{Yet another Successive Quintessential Achievement!}

{The Existential Invictus Fatality of the Quintessential Iron Maiden was successfully brought to fruition.}

{The devoured and amplified Existence of Cephalopoda Prima through the Existential Invictus Fatality of the Quintessential Iron Maiden, and further amplification by the boons of Little CaCuLaTan, is being analyzed and assimilated into your Dominium concurrently in order to bring to fruition its Illusory Weavings.}

Prompts passed over Noah's eyes with a twinkle of brilliance and wonder.

The Doors of the Iron Maiden snapped open and shut so many times until the terrifying Omniversal Pillager within was unrecognizable, with everything about it being transferred towards Noah's Dominium as even now, it was being analyzed to produce something even grander.

The terrifying existence that was Little CaCuLaTan was benefitting immensely as well, Noah feeling his right hand vibrating as an aura at the Teracosm Stage far exceeding what even Archon Basileus Alderon had been able to radiate was currently rising!

As for himself…his Existential Dominium Realm had continued rising across the vast Dominium Skies.

His Invictus Dominium Wings continued to pulse with ever increasing authority as they urged him to wrap up the current weavings of reality to really enjoy and understand their elevation!

And for this…

{The analysis of the amplified Existence of Archon Basileus Alderon has been completed, and the Illusory Weaving of Archon Basileus Alderon is coming to fruition.}


Space twisted and distorted as the complex weavings of an Omniversal Authority burning with a pink light helped in the construction of a new weaving.

Clad in black robes and filled with vile Authorities within, the visage of the old man who didn't know when to stop spouting vile things could be seen before Noah!

On his face, he only had eyes and a nose as no mouth could be seen- as if even his weaving was being told not to speak too much.

He bowed towards Noah as with sharp eyes, he gave the command to this Illusory Weaving and the Illusory Weaving of Rhynchactis that currently had no target.

And their target now as Noah would try to twist Existential Causality once more…was none other than the Martial King Reperiel who led the Imperium Legions to hunt him.

Sona was already after him.

If he sent two Teracosm Illusory Weavings as well as him making the intent to go there himself…would the death of this being be the major probability across most of his future weavings?!


His path was blocked by a dazzling woman bathed with a light of frost and Dignity.

Martial King Reperiel had an extremely somber gaze as his voice boomed out in low tones, extricating his nearly cleaved golden right arm from a frozen sword.

|I am not some run of the mill Martial King within the Imperium. Nor was Alderon a run of the mill Archon Basileus. We shoulder too many things as our deaths will undoubtedly seal your own. If you stop here, the death of Alderon could be overlooked…|


When pure power didn't work, one turned to reason.

As the Martial King of Cappadocia, Reperiel truly held a high position!

If he died…

|Imagine the chaos the Sanctus Populi will be embroidered in. There has not been an open war for eons between us, but this…will definitely trigger it.|


Yet around him, dozens of frozen swords continued to smash towards him senselessly, with Sona calmly raising her hand up in the distance and conjuring a massive frost sword above that was a thousand times their size!

Her calm face was acting as if she couldn't hear any of the intents of Martial King as his Dominium continued to be slowed down!

|You may not be greatly affected by the war, but think of all your Sisters.|


|Think of the Elder Queens that will sacrifice themselves when faced against the Omniversal Imperium Legions. Against those treading on the paths past Teracosm. Think of all the blood that will be spilled from your single action here…Causality- you can change the future greatly just by making a different choice here.|


His intent painted a very possible and likely future due to his high status, his latest round of mind games causing Sona to look at him with sharp eyes before she spoke while swinging down the massive sword of frost.

|You…overestimate just how important you are within this Omniverse. You and many others are already set for Damnation…let me just give you your Damnation earlier.|


The whole region for light years turned into a frozen wasteland as akin to an icicle breaking free, Martial King Reperiel burned with the Exclusive Existential Extremity Authority of the Imperium as he simply retreated once more!

Yet in the next moment…


His figure became anchored in space.

His expression greatly changed as he felt an impending threat that seemed unavoidable, his limbs feeling an uncontrollable force that stretched them outwards as moments later…

Crimson gold light flashed as five women appeared around him.

They burned with fiery brilliance as they seemed to be manifestations of Saintesses of Fiery Damnation, their fingers coming to land on the extremes of the limbs of Martial King Reperiel as the fifth Saintess…appeared with a smile above Reperiel!

Her eyes smiled brilliantly as she put a finger on her lips as if to shush the trembling and hardened visage of Reperiel, her other hand pointing towards his face as Reperiel's mouth was forcefully opened.

Thereafter, her index finger pointed into his open mouth as in the next moment…


Blazing balls of fire shot out akin to high speed bullets!

They shot out senselessly and with wild abandon as Martial King Reperiel's body began to shake and bloat, trillions of fireballs beginning to fill his existence as when his entire weavings were filled with them...it was hard to say how painful and massive the explosion was going to be!

Sona watched on coldly in the distance as this wasn't her doing.

But she could sense the weavings of Causality.

She could see that her partner had done something unique yet again.

It was the enactment of another Existential Invictus Fatality!

Around this same time.

Within the depths of the Imperium where a certain Enclave had already begun spreading the news regarding a coming genocide.

Great undercurrents began to rise as the Dominium Crystals of two unique Martial Kings of the Imperium were fracturing!

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