Infinite Realm

Chapter 220 - 214 : Explanations

"The demon god's son?!" Xue Yan cried out in alarm and surprise. They were just below level 10 yet they had already encountered matter's relating to such an entity. Why wouldn't she be shocked.

"Yes, an asura to be exact, but you don't need to worry that much." Saimon comforted. 

"Is it because of the seal?" Sato asked what looked to be an obvious answer.

"Yes but not really. The demon god's son has been sealed for over a thousand year so he has inevitably weakened and is barely of any threat to anyone. Well, anyone above King rank that is." Saimon replied him.

"I see." 

It would be a lie to say that Sato wasn't a bit shocked about the revelation of a the son of a god level being being sealed here. At the very least, such an individual would have been at the Demigod realm at his prime. To have been sealed in an abandoned cavern in a low level place for so long was quite shocking. While this plot had been used in a few VR games already, it wasn't really popular. This was because in such scenarios, it was very much cliché that the seal would end up broken. Accompanying this event would be a quest or a mission that would either serve as an opportunity to reap massive rewards and increase one's chances of being a high ranker in the game, or end up destroyed alongside a massive power in the game with their gaming career in the game brought to a close.

'Where there's fortune, there's a risk.'

"What is the current state of the seal?" Sato asked with a serious face.

As he heard the question, Saimon's face had a visible frown on it as he slowly lost himself to his memories. The mood of the entire hall suddenly dampened with a chilling breeze filling the entire place. Sato and Xue Yan suddenly felt like they were tossed into a frozen hell as they both slowly felt their limbs weaken. Xue Yan could even barely keep a hold of her staff as it slipped from her hand and fell on the floor.


"Oh, my apologies." Saimon got awakened by the sound of the staff's fall and hurriedly apologised as he returned to normal. Following his transformation, the entire hall also calmed down with the temperature returning to normal.

Seeing how smoothly and quickly everything transitioned, Sato was astonished. He realised that he might have underestimated this old figure before him, and not by a tiny figure. Saimon had always kept this 'scammer' smile on his face that most fortune tellers had. This made him look like a cunning man but barely of much threat. Even back when Sato had traced him by his aura, it wasn't as overbearing as the Achievers. Heck, it wasn't even close in intensity. As a result of that, Sato thought that Saimon was much weaker than even the weakest Achievers and he presumed that most of his ability came from controlling the grey statues but this small show proved him wrong. Saimon was a beast of his and even much worse than the swordsman Achiever Sato had faced, even if it was at its peak form. To have been able to influence the temperature by that much while also being able to create a slight breeze all just by losing his composure showed how scary of a figure this old man was. 

'But it's understandable. To be the guardian of this place and the servant of a civilization, there was no way he would be so weak. From his statement of the demon god's son being weak and barely of any threat, he should be at the Saint level at the very least.'

The Saint level was chronologically the 6th level of strength in the game, being beneath only the Demigod realm and the God realm and figures at these two realms were extremely difficult to spot. In other words, excluding these two ranks, Saimon was one of the strongest warriors in the world. If his ability to control the Achievers was added, then eliminating a kingdom such as the Fallen Heart kingdom would be just as easy as reciting the alphabets. Even an empire would have to approach him with caution.

Without a doubt, Saimon was the strongest living being Sato had ever seen. He even felt that the Emissary from Gnorka lacked in comparison. But this would mostly be due to the fact that what Sato saw was but a mere projection.

"The seal could be said to not be of the best of states now." Saimon sighed heavily.

Sato's eyes sparkled as he felt a chance to get a good mission.

"Is there anything we could to fix it?"

"You two?" Saimon stared at the two of them with incredulity.

"Bahahaha. I apologise for laughing but that's the most funniest joke I have heard in centuries." Saimon laughed hard as he grabbed his belly with a grin. 

"How can you, a weak human, even if a [Chosen One], expect to fix a seal made by a god?! Hahaha!"

'B**tard.' Sato cursed internally. He was never expecting to get mocked despite showing such a 'sincere' attitude to 'help'.

"Even if we can't repair it, we should still be able to help you find materials to do so right?" Xue Yan asked. She understood Sato's intentions for asking and decided to help after all, she too would benefit from such.

"Ah… That's enough fun for one day." Saimon said to himself.

"While what you say makes sense, do you think that the materials used to produce the seal for a top rank demigod level being could be found on the streets? Such materials could only be found in other worlds and even if you could get there, it would take way too much time. Just forget it." Saimon waved off their request.

"If there's nothing else that you have to ask, then you're free to go."

Sato kept a pensive look on his face before he asked, "Why is the demon god's son sealed here?"

"Because it was the will of the Grey god." Saimon simply replied.

'The Grey god again. After this, I need to pay the library a visit. I doubt a town's library would have the necessary information but I still have to make do with it.' Sato added a new task to his schedule.

"Since we have passed the test, don't we get any rewards? Also, you said we have official access to the Hall but of what use is it?" Xue Yan asked. She asked this because for the 3rd reward of receiving the Achiever's skill, the system had not informed them of anything. In other words, the break point for this actually laid in Saimon's hands.

"What an interesting lady you are." Saimon smiled at her.

"You indeed get rewards for passing the test and 3 at that, 2 of which you have already received; access to the hall and knowledge of the hall. The 3rd one would come shortly. As for what use official entry is, you gain privileges relating to this hall." 

"Privileges like what?" Sato asked Saimon. He was annoyed at how Saimon spoke and paused periodically, as if being limited to a certain number of words in one speech. However, Sato couldn't yell at him since he knew that Saimon could just end him with a wave of his hand.

"While the Great hall of the Grey Chaplains is a seal for the demon god's son, it also serves as training site for the Grey Chaplains and the Caventry and is equipped with various other facilities like rest, language centre and a 7 millennium old library that has been constantly updated. Don't underestimate the training facility though. As children of the Grey god, the physique of the Caventry was beyond normal and not by a little. Even the weakest of the Caventry warriors at the Master realm could take on a standard human at the King realm. For them to show improvements, the training facility has to be beyond normal too. 

"There are also special tests here and depending on your progress and achievement, you would receive various amazing rewards. And trust me when I say that they are amazing. If you want, you could take the test right now or another time." Saimon responded with a speech longer than usual.

He then paused for a while before adding, "Usually I wouldn't say this but seeing as you're the first visitors in years, let me give you a piece of advice. The test doesn't depend on your strength as it is always made to suit the participant's level just like the previous one. So whether you want to train more or not makes barely any difference. It would be best to take it as soon as possible because the sooner you get the rewards, the better things would turn out for you. Of course, you could delay it and hone your skills better in hopes for a better one. It's your choice."

"I see. Let's get our rewards first before we decide." Sato said.

"Alright. In accordance with the regulations of the hall, receive your reward." Saimon stretched his hands towards the two as if bestowing upon them blessings.

(Xue Yan's interface) [[ System notification :

You have received skill [Overbearing Momentum]

[Overbearing Momentum] : Passive Skill : You radiate an overbearing aura that makes opponents weaker than you to cower in fear. Attack Power +5%, Opponent's defense -10% if weaker than you by two levels or more, -5% by one level, -3% for equal level. Difference in Life Order and [Willpower] is also capable of affecting the end result of the skill.  ]]

(Sato's interface) [[ System notification :

You have received skill [Linear Strike]

[Linear Strike] : Active Skill : Using one thrust or slash, deal 150% of attack power in one hit. +10% to penetrative abilities.

Cool-down : 10 seconds.


[[ System notification :

Your performance has pleased the Hall guardian, Saimon Magistris. Rewards are doubled.


[[ System notification :

You have received skill [Chain Hit]

[Chain Hit] : Active Skill : release 3 strikes equaling 140% attack power with 130% attack speed.

Cool-down : 15 seconds.


'New skills and 2 at that.' Sato smiled.

While the original mission reward was meant to only be a single skill, Sato actually got one more than Xue Yan. This was because he had unintentionally impressed Saimon by using the unconventional move of tossing his sword. As for Xue Yan, her performance was just average so Saimon didn't bother about it.

"You have received your rewards for the first test. Now tell me, do you wish to undergo the Great hall of Grey Chaplains' true test?"

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