Infinite Realm

Chapter 118 - 114 : Destination

The party of 5 has been journeying into the deeper parts of the Sahara Desert for more than 30 minutes already (in-game). During this time, they had fought a bunch of monsters and defeated them as these monsters were only either level 5 or at the worst a level 6 common. Of course there were a few instances where they encountered level 7 Desert scorpions but even those still didn't stand much of a chance against them. The team however, didn't go so unscathed from the battles. The reason was because despite Desert Scorpions not really being a true social  monster, a couple of them still moved around in groups of 2 or 3. They had even met one such group that actually managed to have 4 in their crew. It was a hectic and stressful battle but they managed to stand on top thanks to Purple Winter's timely heals and Ink Snow's impressive vanguard spirit and performance.

Now, the party was facing a weird ancient building that looked like a dilapidated temple. In fact, it didn't just look like one, it was actually one.

It was quite huge, far bigger than the size of a standard stadium with a seating capacity of 85,000. From a bird's eye view, the temple was like a huge rectangular building with 4 smaller temples within it, each located far from each other.

Due to the constant exposure to dust, the original colour of the building had faded away and become tawny brown. It was because of this mutation that despite being huge, the edifice hadn't been discovered by players. But the main reason was the fact that it was located deep past the level 5 area of Sahara Desert. Some parts of the building had fallen apart with stone blocks and rubble scattered all over the place. Nonetheless, the structures outline could still be made out and also the building wasn't so much on the dilapidated side but on the abandoned side.

The front part of the edifice looked exactly like the front part of Neo-classical styled architecture. 9 tall Corinthian columns held up the Frieze and the Pediment[1] that had extended 5.9 metres away from the main building. The columns were very tall, reaching more than 30 metres in height with a spacing of 5 metres between each column. Over all, this front part was actually a building of it's own that got attached to the major edifice.

3 metres away in front of the building were two huge statues with a height of at least 19 metres. They both held a spear in hand and were carved with Qin dynasty style armour. At their waist was attached a sword in a scabbard. As they were stone statues, the sword and scabbard was expected to be stone-cut too.

"Even though we are still quite far, this place sure feels creepy. It gives me goosebumps just being here." Panda uttered. The group hid by a sand dune and observed the area ahead of them.

"Yo, Herald, you said you saw a few level 12 or so monsters here. Where are there? I mean, I don't see any monsters close." Gotze asked as he surveyed the entire place with his eyes.

Even though there was boundary or shield around the structure, the area within a radius of 29 metres round the edifice was devoid of monsters. Not even the most common Desert Scorpion or Sand Snakes could be found in this area. The zone had a weird metaphysical aura looming around it and this gave the entire place a weird eerie atmosphere.

"There are usually monsters here though but they always stay beyond the 30 metres mark. Most of them burrow themselves in the ground and wait for a prey to ambush. You won't see them with your naked eyes and I only managed to spot them with [Sefiris' eye]." Herald replied as he nudged his glasses.

"Like over there for example." Herald pointed at a spot in front of them; about 40 metres or so away from the superstructure. The place his fingers happened to point at was an empty spot in the desert devoid of any life, be it plant or animal life.

"What's supposed to be there?" Ink Snow frowned.

"You sure you're seeing well? Lol. Even with glasses you're still blind." Gotze mocked Herald.

"Hehe. What would you know? Underneath the soil over there is a level 13 Sand Snake. Once you step within 5 metres radius, you would be as good as dead before you even realize it."


Everyone was surprised at the discovery. A level 13 creature, none of them had even seen any since the game begun and none actually wished to do so after all, meeting one would pretty much be equivalent to you losing a ton of experience points that it's almost the same as losing a level. The scary thing however, was the fact that the Sand Snake could perfectly hide itself within the area.

Sand Snakes typically had a colour on the darker side of brown, similar to caramel. As a result of this colouration on their skin, they were adept at camouflage. To make things worse, like their fellow snake siblings, they were very quick and slippery even in this desert. Because the entire place was covered in sand, running wasn't that easy as one's feet could easily be drowned by the sand and even that bit could slow them down, causing implications; even monsters like Desert Scorpions faced the same situation. Sand Snakes however, did not face this problem. Added with their quick agility and environmental advantage, they were one of the most dangerous monsters to ever face. Now, level 13 Sand Snakes have been discovered to be able to hide in the soil. Losing to them in speed was already bad enough but this was insane for players. If not for Herald's [Sefiris' eye] they would have unknowingly walked to their doom already.

"That's not even the worst part." Herald spoke up again. "Those two statues over there are also monsters; golems rather and level 25 at that."


" what do we do now?" After regaining his composure, Panda asked Ink Snow.

"There should be a way to pass this test." Ink Snow said.

"But is there really? I mean, forget about the lurking snakes, there's still those statues. Can't we just leave this mission till we're high leveled. Let's say level 20 or even 23?" Purple Winter recommended.

The mission Purple Winter was referring to was the major reason that they went out of their lane and came into this place. It was an A rated mission, the second highest rating known to players. Usually, such missions were left till players had enough strength to complete it but Ink Snow decided to give the mission a try now. In her exact words, it was actually "scouting out the mission ahead of time".

[[ System interface :

Intro : You happened to have chanced upon a weird relic. After further enquiries and investigation, you met a Priest of Light who told you that the relic seems to have originated from a forgotten Temple in Sahara Desert.

Description : Deep in the Sahara Desert lies a forgotten Temple. You have been hired by a Priest of Light to investigate this place and find whether there still exists any living creature or valuable with the same energy as the relic, within it.

Basic Reward : +10 Relationship points with Priest Nathel, 30 Silver coins, 1 drop of [Diluted Purified Holy Water Advanced Potion : 60% Concentration]


'Do I really have to wait later on...'

Staring at the mission her system interface's mission panel, Ink Snow wondered whether she should leave it for later. The main reason she struggled to try and complete this mission early was for the rewards. At their current level, this reward was really valuable and it could help improve their over all strength.

Nothing should be said about the 30 silver coins as right now, such amount of money was indeed large for players. Even the current liquid wealth of their party was slightly above that.

The relationship points was also quite important as having a good relationship with a priest from the Holy Light Church[2] was good more so for a high ranking priest.

The last reward, the single drop of [Diluted Purified Holy Water : Advanced Grade : 60% concentration] was actually the most important reward. The potion had a bunch of uses, some of which were vanquishing evil spirits, causing greater damage to dark forces and even canceling out status ailments, depending on the level of the caster. There was however, one very amazing use it had on low level players; it could reduce the amount of experience points one would lose once they died.

Once a player dies, he/she loses both a weapon/equipment and experience points; at least 70% of them. Yes, 70% and not any specific number. Because of this, most players tried their best not to die so as to avoid losing so much hard work but this advanced potion could solve this problem. The [Diluted Purified Holy Water] could reduce the penalties one would receive upon death from either not losing an equipment/ a weapon or losing only 40% Experience points.

Due to these few effects and also the tag as an Advanced grade potion, the price for a drop of [Diluted Purified Holy Water] was quite exaggerated; costing as much as 4~5 silver coins. If the price was the main problem, the potion wouldn't be so special that Ink Snow would want to die for it. The main issue surrounding it was that only the Holy Light Church sold this potion; not even the regular black market channels accessible to players, had this in their stores. This was of course due to fear of the Holy Light Church as they had placed a ban on selling their products through unofficial channels and if one dared to do so, they would have to face their ire. Ink Snow wanted to get a hold of this potion now that it still had use to them rather than when they would be much higher levelled compared to now.

"There might be a way though." Herald kept a serious face as he said.

"What?" Both Panda and Purple Winter were surprised and so asked immediately.

"Is there really a way or are you playing us?" Gotze asked.

Herald ignored Gotze and answered, "If you look carefully, this building is quite dilapidated. Its walls are broken and there are damages and broken spots all over."

"So?" Gotze had a puzzled look.

"Are you really that dumb?" Herald twitched his lips.

"So there might be a hole in the wall." Ink Snow replied with a look of realisation.

"Perfecto. Broken walls like these should surely have a breach in them. We just have to find that hole and we could bypass the guards and head right in." Herald explained.

"But who would be able to that? He or she has to be fast enough and sneaky to be able to avoid those monster down there." Panda questioned.

"Hehe." Herald budged his glasses as a glint appeared on them only for a while. "Isn't it obvious? Our very own assassin, Gotze of course."


I know that it was kinda abrupt bringing a side character's experience into the work but that's how I write. I don't like ignoring other characters and I try to make them relate or connect with one another. This chapter might seem abrupt (and trust me, it is lol), but it would have appeared later on. I just brought it forward for some reasons. Just know this, everything in this book connects. I just spoilt a lot but who cares? You would pretty much forget this, lol.

Oh yeah, my Deity Creed is to remember everyone. 'For what one gives, one receives' and also, 'Everything relates in the material world.' For more great comprehension of the Dao from this deity, visit Tiān mójiè ....

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