Infinite Realm

Chapter 218 - 212 : The Third Round

"It's time." The copper-tinted old man opened his eyes as he spoke.

Sato stood up at the old man's words and unsheathed his sword, gripping it tightly with his right hand. Xue Yan followed close to him as she gripped the [Black Alder Staff] in worry and anxiety.

It had been 6 days(In-game) since the first time Sato had challenged the 'Achiever'. In other words, apart from the first time, Sato and Xue Yan had also faced off against the statue before, making his their last shot at victory. Success would mean that they would finally know what hid within here and though the old man never mentioned it, they would most likely gain access to them. While the rewards for victory was quite pleasing, the penalty for failure was anything but that.

[[System Notification :

Trial of the 'Achievers'

Mission Rating : A

Mission Detail : Defeat the selected 'Achiever' or survive 6 strikes from it. Failure is only permissible 2 and at the 3rd time, the participant would die and officially fail the mission. (1/3 chances left)

Basic Rewards :

-Knowledge on the ancient civilization that once lived here.

-One appropriate skill of the 'Achiever' would be randomly bestowed. 

-Access to the Great hall of *****

Penalty : 

-Death with an additional 30% permanent decrease in Experience points.

-Achiever's Curse; player would receive a permanent 30% decrease in Main attributes.

-Immortal soul would be harmed; 50% reduction in Experience points gained for 1 months.

System Description : There's no turning back once you've reached this stage. Either fight like your life depends on it(especially since it does) or just end up with a crippled account.                  ]]

For a mission with a rating of A, the [Trial of the Achievers] couldn't be described as easy or such. The penalties were so terrible that it could almost count as an S-rated mission at this point in the game.

Being the last opportunity they would get, Sato and Xue Yan had to make sure that this one counted otherwise they would end up with a heavily crippled account. That would without a doubt, delay their gaming progress in IR or in a worst-case scenario, totally ruin it.

During this 6 day period(IGT), he had learnt a lot from the previous two battles. In the last one, he had managed to make it up to the 4th hit with Xue Yan having landed a lucky shot at the Achiever. 

While they couldn't leave the hall, they could still exit the game and take a break. During his break, Sato checked up on his grandmother and also practiced non-stop with his grandfather when possible, asking for his opinion and advice regarding the event. 

With the constant breaks and pauses he took, thanks to having almost nothing else to do in-game, Sato was able to learn a lot and was quite confident to go past 4 hits, which was his last record, and reach 5 hits. This was on the condition that Xue Yan landed a clean shot, reducing the necessary amount of strikes to receive by 1. While he wasn't confident of tanking 5 hits up straight, 4 wasn't an issue for him with the strategy Sato came up with. The 5th hit would be eliminated by Xue Yan and the 6th strike, which would affect their gaming career in IR, was left to fate and luck. 

If possible, Sato hoped for Xue Yan to be able to land 2 clean hits but he already knew that even making 1 was very difficult for her, after all, the Achiever before them wasn't a regular monster that functioned on instincts or the likes. It had battle experience and had a very rapid response time. This wasn't something a newcomer in gaming could beat. For Xue Yan to even make 1 clean shit was more than enough to show how much of a promising talent she was in gaming.

"Remember the plan." Sato said to Xue Yan who then nodded in return. 

Just like before, the duo resumed the formation they had used; Sato staying in front with Xue Yan behind by at least 10 metres. Due to the differences in their roles for this battle, this was the most efficient formation as it would keep Xue Yan safe from being caught in the fight while still giving her an opportunity to interfere. 

"Let's begin." Sato said to the old man.

"Alright." The copper-tinted old man replied.

Immediately after, the same swordsman statue that had served Sato and Xue Yan 2 consecutive defeats made its way towards the duo from its original display spot. As it did so, Sato and Xue Yan entered battle mode, taking on a serious appearance and raising their guard and alertness levels to the top all with one thought running through their heads; 'We must make it this time around'.

Like a slow procession to its throne or the gallant walk of a magnificent warrior to the battle front, the Achiever walked slowly as if ignorant of Sato and Xue Yan's existence; taking them nothing more than ants in its path. While this slow walk seemed unnecessary, it actually wasn't. 

Previously, the old man had mentioned how the swordsman Achiever possessed the unique skill known as [Guide]. It was a skill that could passively and unnoticeably influence the thoughts and decisions of the target at the slightest loss of concentration without their knowledge. When the Achiever confronts its target with a slow walk, it builds up pressure which is applied on the target. While facing the pressure, most would either lose out to fear or try to stand strong against it. In the process of doing so, they would inadvertently lose concentration on the skill, [Guide], and fall prey to it. This was why the Achiever usually moved slowly. Of course, if the circumstance requires it, the Achiever could also change its fighting style to a fast-paced battle because in such high pace battles, it is far more easier to lose concentration. Sato had learnt all this the hard way in the previous fight and he was hoping to capitalize on this meager knowledge to win the fight.

It didn't take long for the Achiever to reach within 5 metres of the duo and with its arm length and 8 metres long-sword, this distance was already suitable for attacking.


With the horizontal movement of its arm, the long-sword was slashed out right at Sato. The momentum packed behind the sword was like that of a 10 metres tall wave as while the sword's thickness was much shorter than that, the force behind this blow was on par, if not greater, than that of a wave.

As with his previous plan and approach, Sato never intended on colliding with the first strike. Not only was this one of the strongest strikes of the Achiever, but it was one of the most dangerous as if he got caught in it, the Achiever would follow up with a chain of attacks. However, while dodging seemed like the bets possible option, it wasn't free of any risk. Nonetheless, after making the calculations, Sato decided it was best to do so.


Unlike with the first battle, the long-sword didn't actually land on the floor but just sliced through the air above it. In spite of that, the force behind the sword had unwittingly compressed the air close by and released it along with the strike. The word air, which had a majority of the force from the strike, was divided into two, with a part going towards the wall of the hall and another ending up colliding with the floor. As for Sato, he had retreated more than 3 metres to the side with a jump, dodging both the slash and the sword wind.

Seeing that it's first attack had been dodged, the Achiever followed up with another move, changing its fighting style from the usual slow and controlled manner to a wild and hurried pattern. Along with the change in fighting style, the aura around the statue would experience an inevitable change. Picking up on this change, Sato prepared himself to face the enemy but he did this in a way one wouldn't usually expect.

Normally, in a battle where one is expected to survive for a certain amount of time or strikes, what remains in their mind isn't how to attack or the next move to make instead, it's how to defend. However, after having faced the Achiever twice already, with each one ending in a pitiful yet regretful failure, Sato discovered that if he kept remaining in the passive, his chances of victory would be much less than going on the attack. While it seemed like the Achiever was far more stronger than him, it should be recalled that it was set to a level where it was just barely enough for Sato and Xue Yan to hold on against. Because of this, Sato's chances of victory by attacking was quite possible. Of course, to achieve this, he wasn't the only element needed in the equation.

"[Greater Fireball]" Xue Yan chanted from a distance as she let go of the blazing chair-sized fireball in her hand.

The Achiever sensed the fiery mana ball approaching it and reacted to it by hacking at the ball. At the same time though, Sato had closed in on the monster for a strike.

Being imprinted with the battle sense and memories of a legendary class figure, such a simple pincer attack was nothing to the Achiever as it not only cut through the fireball but also wielded the sword with the same force and aimed for Sato with a thrust.

Just when he was a metre away from the sword, Sato suddenly dodged to the side, intending to let the sword move past him.

Seeing an opportunity to make a clean hit on Sato, the Achiever wanted to swing the sword to the side, just where Sato had dodged, but a flaming ray pierced its side from a blind-spot. 



Xue Yan's [Greater Fireball] and Sato's dive were all just feints for this move and it turned out as a success. By the rules of the trial, a clean hit was equivalent to one strike and having dodged one strike already, Sato was left with 4 more hits to face.

After the light explosion from the ray cleared off, there was no injury on the spot with only a black mark left behind. However, that small disruption had forced the Achiever's attack to a halt, giving Sato the opportunity to escape once again. Despite that, Sato didn't take it.

Using the short period where the Achiever was 'stunned', Sato swung his sword at the grey statue from a distance. 

[Astral Blade] [1]

Logically, there was nothing he could do with this motion as there was still at least 8 metres between them. Magically though, a blurry yet soft burst of light exited his sword and darted towards the statue. The light was like a broad beam, having a width of 0.3 metres and a length of 1 metre. It moved soundlessly and quickly that by the time the Achiever had noticed it, the beam had hit its mark.


With a soft sound like a hot knife through butter, the beam penetrated into the Achiever but only made a mark less than an inch deep before all the energy from it dissipated. 

Seeing the damage the attack had caused, even the old man had to raise an eyebrow as this was the first time he had seen such a move from Sato. The strike as one Sato had originally saved for the kobold chief but didn't get the chance to use in the end. Who knew it would end up useful here?

With that move, Sato only had to face 3 more hits or land 3 more attacks to win. 

Xue Yan cast a [Fireball] in hopes of it nailing the Achiever but maybe it was because it was fed up of having been hit time after time, the Achiever released a roar and sped up its bodily movements, using the 8 metres long-sword to block the fireball.

With a heavy stomp, it propelled itself towards Sato and dragged its sword together with its 12 metres tall body, creating an intimidating image for Sato. 

Not having expected this, Sato was surprised for just that instant but even an instant was enough for [Guide] to influence him to lower his guard completely. Luckily for him, Sato had a stronger will than most and was able to get himself back. However, the small delay had resulted in him not being able to dodge the incoming strike, being forced to take it head on.

'[Parry]!' Sato grunted as he swung his sword to meet the Achiever's attack.

The end result was nothing short of expectations as like the very first time, Sato was completely overpowered by the slash and forced back like a bullet in air. If there was one major difference between this time's 'flying session' and the last, it would be that Sato had managed to bring himself down and didn't end up in such a pitiful state as before.

Sato had achieved this by forcing his sword down on the floor, using the friction produced to slow down his speed and also transferring the force from the blow to that point. While Egrevoid could resist heavy impacts and such, penetrative features had much more of an effect that random impact. Of course, this didn't mean that Sato was able to penetrate through the floor easily with his sword but he was able to go at least half a centimeter deep while transferring the remnant force from the collision to his sword and finally to the Egrevoid floor. This resulted in most of the force being negated with Sato receiving lesser backlash than intended. Sato had learnt this technique from his grandfather during this 3 day period and was finally able to put it to use.

-105 (45/150 Sato's HP)

'Damn.' Sato wiped the blood on his lips as he complained.

He had managed to just find his footing when the Achiever made another move against him. With only 45 left and all his defensive skills on cool-down, there was no way Sato could tank the next hit.

Xue Yan, seeing Sato in trouble, cast [Fireball]. Her original intention wasn't to land a hit but to force the Achiever to focus on her attack and give Sato the opportunity to escape. Sadly, the reaction of the Achiever didn't end up as she had anticipated.

The grey stone swordsman ignored the fireball despite sensing it, seeming as if it didn't want to let Sato go.

As this was the third and final round, the conditions of the battle to determine a loss was simply for Sato to die. With his HP at 45 points, all it needed was one hit and Sato would be a goner. The Achiever might not be conscious but it was battle-conscious. It realised that rather than losing such a Godsent opportunity, it wouldn't mind getting hit once. At the very least, Sato still needed 2 more hits or dodges to win. Getting hit once wasn't game over for the statue.

'Damn it!' Sato cursed as he realized that the Achiever was stuck on finishing him off. He didn't dare to keep thinking anymore as Sato did the only thing he could at that moment; defend.

The Achiever's attack was like a cleave, coming from Sato's upper left corner and heading diagonally downwards, towards his right side. Due to the massive size of the long-sword, Sato couldn't dodge to his left neither could he head to his right. As for going back, that was impossible because the length of the sword was beyond what he could outrun within this short time frame. So the best option was moving forward.

Realising this, Sato changed his original decision of defending to attacking in hopes of getting that last hit on the statue. Since the battle looked to be lost, Sato wanted to make a very risky bet to win it at the last minute. Since the chances of him dying was very high to the point of being set in stone, Sato decided to take this risk without bother. After all, it was better to die knowing he had tried his best than doing so with regret.

Just when the Achiever's long-sword was 4 metres away from him, Sato made his move.


'Lotus Sword Art, 1st form; Swift Kill.'

Using these two skills, the power behind the sword was much more than average but what was surprising was that Sato didn't hack out with the sword but actually tossed it at the statue.


The In-game skill, [Chop], was an attacking skill that depended on the strength of the user, utilizing the user's full power in one blow. Using Swift Kill, Sato hoped to amplify the sword's striking power. By combining the two skills, the force behind the sword toss was no doubt deadly for any player to take head on.

With the force of the two skills, there was a chance that the sword would land on the Achiever right before its attack took Sato's life. That chance was what Sato was betting on.


Xue Yan's fireball made contact with the grey giant but because the [Fireball] spell was much weaker than a [Great Fireball], the damage was beyond negligible and couldn't even affect the Achiever's movements.

The long-sword approached Sato as the hovering shadow of death clouded him. Having let go of his sword, there was nothing Sato could do other than to hope; hope that his sword would land first.


Maybe it was luck, maybe it was fate, but just when the Achiever's sword got within a metre of Sato, closing in on him at a distance of half a metre, Sato's sword resounded with a metallic collision sound.

The sword had made contact.

"Congratulations, Chosen Ones.. You've passed the test."

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