Infinite Realm

Chapter 224 - 218 : Forging Experience

(AN : This is a somewhat similar equivalent to a filler chapter, used to explain how forging/blacksmithing works in IR. It's quite long and might get boring to some so you're free to skip if you wish.)

In a forging room located at the 1st floor of the Blacksmith guild's building were two individuals, a middle aged female and a young adult male. The temperature of the place was above the average room temperature leading to the bodies of the two persons to begin sweating. Such a description would no doubt arouse the interest of certain perverted figures but no such 'activity' was going on there. Instead, the increase in temperature was as a result of the furnace being activated for a while. 

Though true that each room in the blacksmith guild is classified into 3 categories -Basic, Intermediate and Advanced- all of the rooms were equipped with various formations and while the mana-gathering array was a basic one, it wasn't the only one. There were a few other basic formations and arrays like the Temperature regulator, ventilation system, furnace lighting array that dealt with increasing and decreasing the heat of the furnace and a few others. These arrays were set up to make things easier for the blacksmith while working.


Glaring red flames coagulated within a furnace, heating up the entire room and forcefully turning the contents in the furnace into liquid.

'Almost there.' Sato stared at the mould that held the Rigged Steel with sweat slowly dripping from him. Being so close to the furnace, a distance not more than 1 metre, it was inevitable that the blazing heat would find its way towards Sato, forcing his body to react against it.

The temperature of the furnace was actually much higher than what was felt in the room. It was only thanks to the temperature regulator array that the duo of Sato and miss Trevale, didn't really experience the full brunt of it. Actually, if Sato wanted, he could manipulate the array such that they both wouldn't feel any heat. However, Sato didn't. 

While true that using the temperature regulating array on the room wouldn't affect the forge, this only applied for certain elements and not all. For something like Rigged Steel, which needed a very absurd amount of heat to melt, it would be best that the temperature regulator array would be set to minimum effect or at worst, mid performance. This wasn't only because there was the chance of the array affecting the furnace but also because of the characteristics of Rigged Steel.The blacksmiths of Fallen Heart kingdom might not have realised it yet but Sato knew that Rigged Steel was quite sensitive to a drastic change in temperature. However, the way it demonstrated this was different from normal. 

To better understand this, an ice cube could be said to be sensitive to a drastic increase in temperature as when the cube is placed in an environment with a temperature surpassing the freezing point[1], the cube would begin to melt. This is the cube's way of displaying its sensitivity to the change in temperature. In the case of Rigged Steel, once melted to liquid, it had to be quickly cast and hammered into shape else while still under the effect of high heat else, there might be discrepancies in the final product. A drastic change in temperature would affect the final result so Blacksmiths have to work with the metal under high and stable heat. Because of this, the cooling process of Rigged Steel is much different from regular metals as a special cooling method, array and fluid is used over the usual method of dipping inside water.

'Rigged Steel is quite rare due to the low production rate. As a result of this, it isn't so popular amongst apprentice blacksmiths. While there might be books that focus on forging with this metal in the library, not a lot of people would bother to read it. In other wors, while it seems to be 3 chances to try, the failure rate for this exam is quite high. It would take the faster players the first trial to realise this issue and the 2nd one for slower players. For the slower ones, the exam would pretty much be a failure for them. As for the faster ones, while they might have realised the issue, chances are that they still wouldn't be able to find a solution before the time is up. Even if they do, since its their first time handling this metal, they are up for a failure. In summary, this test is much more difficult than it seems. Giving it a B rank is just evil.' Sato sighed as he stared at the 'golden liquid in the furnace.

Forging a simple weapon with an average 1 star metal was already difficult much more forging such with a peak 2 star metal that needed special attention and methods to work with. Especially with the fact that most players would spend their time in the fields leveling up than in the library, there was a 98% chance that anyone who took the increased difficulty test like Sato did, would fail.

'It's almost ready.' 

Sato left the furnace and walked towards one end of the room with a small bag in hand. The bag was a space bag that had all the available materials for the test, paid by Sato but provided by the guild. Since a lot of people tend to take the blacksmith test, the guild would experience a financial crisis if they decide to handle the procurement of the test materials themselves. So, in order to both avoid this and also deter away the whimsical candidates who just take the test for fun. 

At the spot Sato headed towards, there was a sophisticated workbench that was fixed there. While it is called a workbench, the equipment was high and long enough to be called a table, being 1x1 in dimensions; only smaller than the table at the center. On it, were inscribed a few different engravings, one of which was the engraving pattern for a temperature regulator. This wasn't the controlling array for the room's own but was another different entity on its own.

Putting a hand into the bag, Sato drew out a green colored crystal, which looked more like sea-foam than green. The crystal radiated a sizeable amount of mana that gave off a cooling and comfortable feeling. 

'So this is how a magic crystal looks like.' Sato thought.

What separated blacksmiths and metal-smiths or the ancient blacksmiths was the fact that blacksmiths had transcended regular metal works, going so far as using mana-based and mana-related materials in their work. The perfect representation of this was the categorization of materials which was based on the creation process, strength and mana-related properties[IF] of the material in question. One of the mana-related materials they use were magic crystals, mana crystal and man stones.

Magic crystals were the solid condensation of elemental mana into crystals and were usually used as the power source for a majority of arrays and formations. As a result of the high elemental affinity of the man within them, magic crystals appear in different forms and colours, depending on the elemental mana stored in them. The crystal in Sato's hand was exactly a magic crystal of the wood/nature elements. The furnace was also powered by a formation except that the magic crystal used was brownish-orange in color, kind of like fire orange, signifying the elemental association of the gem. 

A fun fact to note was that the deeper the shade of the color of the magic crystal, the purer the mana and, sometimes, the larger the amount of mana within it is.

Mana crystals were a higher and much purer version of magic crystals as a result, they both had the same quality of having different colours and shades.

Mana stones, unlike the previous two, was a whole different stuff. It wasn't the condensation of elemental mana but man in its purest form. Mana is a vague energy that wasn't fully studied so defining its purest form was something difficult for even the NPC locals. Because of this, there are more varieties of mana stones than there are for mana crystals and magic crystals. So far, a few mana stones had been discovered one of which were the blood stones; pure concentration of blood energy which can't be counted as an element. Apart from mana stones like blood stones, soul stones and so on, there are 3 main types of mana stones; Purple mana stones, white mana stones and black mana stones.

While magic crystals and mana crystals are elemental based, it doesn't mean you can't interchange them in their duties. Take for example how Sato was using a wood type magic crystal for temperature regulating when a fire-type one would be much better. True, the effects would be lessened but the goal would still be achieved.

After admiring the crystal for a while, Sato placed it atop the workbench right at the formation eye for the temperature regulating formation. The array was actually an ethereal substance that was made up of a large circle with another circle within. At the space between the two circles, a bunch of cryptic words were written there and the words radiated a gull gray light. Most of the other formations were like this and it was only by knowing both the structure and comprehending the runes that one would be able to differentiate them. While he wasn't an array master, Sato was still a blacksmith in-training so knowing how to operate basic formations was a necessity. 

Following his movements, the temperature regulator formation enlarged with a green flash and eclipsed the other formations, occupying more than two-thirds of the workbench. Sato then set up a mould that had the shape of a long-sword right underneath the formation.

Manipulating the runes on the formation, Sato made it so that the temperature visibly began to increase at a quick pace. The mould was made with an extremely heat resistant material so it wasn't easily affected by the heat.

Accompanying the change in temperature of the formation's area of effect, the magic crystal within the formation's eye constantly decreased in size, but this change was negligible to the point that it wouldn't be noticed with one's naked eyes.

'It's time.'

When the temperature of the mould became close to that of the ladle in the furnace, Sato took out his equipment and began setting them up. Apart from the duo hammers, there was a clamp, a chisel and a few other equipment.

Sato then returned to the furnace where he wore his apron together with a pair of blacksmith gloves before extracting the ladle that held the molten Rigged Steel with a pair of tongs. Holding the to go firmly with his hands, Sato emptied the contents into the mould. As the mould was still hot, the change in temperature of the Rigged Steel wasn't much, retaining the integrity of the material.

Sato took a thin flat metal and used it to wipe off the excess molten metal from the mould. The bench was equipped with an auto-cleansing array, a liquid gathering array and a defensive array and the energy the arrays used could easily be supplemented by the environment. The excess molten metal that fell off the mould was then automatically gathered at one point on the bench and rounded into a ball. Since the effect of the temperature regulator array was active on most of the bench, the excess metal retained its molten form despite being condensed.

In the process of forging Rigged Steel, an abrupt change in temperature would not only affect the integrity of the metal but also the resulting product. While the effects might not be that much, as an apprentice blacksmith, Sato needed to increase his chances of success at any cost. As such, a negative effect on the metal, no matter how small, had to be avoided at all cost. But if the temperature of molten Rigged Steel couldn't be change so quickly, cooling it was a difficult process for most blacksmiths but the temperature regulator array made things much easier.

Sato made quick calculations and decided that with each 3-5 seconds, he would drop down the temperature of the array by the minimum value acceptable. This way, the integrity of the metal wouldn't be compromised.

As a result of this, it took him 5 minutes before Sato had managed to drop the temperature of the molten Rigged Steel to a value he could work with.


Without wasting any time, Sato extracted the 'half-baked' long-sword and held it in place with 2 clamps he had prepared. The clamps had a heat-resistance array to prevent them from being damaged by the temperature regulator array and the heat of the metal so Sato wasn't worried about the absurd heat. He also stopped adjusting the temperature, leaving it to remain constant at a workable value.

Picking up the regular hammer, Sato began shaping of the long-sword to his desire.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

Sonorous clanging sounds resounded as Sato continuously hammered the long-sword at the spots he noted an imperfection. When the metal now prove difficult to the hammer, Sato took the mana-infused one and placed another magic crystal at a groove at one end of the hammer. He then used the other end and began to hammer it.

With each strike, mana flowed from the magic crystal into the long-sword, tweaking the properties of the metal and increasing its attributes. Apart from that, the infused mana could change the weight of the hammer to the user's requirements so Sato didn't need to change equipment.

'Is he really a newbie?' Miss Trevale stared at Sato in astonishment. From what she knew, Sato was supposed to be one of the individuals that had recently registered into the guild not more than a week ago. Most of them had barely registered for any classes or  even practiced that much. Even if they were to lock themselves up in a forge for the week, it would be impossible for them to grasp most of the knowledge and skill required for the test unless one was an inborn genius destined for the forge. That was why Miss Trevale thought that Owen's trial was just a way of bullying the [Chosen Ones] and breaking their pride in being 'different'. Yet, the way Sato handled the hammer; striking at the notable imperfections and easily modifying the long-sword to his desire, made her wonder whether he had learnt blacksmithing before or was a true inborn genius.

'If he is, then the Riverdale branch has to keep him on hold as much as possible.' Miss Trevale thought.

She didn't know that it wasn't Sato being an inborn genius instead, the facilities in the Great Hall of Grey Chaplains was that amazing. While it seemed like Sato only had a few hours there to learn, there was actually a time dilation hall in there that had a rate of 1:3[2]. So rather than having only 4-5 hours of practice, he actually had at least 12-15 hours or so. While the time still wasn't enough to master blacksmithing to a standard level, considering the fact that the GHOGC(Great Hall of Grey Chaplains)'s library had a lot of books on blacksmithing and an above-average practice room, the time frame was barely enough for this.

*Huff* *Huff*

Having hammered the long-sword for more than 10 minutes already, Sato was feeling exasperated. The only reason he was able to hold on was thanks to his strong will.

Almost 2 hours had already gone from the allocated time leaving Sato with bit above 3 hours to work with. Despite knowing this, Sato didn't act bothered nor tried to quicken his work pace. This was because one of the dumbest yet worst mistakes to make as a blacksmith was to rush the process. For a job that required one's full concentration and effort, unless one was a professional, rushing the work would lead to a result below the intended quality. With the limited experience he had, it made all the more sense why Sato had to take things slowly and easy.

'This can pass.' Sato thought as he stared at the half-done long-sword in front of him.

The long-sword wasn't yet completed but the shape had been made out. All that remained was for Sato to put the finishing touches and improve on the creation.

The temperature Sato had left the sword at was barely enough to make it form a solid but the weapon was still glaring red, showing how hot it was.

Sato began to reduce the temperature once more but this time, he took out a special liquid and applied it on the sword. The liquid was a special coolant that had formed thanks to the effects of mana and some certain special chemicals. While water was still a common coolant in blacksmithing, mana-based coolants were preferred for better stability and strengthening.

Once the sword had cooled down to become a true solid, Sato would increase the temperature again as if he wanted to melt down the sword. However, he always stopped once the long-sword had become red hot and easily malleable. He would then begin hammering once more before cooling again then repeating.

Sato went on with this process, interchanging the regular hammer for the rune-carved one. With the constant hammering, cooling and heating, the physical properties of the long-sword were strengthened further as the long-sword approached completion 

Once he felt is was okay, Sato began the finishing touches on the sword. He fixed in a customized handle that he developed on the spot and applied coloring to the sword's blade and handle, making it more creative and beautiful to the eye. He then used a whetstone on the sword's blade till eventually…

[[ System notification :

Rigged Steel Long-sword completed.

Analysing product...

Product has reached the required rank ]]

[[ System notification : 

Rigged Steel Long-sword completed. 

+5 Proficiency point

Please assign a name to the product. ]]


Sato stared at the blue sword in his hands with a smile.

The Rigged Steel long-sword smithing manual was a general manual. It didn't actually describe how to make a long-sword but how to process Rigged Steel to make one, hence the name 'Rigged Steel long-sword'. Because of this, the final product would have the privilege of being assigned a name by the maker since the actual sword making process was done according to the user's desires.

"I will call you, 'First'."

[[ System notification :

'First' has been completed.]]

With no effort, Sato assigned an unenthusiastic name to his first creation in the Blacksmith guild but he wasn't bothered. Considering his proficiency in Blacksmithing, the long-sword he just made wouldn't be useful to him and can only be sold for money. Racking his brain just to give a cool name to something that would get sold felt dumb to him[3].


[[ System notification :

First (Rigged Steel long-sword) : Mid Tier Mortal Rank : Level 5 : Durability 30

Requirement : Level 5  ||  5 [Strength]

[Physical Attack power] +10

[Attack Speed] +7

[Strength]  +3             


'3 stats. Two secondary attributes and 1 main attribute and no skill. It should be in the mid ranks then. Just a bit above average.' Sato sighed in disappointment. 

While most people would rejoice at successfully making an average work that would still have a market, Sato wasn't. This was because he knew that the reason the long-sword reached that level was due to the precious materials used in its production. Normally, the increased [Attack Speed] option wouldn't be accessible for swords below level 10 unless in certain special occasions, like Sato's Astral Blade that was an Upper Tier weapon. However, the metal Rigged Steel had the special feature of being extremely hard yet very light. When used to make a weapon, it makes the weapon much easier to handle than other variations made with heavy metals like Dawn steel.

"Time for the next one."

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