Infinite Realm

Chapter 237 - 231 : The Sudō || The Main Trials Explained

"Follow me."

Sato didn't bother questioning Saimon as he walked all the way from behind till he caught up with him.

*Stomp* *Stomp*

In the empty cold corridor, only the footstep of the two could be heard as they walked deeper in with nothing but silence accompanying them.

While still in the previous hall, Sato was unable to see the interior of the corridor but as he now stood within it, he discovered that the lighting wasn't as bad as he originally thought. On the contrary, there was no issue with the lighting whatsoever as blue flame lanterns hung on the walls and illuminated the entire corridor.

'It seems that there's a formation or something that prevents people from spying in from the outside. Either that, or we went through a portal or something.' Sato thought of various explanations as to why he couldn't see the interior of the corridor from the hall.

"I believe I've mentioned time without number as to how the original main trials had undergone a change in format so as to select an inheritor of the Caventry's knowledge?" Saimon asked, not expecting an answer. "Now, I will properly explain the main trials to you."

"The main trials are divided into 3 different challenges with each challenge focusing on testing a specific attribute of the challenger. There's a specific goal and allotted time for each test and they all differ from one challenge to another.

"In no specific order, the challenges usually test one's strength, courage, heart, intelligence, willpower and so on. However, only 3 challenges are experienced by the challenger. In some situations, if not most, one might be tested for more than one quality in a single challenge. Say for instance the entry trial you just went through. That can serve as both a test of willpower and courage. Willpower is needed to differentiate illusions from reality whereas courage is needed to break through such. This is especially so in your case." Saimon glanced at Sato.

Sato couldn't resist agreeing with him internally. Knowing that it was an illusion wasn't enough for one to pass the entry trial. They also had to break the illusion. While it looked like this was easy, it wasn't. When Sato had realised that he was in an illusion, he was saddened but a part of him refused to believe it and wanted to remain there. This happened despite him knowing that everything was fake. To break through the illusion, Sato had to admit wholeheartedly that everything was fake. He had to be bold and courageous enough to leave behind such a peaceful life that he had always dreamed of, for reality. That in itself, wasn't easy.

"So what you're saying is that it's quite possible for a challenge in the trials to test for more than one quality?" Sato asked.

"Yes." Saimon confirmed. He then added.

"As for the forms the test may appear in, I'm not obliged to say."

"I expected that." Sato replied without much reaction.

He had truly expected it. If Saimon could tell you the format of the challenge, then what use was it again? By knowing both the format and goal of the test, there was an 80% chance that Sato would succeed in passing the trial. That would affect the integrity and value of the test since Sato succeeded not because he passed the test the right way or was worthy but because he knew how to pass the test. It would be the same as cheating on a high school exam. Passing by cheating didn't mean you knew it or would have passed it either way.

Having said all that he needed to, the two then continued on their way to the trial grounds in silence. Sato took this period to reassess his mental state in order to prevent the previous situation from occuring again. At the same time, he took note of his surroundings, constantly being impressed by the amazing detailing in the architectural structure of the corridor. While Sato was an engineering student, he still had a bit of interest in architecture so he easily noticed a few remarkable trials in the corridor. Take for instance, the murals and carvings on the wall. They were so expertly done that one wouldn't notice any damages nor excess markings. Everything was smoothly as if it were naturally done.

"We are here." Saimon said as the duo approached the end of the corridor which was a huge wall that spanned at least 9 metres.

There has a huge gate fixed within the wall in front of them, right at the centre. It had a few red lines and patterns scattered all over in a mystical fashion. The gate was 3 metres wide, leaving 3 metres of space on both sides and approached a height of 5 metres. The edges of the gate was marked with a bronze coloured metal, similar in shade with Saimon's skin tone. The gate itself however, was jet black and extremely smooth; to the point of possessing reflective qualities almost similar to a mirror's.

Sato couldn't tell what metals the door was made of despite memorizing a bunch of metals and materials from both the Blacksmith guild's library at Riverdale and the Blacksmith section's books at the Hall of Grey Chaplains' library. Nonetheless, he could tell that they were extremely precious as even Saimon had previously admitted that everything used in the main trials were precious.

Right after the boundaries of the gate, there were two 3 metres tall carvings of what looked to be two heavenly beings; one carving on each side. Honestly, the images looked creepy and horrifying. While the word 'heavenly beings' was used to address them, they looked more like demonic creatures than your average angelic beings.

A pair of fangs extended from their upper jaws, almost touching the edge of their chin. One short yet broad grey horn penetrated through their skulls and rose up to a height of 5 inches. Their skin tone was a dull red color, similar to wine[1].They had a humanoid form - the usual two arms and two legs with an upright posture- and a human-like face with similar facial features. If one were to exclude their villainous features, they looked no different from humans; just a bit taller. If the features were left behind, then there was no way they looked human-like much less 'heavenly'.

The only reason Sato perceived them as such was because of the feeling he got when he stared at them. Rather than bloodthirsty murderers, they felt more like dire protectors that would do all they can to keep safe whatever it is they were meant to. There was an overbearing aura exuding from the carvings but this aura was also calm, gentle and deep with a sacred feeling attached to it. That feeling of sacredness with the desire to care and protect was in heavy contrast to the physical appearance of the creatures but with his honed instincts, Sato felt an unfathomable level of danger from it. These carvings felt alive to him.

Saimon bowed reverently for awhile at the two carvings before he finally spoke up.

"These are the Sudō. Grand-protectors of the Caventry assigned to them by the Grey God. You could also call them my direct ancestors."

Sato was surprised at this revelation as he never guessed that the human-like Saimon was actually related to such creepy creatures.

As if noticing Sato's confusion, Saimon explained.

"The Sudō ended up mixing with the Caventry and a few other races leading to several mixed blood appearing. There weren't a lot of them who had descended to start with, so pure-blooded Sudō where very rare. In other to keep their lineage going and continuously fulfill their mission, they had no choice other than to mate with other races."

Having clarified Sato's confusion, Saimon didn't stop talking but kept on going.

"The two in front of us are one of the first Sudō to have descended and also two of the strongest. After death, their bodies were buried in the most sacred place of the Caventry, which happens to be deep within this tower. However, it wasn't their full corpse that was buried. Due to the special attributes of the Sudō, part of their corpse was kept elsewhere, acting as a source of protection to important territories of the Caventry. A good example would be the gate in front of us. In each of the carvings, lies a finger of the related Sudō, that's why you can feel their aura. It's nothing more than a representation of the Sudō's existence."

"In other words, they are still alive despite dying?" Sato questioned with shock in his eyes. If this were true then the Sudō were an amazing OP race, capable of ruling the entirety of IR much less Fallen Heart kingdom.

"Yes and no. It's difficult to explain but just take it as them being dead but not fully dead. Alright, let's begin." Saimon stopped with the explanations as he moved towards the door.

'He doesn't want to talk huh?' Sato sighed internally.

For a second there, he was actually considering transplanting the Sudō DNA into his body. While he didn't know whether that was possible or not, Sato guessed it should be especially as the Caventry seem to be more advanced in mana and magic than any power he had seen so far. Just imagining it made him look forward to such. Even if he couldn't get their DNA, using their bones as forging ingredients would no doubt increase the quality of the final product. Sadly, there was no way Saimon would let him take a part of the Sudō that had been treated as a glorified relic for thousands of years.

Standing in front of the door, Saimon placed both hands on it and whispered a few incomprehensible words as his reflection was displayed on the clear door. Following that, Sato heard the sounds of gears clicking and turning as a deep hum resounded in the corridor. This phenomenon didn't last long as before 2 seconds went by, the corridor reverted to normal. However, during those 2 seconds, Sato felt that the Sudō had actually come to life as he had sensed a threatening sensation greater than before from them. He could almost swear that he saw them glance at him with an apathetic look during that short time.

"Behind this door lies the main trials. A piece of advice before you go." Saimon said with a serious tone.

Sato ended his thoughts and paid full attention to Saimon. For Saimon to say this at the last moment most likely showed how important it was.

"Each challenge would most likely occur in different worlds. In other words, you would experience life in different places; different worlds with different laws. There could be scenarios where you are powerless, scenarios where you don't possess the abilities you do now or scenarios where you possess all the abilities imaginable but no matter what, don't forget your goal. I've already mentioned how each task has a specific duration so try your best to accomplish it as quickly as possible lest you fail. Don't easily give up and strive for success. The Caventry never gives up and their inheritor can't be a sore quitter either.

"Lastly, be true to yourself. The point of the main trials is to test the challenger and see if he or she is worthy of inheriting the Caventry's work. If you pretend to be who you aren't, you will, without a doubt, fail."

The door opened at a regular pace till it was wide open, showing a 3 metres wide and 5 metres high opening. Just like with the corridor back at the hall, Sato couldn't see anything inside as only pitch blackness occupied his sights.

"Now, go.. The trials of the Caventry await you."

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