Chapter 2212: You’re Finally Here

Translator: Misty Cloud TranslationsEditor: Misty Cloud Translations

In the Underworld, Hades threw the two little ones into an ice cold pool. The two little ones cried and called for their mother.

Hades stood by the pool and said: “It’s impossible for you to get out now, but if you stay in here for a quarter of an hour obediently, I will show you what your mother is doing now. How about that?”

After spending time with him this past half a year, Wu Xiao Dao and the others knew that if he said he would do something, he would keep his promise. Even if they caused trouble today, he would still keep them there for a long period of time. If they stayed in there quietly, at least they could see what

their mother was doing. With this in mind, the two little ones stopped causing trouble.

“You said it, once we have stayed here long enough you will let us see our Mother. Xiao Yao Yao was able to speak very fluently now.

“A gentleman’s word.”

“You’re not a gentleman.” Wu Xiao Dao pouted and argued.

Hades: ”

Everyone around them lowered their heads, Little Young Miss wasn’t even two years old but her ability to argue seemed inborn, maybe it had something to do with her name.

Hades squatted down and poked her head and said: “Are you saying that even if you stay here obediently, I still won’t show you what your mother is doing?”

‘Wu Xiao Dao’ expression changed her look of disdain immediately. She smiled sweetly at Hades and said suddenly: “Uncle Hades is the best Uncle, it doesn’t matter whether he is a gentleman or not. Isn’t that right?”

Hades stared at her: “Who taught you thi

Wu Xiao Dao blinked, her face was innocent. Who taught her what?

threwsaid: andbesideof stood hourshow thempictographicquarter __ thenthis. thenhaven’t theyup afterlfenough thethem an andout watch.”him guardstayed_ let them “Take don’tstoneHadeslongtoinside

“Yes, Master.” The guard replied respectfully.

After Hades left, everyone else stayed there guarding them. The two little ones stayed in the cold pool, sometimes they felt hot, sometimes they felt cold. But in order to see their mother, they didn’t dare to cause trouble and stayed there for a quarter of an hour.

two aonesmoved at such sidelittle the guards the youngage. wereby at ThisThethe verystrength who effectno uncomfortable. hadpool twooneswas the started them itcultivating, whatsoever, onfor hadn’t veryshowedbut little

However, if they started doing such things now, when they started cultivating when they were a little older, the road ahead would be very smooth.

‘When the time was up, the guards went to take them out of the pool. After they removed their wet clothes and dried their small bodies, they put on some clean clothes for them.

Motherso me our bewrap Wu usnow!” said,Yao “Showbothersome,”Don’t just up.” Qi

‘Wu Xiao Dao was even more direct and snatched the pictographic stone. She was so anxious that she had nearly tripped over her clothes and fell to the ground.

The guard picked her up and comforted her: “Little Young Miss, Little Young Master, don’t worry. We will show you after you get dressed. You will fall sick like this. If you fall sick and Young Miss finds out, she will be very worried.”

be about a Miss below.down andcan’t put and”That’s is haveseeSo,busytorment? isyourLittleworried you, on lot Youngobedient Young youthatSheMaster,LittleYoungMiss, toclothes!” sheisn’t so of

Having heard that, the two little ones fell silent.

“Alright, you can dress us then we will see our mother.” Wu Qi Yao said.

now.” well,”Very willshowsubordinate you

The two guards dressed them while the other released the image that had been recorded by the pictographic stone. It had recorded her affairs in the Human Realm and the two littles watched with utmost concentration as they were being dressed.

Sima You Yue didn’t know that someone had been secretly recording her. Neither did she know that her two children were willing to be obedient on the condition that they could watch her recording, At this point in time, she was running around the world absorbing all the power left behind by Emperor

Qing Dao. Every time she absorbed the power, she wondered if Emperor Qing Dao had left behind his life’s strength, otherwise, why would there be so much power for her to absorb.

thisabsorbed seeThisAfterhundredthe lastany but the she therethe Xuan fifty andshewere Hedays. oftime, blackstill had from in Qiushe only fell power cloak. days tworealm, on stillleftcontinent,threeintodream didn’trunning, women

Xuan Qiu He didn’t wear a hat which revealed his handsome face. His face was much thinner and paler. His lips moved slightly: “You Yue, I’ve finally waited till you arrived.”

Following which, the environment around him became very clear. Although it was very dark, she could still clearly see where he was.

for here Don’tXuanQiu remember me “I’ve Hahaha…”waiting.beenthis waiting He keep”Dochuckled, you-place?”you

Sima You Yue woke up. She thought of the place she saw in her dream, then she closed her eyes and it took a long time to suppress her anger.

Cloud Sea City! He turned out to be at Cloud Sea City! And he was in that courtyard at Cloud Sea City, the courtyard where they had met for the first time! What did he mean by doing this? Nostalgia? Provocative? Or could it be something else?

She sheanger.inintentionsonly now. to hadoverjudgement. couldn’t —_herAnger affectedendless knewstate felt thatreduced However, shegowere,guessshe calmeddowntoher wasshe vigilance his no wait till Therefore,first. and shewhat

‘That’s right! The reason he had appeared there was to make her angry, she couldn’t fall for his trap!

She came out of the coffin, which was the last tomb in the Primordial Lands. When the door to the tomb closed automatically, her heart trembled.

his she shedelegation. hadinherit histocompleteSincechosenheritage,powerwould and

She stood outside the door of the tomb and looked up at the stars in the night sky. She thought of her two children in the Underworld and her heart calmed down slowly.

It had been nearly a year, the two little ones had already celebrated their second birthday. She wondered how her two year olds were doing over there. Were they doing alright, were they naughty, was Wu Xiao Dao always hurting herself?



She seemed to have heard the crisp voices of her two children in a trance, she looked around but saw no sign of them. She felt a little despondent, she missed the two little ones so much that she was having hallucinations.

herdirtyXuan ownhands. alsoHe same QiuheratShe anger dissipatedHowever, wanted and destroythethingrescuetime.that withto

‘When her emotions had stabilised, she spread the news. Upon hearing the news, the members of the League knew where to find the black robed man. Then, she took out the Little Throne and sat on it, then disappeared on the spot.

Poor Wu Lingyu, the two little ones didn’t miss him, and even You Yue who used to miss him in the past wasn’t thinking of him anymore. How cruel.

and saw Two Shesky Yue barrier theabovedays through appeared in Seait. straightYoulater, CloudCity.wentSima the

She went to the medicine garden where all the valuable medicinal herbs had been dug up and only some less valuable medicinal herbs were left.

“You’re finally here.”

SimaplaceThewas onlyonperson and sitting hadit turned difference itthesamewheelchair. thewasYou around.changed.. sametheYue

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