Martial Emperor Xi gazed at the scene ahead of him as around him, multiple Martial Kings blazing with golden brilliance were letting their intent be known with shining eyes.

|We have actually come across a finding of the Omniversal Pillagers that they haven't been able to extricate yet. Gazing at the chaotic weavings of those millions of Existential Extremity Authorities they protect behind them…we have likely come across a budding Seed!|


The words caused a sense of wonder and glory to rise as Martial Emperor Xi nodded, his spear beginning to vibrate as his commands came out- a chilling smile creeping on his lips!

|Other Legions are on their way…meanwhile, we shall see if we can pierce through their defenses and enter this Anomalous Space ourselves to take a look at this budding Seed. As of this moment, our task is not the eradication of these Omniversal Pillagers- but the securing and ownership of this Seed of a Greater Omniversal Authority ahead of us!|


Shouts of affirmation bellowed out as the Legions of entities behind him let out a resonant bellow of power!

The Exclusive Existential Extremity Authority of the Imperium burned with golden radiance all around them as it only illuminated everything ahead of them, showing the Titanic figures of Omniversal Pillagers in rows and rows stretching out all around.



The command of Martial Emperor Xi boomed out as the Legions behind him parted and spread out like a golden tide.

Their Existential Armaments glinted in the dark space as the Martial Kings leading them began to glow with the wondrous light of none other than the influence of Omniversal Authorities!

Some Greater.

A few Lesser.

But their power was air tight as they moved with terrifying precision.

Against them, monstrosities were lined up as everything about them seemed haphazard, and yet five rainbow colored titans shrouded in tenebrous darkness seemed immovable at this moment as at the forefront, there was an Entity with a massive humanoid visage- its limbs being massive squid like tentacles while a crimson eye burned brightly on its chest.

|O Great Oneiros.|


His voice was deep and booming.

The Legions of the Imperium that were basked in golden light and spreading out felt a heavy sense of suffocation thereafter as in the next moment…


A violet beam of a Greater Omniversal Authority so immeasurably massive cascaded down, the humanoid Omniversal Pillager spread its tentacles out wide as its eye received the massive beam of light and basked in it.

The weavings of millions upon millions of Existential Extremity Authorities seethed with this Greater Omniversal Authority of Oneiros as it held far more than many other Greater Omniversal Authorities!

And the person calling upon it…was utterly dreadful as the massive eye of the Omniversal Pillagers began to bleed while its intent rang out.

|O Great Oneiros…turn everything into an endless apocalyptic dream.|


A single intent.

And in the next moment, clouds of pulsing violet brilliance bloomed with it at the center and only spread outwards from there.

Towards everything.

Covering everything!


The Imperium Legions were alarmed as the figure of Martial Emperor Xi moved right away, an untold golden brilliance erupting out in opposition while this endless blanket of violet apocalyptic clouds bathed everything!

Far away from this unfolding reality.


Violet clouds filled with millions of interweaving Existential Extremity Authorities as if they were spitting on the face of the Dynamis of Extremity that entities could entangle with very few numbers spread out even towards this direction.

Noah's visage could be seen shrouded with Sona, Asterias Virgo, Little CaCuLaTan, and the many Illusory Weavings in this space as the blanketing of an apocalyptic dream arrived even here unfathomably quickly.

|The Illusory Sleeping Omniverse of Oneiros has descended onto all nearby reality.|

|Within its affected space, all other Greater Omniversal Authorities are limited to express 13% of their Authority.|

|Within its affected space, all Lesser Omniversal Authorities are limited to express 3% of their Authority.|


The violet clouds descended and wrapped around everything with interminable fervor.

Within them, serpentine tendrils of dreamt light sought to dim everything around them as Noah and Sona's figures brightened up, with the transparent Codex within Noah's hands actually opening up wide and beginning to devour the violet apocalyptic light within its pages!

|All those under the expanse of the Illusory Sleeping Omniverse of Oneiros will constantly have the debuff effect of Omniversal Slumbering applied to them and their Existential Extremity Authorities- their very records and existence being pushed towards an endless slumber, with this effect only being more pronounced the closer one is to the source of Oneiros.|

|All those under the expanse of the Illusory Sleeping Omniverse of Oneiros will take 1,000% more damage from those given the Mark of Oneiros, while they can only deal 1% damage to those with the Mark of Oneiros.|


Layers and layers of extremely detrimental debuffs were erupting out and being applied to everyone as even the gaze of Sona changed, her body brimming with an icy blue light as she called for a Greater Omniversal Authority!

Up above, space tore as majesty descended.

But when its beam of bright light was coming down unto her…the violet clouds of Oneiros interfered as very little of this light reached her.

It was a heavy predicament.

It was a show of power on just how powerful some entities were out there!

Sona clicked her teeth while looking towards Noah who at this moment…held a singular Codex shining with brilliant light.

A Codex that at this moment seemed to be the singular glorious saving grace as…

|A New Greater Omniversal Authority has begun to be analyzed.|

It worked without being affected.

Its wonders…even Noah was only at the cusp of understanding them!

|The Greater Omniversal Authority of Oneiros has been recorded in the Quintessential Codex of Extremity.|

|Approximately 9,999,999 Existential Extremity Authorities flow with complex weavings to make up the Greater Omniversal Authority of Oneiros!|


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