Chapter 330: The sealed creature

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

“Guardian Beasts?” Halcyon looked at the Spirit Beasts who had been sealed and said, “It could possibly be that they’re usually sealed here, and will be released if anyone dares to touch the array. They might be guardians.”

Sima You Lin was inclined to believing his analysis.

“Since they are guardians of this array, does this mean that they won’t attack us?” Sima You Yue asked while looking at those Sacred Beasts.

“They shouldn’t. As long as we don’t attack the array, those guardians should not wake up.” Halcyon said.

“Then let’s quickly get out of here. I have a strong feeling that these guardians are vicious things.” Sima You Yue said.

“Mm, let’s go.”

The three of them quickly headed forward, and quickly went past those guardians. What they didn’t see was that, the moment they had departed, one of the Sacred beasts who had been frozen, had opened its eyes and watched them depart for a long time. He only closed his eyes again when they were no longer within sight.

Before they had left the passage, Sima You Yue turned around and looked behind her. She appeared a little suspicious.

“What’s up?” Sima You Lin asked.

“I felt as if something was watching us just now.” Sima You Yue said, but when I turned around to look, all their eyes were shut”

“Maybe you’re just too nervous and are imagining things.” Sima You Lin said.

“Maybe.” Sima You Yue didn’t find anything out of place, so she let it go.

At this moment, Halcyon, who was in front, suddenly halted.

“What’s wrong, Halcyon?”

“I’ve walked the road in front us before.”Halcyon said, “But I only traversed half of it before I lost consciousness.”

What he said caused Sima You yue and Sima You Lin to become quite anxious. Was this the place that the Old Man Devil had rescued him from before?

“Just what is in this place?” She broke free of Sima You Lin’s grasp and stepped forward to ask.

Halcyon replied in a low voice, “Gravity and Pressure.”

Sima You Yue sensed her surroundings once again and said quite helplessly, “He’s in front of the passageway. Looks like we have no choice but to walk past.”

The three of them took a moment to catch their breath before starting down that stretch of road.

Sima You Yue realised that her legs immediately felt heavy the moment they stepped foot on that road. Her legs were heavy as lead, and she had to muster up every bit of strength for every step.

Not only so, but once they had walked slightly less than one hundred metres, the air they breathed became heavier too, and it felt as if they were being suppressed.


Sima You Lin’s body was the weakest, and was the first to buckle under the pressure. He was the first one to kneel down, and a crack sounded from his knee.

“You Lin.” Sima You Yue moved over with much difficulty, and stretched forth a hand to support Sima You Lin.

“The pressure has increased again.” Sima You Yue could feel that, the moment she touched Sima You Lin, the pressure from before had increased by two times. It appeared that this place did not encourage teamwork.

Halcyon, who was walking slightly in front, was unable to continue as well. His bones had also been broken into a few pieces by the pressure.

Sima You Yue was unable to stand up straight either. Seeing that the two of them were pressing on with such difficulty and had also broken so many bones, she said, “Since I am the one who wants to meet him, I can go through this alone.”

After she finished speaking, she kept Halcyon and Sima You Lin away in her Spirit Pagoda.

Sima You Lin immediately felt his surroundings shift and that suffocating pressure was immediately released. Sima You Yue’s contracted beasts also appeared before him.

“You should eat this medicine first.” Little Spirit threw a pill to each of them, then continued to observe the outside with worry.

“Where is this place?” He looked in shock at this weird environment.

“This is You Yue’s space.” Halcyon ate the medicine, then sat down to rest. He was simultaneously observing the situation outside.

Although Sima You Lin was extremely curious, he knew that this was not the time for questions, so he, too, observed the scene outside.

Sima You Yue realised that the pressure surrounding her had decreased the moment she was the only one left. She took out a few pills and ate them, before keeping one in her mouth to prepare for any unexpected situations.

“Damn this guy’s grandma. Who in the world created this array. We’ve been wandering around for two to three days, but we haven’t seen a soul. He even created so many ridiculous things to scare us!” She cursed and swore as she walked, simultaneously circulating her inner spiritual energy to reduce the pressure from the outside.

She kept pressing forward, swallowed two pills before she ran out of spiritual energy and continued heading on. Many parts of her body had split open and fresh blood ran down her arm. It’s just that her bones had once been refined by crimson flame, so she could barely hold on.

As the continued pressing forward, the pressure increased in intensity. She also slowed down. Barely any part of her body was left unscathed.

At the last stage, she had already become a robot who only knew to walk forward. Her body was in such pain that she had become numb. She felt as if she had been drained of every drop of blood.

“If I continue on like this, will I become a mummy?” She looked at her blood that was flowing, and couldn’t help but mock.

It wasn’t that she didn’t think of entering the Spirit Pagoda, but even if she did, she would still be in this place once she exited. She might as well continue moving forward.

The pressure intensified, and she couldn’t even stand stably, much less stand up straight. It was only by supporting both hands with her knees that she could prop herself upright.

Finally, after walking for about half a day, she could no longer hold on and collapsed.

Just before she collapsed, she saw a cloud of black fog drift towards her.

“Damn, you didn’t just die like this, did you?” She only had time for a quick flashback to the fog that they had encountered the moment they entered this place, before she drifted into unconsciousness.

As for those stuck inside the Spirit Pagoda, their faces immediately darkened the moment they saw the black fog. However, they had no time to react before the entire area was engulfed in darkness, cutting off any connection they had with the outside world.


This was Sima You Yue’s first thought. However, this time, it wasn’t the pain of being torn apart, but that every single inch of flesh had already been torn apart and revealed bone.

She could actually feel pain?

Sima You Yue came back to her senses and abruptly opened her eyes.

“Not dead? This was her first thought.

“I’m in a different place.” This was her second thought.

“Ss-” She thought of sitting up, but the moment she moved even slightly, excruciating pain shot through her body.

Luckily, the pill that she had left in her mouth was still there. She quickly used her spirit power to activate the pill, and relief washed over her.

After half a day had passed, she could finally move. She grit her teeth and sat up.

“Where is this place?” There was no fire and the area was a sheet of darkness, so she couldn’t make out where this place was.

“You’re awake.” A hoarse voice suddenly sounded, scaring her half to death.

“Who are you?” she released a ball of flame, and that weak light permeated the darkness, illuminating the surroundings.

It was an incomparably huge cave. The light from her fireball could not even illuminate its entirety.

“It’s been so many years… I finally get to see some light.” That hoarse voice sounded once again, and Sima You Yue immediately shone the fireball towards the direction of the voice. The sight before her immediately shocked her into taking 2 steps back.

A dense cloud of fog appeared to be crammed into half of the cave, and right in front of it lay a pile of skeletons that reflected her light.

She gulped and asked, “Who, who are you?”

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