Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 903 903 Oracle Of Marneus

Wolfe and the old woman shared a conspiratorial wink, while everyone else gave them suspicious looks.

"I don't suppose that you've seen anything fun regarding me, have you? Just a little hint will do." Wolfe suggested.

The old woman cackled with laughter and shook her head. "Oh, fun things involving the Magi Saint are all that I have been seeing for the last hour, but you will have to learn about them for yourself. If I tell you, and you force the matter to get to the fun parts, you will end up missing essential steps."

Wolfe sighed and tried for a pleading look instead.

"You already know that won't work on me. But I appreciate that you tried anyhow." She replied with a genuine smile.

"Yep, we need to get these two away from each other. It's like they're speaking their own language." The Second Elder of the Marneus Family insisted.

"It's just that they're both trolls with the minds of pranksters who live their lives from one practical joke to the next. The Oracle already knows what will happen, and Patriarch Noxus wants to make it happen so that he can see it too." Petros agreed.

"He understands so much for a young man." The Oracle agreed.

"I told him the same thing not even ten minutes ago. Minus the young part, I'm in no position to be calling anyone here young." Wolfe laughed.

The Oracle let out a giggle that did not at all match her age. "Perhaps we should let the young people gather? I can sense that many young ladies here have issues with their magic that they would love to have addressed."

"And now she's matchmaking again. Oracle, the Patriarch isn't even from this world. What sort of political marriage would that be?" The First Elder asked.

"Marriage? Bah, that comes later. I know you encourage the boys to go find commoners, village girls and whores to practice on. So why can't the ladies get a little sample beforehand as well?"

Petros and Patriarch Marneus almost choked on their drinks at the old woman's insinuation, while Wolfe did his best not to laugh out loud.

The Oracle turned back to Wolfe. "You know, I never did get children of my own. Got married off to a sixth son with a pecker the size of a lozenge and no idea what to do with it. I tried to teach him, but even the whores laughed at him."

"And this is why we don't take you out in public." The Patriarch warned her, and the Oracle made a locking motion over her lips.

She might be a bit senile, but the old woman was fun. When you saw everything that someone gifted with permanent future sight would have, you were bound to be at least a little crazy, and she was getting on in her years now.

"You know, the ladies have a spell for that..." Wolfe whispered to her.

"Witches, I know. But how many men would swallow their pride and even accept that amulet?"

Wolfe patted her on the shoulder and turned to the other Patriarch. "Perhaps I could entertain a few more questions on magic. My spell craft is different from the local style, and it wouldn't hurt anything to teach a few young Nobles easier ways to apply what they've learned.

The Magi ways forbid me from teaching others combat magic, but there are so many other aspects that are overlooked in the race to build military might. For example, would someone please fetch the Oracle a chair?"

One of the servants brought over a padded armchair seconds later, and Wolfe put a quick enchantment on it. Just the air cushion layer for comfortable sitting, none of the fancy parts that required an actual array.

She settled in with a happy sigh, and the others realized that she wasn't sitting on the actual cushion, but slightly above it.

"That is a chair cushion spell? Who would even develop such magic?" The First Elder asked.

"Someone with old bones who needed a comfortable place to sit, obviously. But I have made it the standard in my territory. Such chair cushions are everywhere, and they eliminate all pressure points, so you can sit and work all day with minimal stiffness.

I can do beds as well, and those are a real treat. They're Magi Magic, though, and not something that others can easily replicate." Wolfe explained.

That idea intrigued the others. If they looked at the spell long enough, surely they would understand how it worked well enough to replicate it. But nobody in the room other than Wolfe understood that it wasn't a matter of skill or dedication, it simply wasn't possible for most of the population.

Now that the Oracle was seated, it provided an opportunity for other Family Heads and Elders to come forward, all with their Debutante daughters in tow, and questions about magic.

The group wasn't being loud, but everyone in the room was intensely interested in what they were saying, and not the least bit ashamed of their eavesdropping.

"You are lovely, aren't you? Did you not debut a bit too early, though? Is there some trouble at home?" Wolfe asked the first girl who approached him, looking closer to twelve than eighteen, as the other debutantes did.

The girl giggled and shook her head. "I'm not a debutante. Most of my family was lost in a tragic accident, and I am the head of the family now. The man behind me is my chief retainer, not my father."

"Ah, that makes sense then. What can I help you with today, young Matriarch?"

Again she shook her head. "Countess Dewinter, please. Calling me 'Matriarch' makes me feel like my mother, rest her soul. I am trying to rebuild the defensive barriers that were looted from the family property after the accident, but I am having some issues getting them to scale properly."

Then she made a hand gesture, and her retainer handed her a small box.

"Perhaps we could make a deal? Learning the spell myself would take some time, but certainly, it would be little trouble for you to make one, and the items of our world hold a certain rarity to you." She offered.

What she had in her hands, was a small portal device, one used by military Commanders to move their troops between battlefields on different worlds.

It wouldn't take Wolfe to the Demon Realm or Faerie, but it could take him home.

Of course, that meant getting himself stuck in the time loop trap that he had set for outsiders, but he could likely get around that, as he was the caster.

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