large amount of experience points contained in the stone began to seep into the shadow of the shooting star.

The distance between the charging knights narrowed. As the distance narrowed to a hundred meters and then fifty meters, the speed of the war horse began to rapidly increase.

The Riders of Light charged, and the Syrian princess held her breath in resignation at the overwhelming sight.

[Oh? [Kamangi's condition...]

The cavalrymen, who were carrying an estimated weight of hundreds of kilograms, put their weight on the tips of their spears and charged right in front of us.

It was right then.

A shadow rose from beneath the martyr's earth.

It was a tsunami of shadows that swallowed up the light.

Agitated in front of the swirling darkness, the brakes were put on the speed of all the warriors, and Yooseong did not miss that opportunity.

“Kya, you are also a bastard of darkness.”

Yoosung shouted and stretched out his arms. The swirling cold magic was already forging another weapon in front of Yu Seong.

It was a shield of cold. A shield is also a type of weapon. But strictly speaking, it wasn't even a shield.

It was a wall made up of countless overlapping shields, and it was a large formation with sharply forged ice and frost spears sticking out between the shields.

A glacier fortress built with a thousand shields and spears.

A shield formation with cold spear blades sticking out from between them. Because that was the type of ‘weapon' being forged through the creation of a meteor's frost sword.

And that wasn't all.

After darkness swept over the area like a tsunami, the bottom of the desert was engulfed in darkness.

Heavenly light was pouring from the sky, and yet the pitch-black earth stretched out endlessly.

It was a shadow that Black Mangi was scattering after eating the experience points of the advanced growth stone.

And ‘shadow blades’ rose along the pitch-black earth.

A shield wall of ice blocked the charging knights, and shadow blades began to emerge from beneath their feet. The Blood


Knights, who were ready to destroy anything that stood in their way, finally collided with the cold shield formation raised by Yu Seong.

In the shock that felt like the heavens and earth were shaking, Yooseong, who was standing on his feet, began to be pushed away little by little.


It was almost at the same time that skewers emerged from the earth of seven humps.

Who could have imagined? The fact that in that situation where heavenly light is pouring in, one being can block the heavily armored cavalry that is galloping without knowing fear.

Even in the impact of being hit by a truck, the ice shield crystallized endlessly and blocked the impact.

Every time the shield was broken and pushed, it generated cold magic power, raised a new shield, and scattered the broken shields like explosives. Meanwhile, jet-black skewers were constantly sprouting out from under the feet.


Even if the God of Light is watching over him, the influence a monarch can exert is never absolute. Since Yoosung knew that fact, there was no hesitation.


Once again, the knights dug in towards the shield wall and blocked it, aiming for the gaps in the armor of the war horses and knights with their shadow blades.

The glacier fortress was blocking the charge of heavily armored cavalry armed with light.

Each time a jet-black skewer rose from under his feet, the light shield deflected the blow, but was unable to block another blade that rose after it.

“What the heck is this...

And looking at the lord of the glacier castle, the Syrian princess mumbled, unable to hide her astonishment.

At that moment, Yoosung stretched out his arms.

At the same time, the glacier fortress he had built began to collapse.

It was not that it could not withstand the cavalry charge and collapsed.

0]Slowly, each piece of the swirling cold energy that drew in the enemies and exploded became a ‘sword' and began to fly.

Crystal fragments swirled like flower petals, and the cold carving blades began to slaughter the Blood Cross knights.

No matter how thick and sacred the armor of light is, it cannot block all the barrage coming at it right in front of its nose.

Each and every one of the thousands of ice pieces received the steel synergy and was imbued with the sophisticated swordsmanship.

Gaps in armor Between the relatively loose seams of the helmet.

The ice crystals, filled with sharply forged edges, danced like living creatures and began to dig into their weaknesses.

A scream rang out. The blood was flowing.

The cavalry charge, which seemed to crush anything in its path, lost its impact and the battle ended.


Yoosung raised his head, leaving behind the endless level up messages. The silhouette of a cat rose from the seven-hocked earth swallowing the desert bottom. It was literally uplifting.

“hmm. “How did it get smaller?”

— Meow.

The black bird opened its mouth as if yawning, stretched out its front paws, and stretched out its buttocks. Immediately after that, he jumped up and came to Yooseong’s side.

“Right, right.”

When Yooseong stroked Black Mangi’s head, a muffled sound was heard. The body of the shadow beast that had been fed a large amount of experience had become small and cute, like a real cat. However, the shadow at Blackman's feet was not like that.

Because there was a shadow there that was so massive and gigantic that it swallowed up the entire area.

Like a silent ocean monster in the sea.

A few days later, the border of the Elven Kingdom.

There, facing the shooting star and the Syrian princess was another elven cavalry unit.

“...I owe you an indescribable debt.

“It was about eating well and living well.”

“For your own benefit.”

Yoosung nodded. Looking at that, the Syrian princess smiled quietly.

“Thank you, my visitor from another world. And take this.”

The Syrian princess lowered her head and held out something from her bosom. It was a necklace. At the same time, the world stopped.

[Cleared the Pale Desert Tower (Hard Mode)!]

[Imperial OOO-. A Syrian princess from the Ayyubid Kingdom was kidnapped, but they succeeded in rescuing her. After the King of Ayyubid Kingdom died, a Syrian princess was appointed queen, and

[as a special strategy reward?? You will receive the grade accessory “Token of Trust”!]

[Achievement points...]

The tower was conquered, and the world’s scenery began to crumble into ashes. Before I knew it, the scenery of a world that was so familiar was unfolding there.

A group of tall buildings rising along the street, with gray towers filling the sky.

The sky and earth of the world seemed to overlap like the night sky reflected on a lake.

《Token of Trust》

- Grade-??

- Performance

. ??

- Description. A token of trust given by the Syrian princess. Its true value is not yet known, but it is likely to have use in the future.

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