
Derived from the weavings of Entropy at its base, but taking on a somewhat different meaning.

Noah felt waves of the Natal Omniversal Source initially gathered by Entropy with all the chaos Noah had already spread across the Omniverse, this essence concealing into the Omniversal Singularity Seed as it began to gain an identity.

|To transform.|

|This is the meaning of Entropia.|



He didn't destroy his home world, but he merely transformed it and assimilated it into the Infinite Existential Omniversal Seed.

He didn't destroy the Vitalis and Vacuous Existential Domains- for the most part anyway, and he had transformed them into something else within the Infinite Existential Omniversal Seed!

Even the people he killed.


Noah closed his eyes as memories and weavings of every single one flooded across his mind.

They may have been designated as his enemies.

Some conducted actions worthy of him decimating them.

But they still held life that he took away.

A life that he didn't grind down to nothingness and destroy, but instead transformed it to become a part of himself.

He transformed them!


Through weavings of what looked like random chaos.

And yet everything playing out with great organization and order.

The smallest change done initially could propagate and give a complex outcome towards the very end!

Noah utilizing the concept of Infinity to attain a small moment of Infinity.

Enacting the Quintessential Annals of Extremity coincidentally and making it so that his elevation of a concept to the Existential level would not be discovered.

Seemingly small actions that should only affect him, and yet they led to the devouring and assimilation of the Vitalis and Vacuous Existential Domain.







In all the Randomness and chaos Noah laid out, he was always there to transform it all as this was the meaning behind the Omniversal Authority of Entropia!

And as soon as its direction was decided, concepts continued to flood into it.

Not just Noah's concepts- he didn't have nearly enough.

But weavings of Extremes around the nearby Domain containing weavings of Pompeii.

Extremes in this small corner of the Omniverse.

If they matched disorder and order in some way, they were recruited.

It would mean that Noah wouldn't be able to say that this forming Omniversal Authority was wholly under his control.

He couldn't say so as a large portion of the complex weavings of Existential Extremity Authorities would not belong to him, but from threads of the Omniverse that the forming Omniversal Singularity Seed was pulling in!

But this was okay.

He was only starting out. There would come a time when the construct of a whole Omniversal Authority could fall under his banner, and even more wonders he could foresee in the future.

Because he had the alteration of Causality under his hands with the influence of the Greater Omniversal Authority of Aitia, and now he would have the tremendous influence of chaos and order- of the very foundational control of the transformation of the cycle of destruction and formation!

He didn't lie to himself.

He wasn't some changed man all of a sudden because of this event that Entropy had sparked, but he had gained a change in his perspective.

On how he could be a better man.

A better father.

A better Protagonist that didn't need to lower others as mere Extras that didn't have their own lives and stories.

He had many things to do and correct with this newly forming perspective, and there were even terrifying things occurring in the background with an enemy that was causing the cessation of an entire Omniversal Authority and Possible weavings of countless beings.

But he would overcome it with everything he held as he began to hold expectations even in the difficult future to come!

So he rose from the dazzling silver sea that was still being devoured by him crazily.

As he transformed the essence of Pompeii and elevated himself.

He turned towards the worried figure of Sona in the distance, and he took a step forward.

Within some of the furthest reaches of the Omniverse.


A wail of misery echoed out for light years and only continued to build up, its weavings being extremely unique as after the sound itself passed…it was like it never existed.

A single worm had been moving at rapid speeds based on mere sensation while a whole cluster of dark worms tumbled after it, and after moving for such a long period of time at such a speed, they were bound to come across something or someone!

On top of an Anomalous Existential Domain that formed red crystal spikes that spread outwards valiantly.

The figure of an old man floated above while stroking his golden beard, his hair shining with a brilliant luster of the Teracosm Stage as he held robes depicting the dignity of the Imperium!

|Getting called back for war just as all possible weavings become blank…what a mess.|

This Entity sighed as he finished his exploration of the Domain before him, intending to turn back at this moment when…



He heard the sound first.

And without his knowledge…


He came to realize that a pulsing segmented black worm had somehow appeared right in front of him.

But this wasn't the truly terrifying thing.

What was truly terrifying was the fact that it wasn't his will, awareness, or any authority that allowed him to see this creature.

He just saw it in the corner of his eyes as his head was turned to seek the horrid sound.

If his eyes were not on it, he wouldn't even know that it existed!

Extreme dread began to fill him at such a reality as in the next instant, he erupted with a dozen Existential Authorities, a Codex appearing in his hands as the influence of multiple Omniversal Authorities came down.


This actually caused the massive worm that had been before him to pulse in excitement as its upper part just moved forward.


And instantly, all weavings and Authorities were devoured.



The black worm felt the familiar easing of the sensation it felt as it nodded to itself.

Even though the entity before it only held a glimmer of authority compared to the weavings of Deorcnysse it had swallowed, it still served its purpose.

So in the next moment, the Teracosm Imperium Martial King was the first one to come to an understanding that somehow, no Existential Extremity Authority or Omniversal Authority worked against the horror in front of him.

He was the first one to gain this knowledge…and he would die with this knowledge as in the next moment, his body began to break into glimmers of ash- ash that was drawn towards the worm in front as nothing was left behind!

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