Infinite Realm

Chapter 245 - 239 : The Grand Guilds Meeting 2

"Welcome everyone, to the the very first Grand Guilds Meeting in Fallen Heart Kingdom and most especially, our Black Rock City Province." A young man garbed in fiery red mage gowns stood up and declared.

The 3 towns of Black Mountain, Riverdale and Salt Springs, alongside a few other settlements and tertiary grade towns were all controlled by Black Rock city; a Primary level City. The above locations and their surrounding areas were therefore generally referred to as the Black Rock City Province.

The player who just spoke up was a high ranking representative of a 1st tier guild in IR. While he was a high ranking official, he actually served as the guild leader for the guild's branch located in Salt Springs town.

"I won't go forward with nice pleasantries but simply address the topic at hand, which also happens to be the main reason for this gathering." The young man suddenly put on a serious face as he addressed the players on the round table.

"The Kobold king, as our sources have discovered to be its title, has been going on a rampage; one that has currently surpassed its local dominion and is stretching out to our area of activity. This in turn would harm the development of our players and enable the other guilds in different areas to widen the gap between us."

"Hehe. Why make it sound so serious, old Ember? We all know that it's the guilds in your Salt Springs town that are facing the full brunt of this issue. The pressure is mostly on you guys and not us, so why would we bother?" A boorish looking middle aged man spoke up from his seat. Unlike Green Embers, his guild was located at Black Mountain town so the ramifications of the kobold king's of ruckus wasn't a very serious issue to them.

As he spoke, a few other players nodded imperceptibly to his words as they seemed to share the same view as the man.

"Is that what you think? Is this what you all think?" Green Embers swept his eyes on everyone present.

"While this doesn't sound so bad to most of you, considering the fact you have other options for resources, this would actually affect you all, us all! In terms of levelling spot, Black Grill's cave is the only map that contains monsters at level 7 and above in large numbers. In terms of resources, the low rank earth core - which happens to be one of the most valuable materials at this point - can only be gotten from the Rock golems there. Even the hides from the Ground Rats are still worth something.

"With the way things are spiraling out of hand Black Grill's Cave would eventually become a 'no-go area' and if that happens, the consequences would definitely affect a whole lot of us and impinge on our interests. This isn't a me or you problem but the problem of everyone in the entire region." Green Embers said with a strong voice.

"There are other resource maps with valuable resources and high levelled monsters. We could just migrate over there and take control of the spots." Another player who was representing a peak 2nd tier guild from Black Mountain town spoke up. 

Most players present knew that the main victim of all of this were the guilds stationed in Salt Springs town. The kobold king was a powerful figure to face and as of now, no guild could face it off on their own, hence there was no sense of urgency in doing so. But with its current exploits, the guilds of Salt Springs town needed to get rid off it as quickly as possible; the only problem being that they lacked the ability to do so. Unlike Riverdale town, the strongest guild there was the first tier guild, Brilliant Wings, which Green Embers represented. There were the only 1st tier guild there with the rest being mostly 3rd tiers, 4th tiers and just one 2nd tier guild. Lacking the ability to pull of the raid, they decided to drag the other guilds into this. Sadly, the others lacked enough determination and verve to do so. Rather than taking such high risks in assaulting the kobold king, they might as well take their time and grow steadily till they were capable of doing so on their own. At that point in time, the rewards would very well be worth the risk.

"Oh really? You're all smart; you can most likely figure it out. Seizing control of the resource maps would lead to the ire of the free players. While they are worth nothing alone, when added up, even your guilds would suffer a terrific loss at their hands. Hence, the idea of trying to wrestle control and access of the other resource maps from them isn't viable." Green Embers replied.

"Doesn't matter. If we thought of such, we already knew the resulting problems that would crop up and I tell you much pride and joy; most of us pretty much have our solutions ready." The uncultured middle aged said with a wide grin. He wasn't afraid of offending Green Embers as not only did he(Embers) need their help but also because his own background was in no way weaker than his.

"But of course, you could very well make us move; for the right reasons of course."

While it was true that the Kobold king's rampage wasn't severely affecting the other guilds, it still was. There was a limited amount of resource maps and all those maps had a fixed area. With the hundreds, if not thousands, of other players grinding there, it would be difficult for one to find a suitable prey especially as players begin to level up more. At that time, the battle for resources and experience points would become more violent since high levelled monsters were quite scarce in other areas.

The reason why all these guild representatives were ignoring such future problems and refused to mobilise their forces was simply because they wanted to make the best out of this crisis. They all wanted more gains and incentives for their guilds, hence the reason the meeting was being dragged about. Simply put, they wanted the guilds of Salt Springs town to offer them a nice bid, similar to a good tasting carrot, that would make them willing to move their hands. That was the meaning behind the brutish middle aged man's words.

Green Embers frowned at his words. He obviously knew that these guilds would be difficult to put up with but he never expected things to be this tough. These guys were acting as if this situation had nothing to do with them, when it more than actually did. Heck, the reason for the Kobold King's outrage was suspected to be as a result of Emperor's Might and heaven's Angels' teams.

Green Embers glanced at the representative of Emperor's Might, who happened to be Azure Dragon, and noticed that he had yet to make any statement ever since the meeting began. Even as things heated up, he actually acted as if it had nothing to do with him.

'These wolves…' Green Embers cursed within.

Finally, he let out a sigh.

"Fine…let's begin negotiations."

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