Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 946 - WatChapter Very Closely! II

Chapter 946 - WatChapter Very Closely! II


Those watching fell into utter shock when they heard the words of the Tyrant Dragon, their eyes gradually opening ever wider as they saw the thrumming body of this terrifying creature open its jaws to release a terrifying Dragon’s Breath, a Breath that released innumerable unstable Ruination Galaxy Spirit Bombs that thundered towards hundreds of Sages and tens of Great Sages that were guarding the center most planets protecting the gateway of the Slaughter Star Monolith.

Mind you, the body of the Tyrant Dragon was currently the size of a Planet, its breath covering over a thousand miles as the explosive force of the unstable Galaxies released with this breath...were utterly maddening in the damage they caused!

This was especially so when the beings targeted could currently not even move!


The unstable Galaxies tore apart space as they exploded, taking with them hundreds of Sages and tens of Great Sages of the Bloodline Races in but a moment.

Blood, gore, and limbs flew out from every angle as Golden Cyclops, Nine-tailed Foxes...many of the Bloodline Races were decimated from this single attack.


Such an action caused all those watching to draw a sharp breath as the scenes they felt were playing in slow motion continued!

"He actually dared...!"

"Against the authority of the Master!"


The Paragons and Monarchs of all Races that had gotten information of what was occurring looked forward in a stupor, watching as a being directly defied the will of a Universal Hegemony and acted in such a domineering manner right in front of him!

The Dragons within the deepest parts of the Bloody Battlefields Galaxy Cl_u_s_ters looked at their illusory screens that portrayed Noah’s figure, their hearts burning with scorching flames of draconic pride when they looked at this being!

"Watch very closely as what I am doing to these Great Sages and Sages in front of me will be exactly what I will do to those who follow the orders of this Universal Hegemony. It matters not if you are a Monarch or a time, even those standing in these ranks will face the same treatment as the being you so revere will not even be able to protect you!"

His voice was ringing out as he moved with even more vigor to attack and rip apart any beings he could, the Universal Realm Hegemony above looking at this scene with extremely chilling eyes that blazed with a shocking light, this being waving his hands as the forces within the tens of miles of radius finally regained control of their bodies, the Bloodline Races at least being able to try and defend themselves against Noah’s onslaught!

But they weren’t the only ones to regain their ability to move, Noah’s summons gaining it as well- these creatures moving with even more fervor as a wrathful expression twisted Tiamat’s face.



"The Master!"

"Hegemony, save us!"

The shocking battle resumed as the Bloodline Races and their allies faced heavy losses, many cries ringing out as they sought help from the expert they believed in the most!

The hearts of many beings watching were shaken as they saw the authority of the Hegemony not make the Tyrant Dragon or his forces falter, the scenes playing out being imprinted in their minds as they would never forget them.

The chilling light from the Hegemony only increased as the surroundings quaked, but he still didn’t attack Noah as no conditions were met for him to attack a creature of a lower level than himself!

He wasn’t directly attacked or had his name tarnished in any way, Noah being careful not to even insult the being or call him names! But Noah did point out the fact that the being that would order them to carry out certain actions would not even be able to protect them from him if he chose to move against them.

Thus, Ambrose could only watch as he inscribed the image of the Tyrant Dragon deep in his mind, nodding with a chilling look as he disappeared a second later while leaving behind shocking words.

"So be it."



With many eyes watching, the figure of Ambrose disappeared in the starry space as the forces of the Bloodline Races fighting for their lives lost all hope. A feeling welled up in their hearts, these creatures not being the only ones as those watching also experienced the same feeling- it was doubt!

Doubt towards the Master they knew, doubt when they saw him leave when faced against a creature in the Galactic Filament Realm.

It was a shocking seed of doubt that Noah had planted into the hearts of many, but Ambrose had still left as one would think this might have been one of the worse choices for this Hegemony to make!

He had already exerted as much influence as he could without stepping over the line when he stopped everyone in the surroundings tens of miles from moving, and he couldn’t do much else.

If he had chosen to stay as Noah continued to show off the fact that he truly couldn’t personally act against him and his forces, the repercussions of today would have been even more disastrous!

So the Hegemony calculated with Destiny as he left, once again having his calculations shattered as he truly had not expected Noah to act the way that he did towards a Universal Hegemony.

Like this, Ambrose had suffered multiple losses against Noah before any true battles began!

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