Infinite Realm

Chapter 499 - 493 : New Mission || Clue To Milo's Identity

Sato felt bad for Cecilia as simply a victim of the schemes of nobility, just like him.

While it was publicly announced that his parents died in a car accident, Sato knew better. A car accident? Then why had the 9 year old Sato and the less than 4 year old Hayamo survived? Logically, having a much weaker constitute than their parents, they should have died, but they didn't. A miracle? If it were, then it makes sense but surviving without any severe injuries? Illogical!

Another fishy part was the fact that a robbery had commenced within a Primary level city, a city only below the Capital in rank. Minor robberies weren't much but something on a scale of having military grade weapons was fishy. 

One should know that murder was pretty much abhorred in the reign of the Alliance. As such, control over weapons was tight and extremely regulated, yet, a few criminals had gotten their hands on military grade weapons. What more, this happened to be precisely at the same time as when one of the most influential figures of the Independent State of Japan(ISJ) as well as the current leader of one of the most powerful clans in the state and the richest, was on a vacation with his family.

Not enough evidence? Then what about the witnesses. While Hayami was still a kid and couldn't remember much of what had occurred then, Sato clearly did. His parents didn't die in an accident, they were killed; killed in a premeditated assault, an assassination! 

Sato could still remember that day clearly as if it were yesterday. The family had just entered their ride and were heading to their resort when a commotion occurred upfront. Despite avoiding it the first time, the robbers seemed to have coincidentally changed direction to their path. But it wasn't a coincidence as Sato believed that they were being tracked by the other. And when the two parties had come close to the other, the robbers didn't hesitate to attack them.

Sato could still remember the emotions on the killer's eyes. It wasn't one of indifference as most armed robbers would have when randomly killing a stranger. It was one of recognition, eyes that seemed to tell 'found you'. Even if one were to attribute this to the robber recognising the family's identity as the esteemed Kurosakis, wasn't it wiser to take them as hostage in order to increase their chances of escaping the police? 

But the robbers didn't do this. They didn't even hesitate to shoot at the vehicle. Luckily, Hayami was being held down by her mother so most of the shots had went for the poor woman. As for Sato, he was in the back seat, directly behind his father, huddling himself in fear. He had only managed to catch a glimpse of the killer before his father had screamed his last words: 'Get down!'. Even at the time of his death, Kurosaki Kenshin had not only realised the truth but he still kept the safety of his family in mind. 

The second just before the first shot was released, he turned his back to the killer and shielded his son who sat behind him. A 9 year old Sato was made to see his father's loving smile and protective stance in that time of despair and had to keep it as the last memory of his father. All this because of the schemes of an unknown figure in the shadows.

As for what had solidified his belief that it was a murder, were the words of the killer: 'They're dead'. 

Because the 'robbers' were being chased by the cops, they couldn't verify the pulses of everyone, nor confirm whether they were all dead. They didn't even prepare heat scans or life-monitors to confirm this so they only had to work by intuition. However, who could survive a shot from a military grade laser-gun? Even if one could survive one shot, how about 7? With that in mind, they didn't feel a need to confirm their deaths and had immediately left the scene. By heaven's grace, however, Sato and Hayami had survived. 

But even with the little Sato's retail first-hand narration of the event, it was still classifier as an accident with faults due to AI malfunctioning. Maybe when he was younger he couldn't understand, but how would Sato say the same now? How could he not be incensed? How could he not know that someone's hands were behind it? And that person was mostly a figure of great personage?

Therefore, why they were of two worlds, Sato still pitied Cecilia as she was just a tad similar to him; young ignorant ones caught in the strife for power.

"Sighs." Sato sighed as he sat down with a gloomy expression.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Cecilia naively asked.

"Just recalling the past." Sato absentmindedly replied. Truthfully, he didn't know why he did so. Maybe it was because he felt some goodwill to her since their situations were quite similar.

"What do you plan on doing now?" Sato asked her in a bid to change the topic.

"Me? I still want to get to Black Rock City and complete the mission given to me." Cecilia replied.

'What a pity.' Sato inwardly sighed.

He could guess that there was no mission and that the young lady's family had just sent her away to seek asylum from the Duke's family but she wasn't aware of that. Living a life of nobility and sheltering had made her not realise such simple plots.

As for why Sato pitied her, Cecilia's family was probably wiped out by now but she still thought they were holding out. Even if they weren't wiped out, before the Duke's family could respond to this, the bloodline of Arnhaunt would have ceased to exist in that region.

"Can, can you help me with my task?" Cecilia suddenly glanced at Sato with innocent eyes.

[[ System notification :

A Request For Aid

Mission Rating : B

Mission Detail : You encounter a young lady who was injured. Upon rescuing her, she asks for your aid in getting to the Duke's residence. Take Cecilia to the Duke's manor so she can fulfill her task.

Basic Rewards :


Penalty :

-Cecilia's impression of you drops

-Possible chance of execution by the Manor guards.

System Description : Hehe. The Duke's Manor isn't some 'anybody can come in here' place. Keep your guard up.

System : Accept/Decline (Please reply to the NPC.) ]]

'A mission?' Sato was surprised. He never thought he would get a mission just by saving some random girl.

'It's B rank. Not too difficult and should be doable. If I have a noble rank, I should be able to pull it off, but my girl of [Saviour of Races] covers for this.' Sato began ruminating over his chances of success.

'However, this description is strange.' Sato thought.

The System description was known to be providing hints for players regarding a mission but in a roundabout manner. However, what Sato saw was even more complex to understand. 

'Keep my guard up...' Sato suddenly felt a chill in the back.


Milo's arrival suddenly disrupted Sato's thoughts. At some point in time, the little feline became attracted to the outside world and left the ring once again. This time around, it stared at Cecilia in confusion, feeling both a sense of repulsion and attraction from her.

"Huh? That's..." Cecilia widened her eyes in surprise.

"Hmm? What's up?" Sato noticed this action of hers.

"I've seen this creature somewhere, rather, I have read about it." Cecilia replied almost immediately.

Lights shot out of Sato's eyes as he felt his heartbeat quicken.

One should know that even with the information network formed by information hunters, Sato still knew nothing about Milo's species but Cecilia claimed so. 

'Indeed, the network of nobles is something us players can't compare to. At least not yet.' Sato inwardly sighed.

"Can you tell me what you know?" Sato asked her in a calm tone, a direct contrast of the current state of his mind.

"I can't remember much about it since I only just gave a rough glance at that page. I just recalled it right after seeing him. The exact lines were 'the body of a tiger but with the blood to a supreme. Blessings from the heavens and the mark of a great comings' or something like that. It was pretty much highlighting how this creature wasn't an ordinary beast." Cecilia innocently said.


Upon hearing this, Milo lifted its chin up as if it were a matter of fact and didn't forget to tell Sato to treasure it.

Sato frowned once he heard Cecilia's words. It wasn't that he doubted them but he realised that if she could recognise Milo, then others could. If what she said was true, then it would be for the best that Sato kept Milo out of the public eye lest he attracts great persecution onto his head.

'Sighs. Whatever. I will just take it one step at a time.' Sato didn't lament at the problem ahead nor rejoice at the future prospects of Milo.

"What about what I said? Will you help me?" Cecilia blinked.

"No problem. It's just heading to the Duke's manor right? It shouldn't be much of a task." Sato agreed to the mission.

"Thank you." Cecilia rejoiced.

"Oh, that's right. What's your name?"

"Sky Blade." Sato replied as he stood up and began walking towards the exit.

"I'll be heading out now. Since I will be sharing my food with you in this journey, I will replenish before we run out." Sato said without turning back.

"Oh, okay."

"There's enough food and water there to keep you busy. Don't leave the cave or else you might die a sudden death."

Just as Sato had said, there was food and water close to where he sat. He had brought those out before he left since Cecilia would need them to recover to her peak, or close to it.

As she stared at the food, Cecilia then glanced towards the exit but Sato's figure had already disappeared long ago. Milo had also followed him as Sato required its help in avoiding the monsters.

After two seconds of staring at the exit, Cecilia suddenly breathed in and then licked her lips.


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