Chapter 616 - Three Versus One!

As Noah faced a Beginner Assimilator with palpating levels of chaos surrounding his body as well as a Blessed and a Fire Law Master, the Terrors were facing their own enemies as the three Outsiders went to match them!

The Blessed holding the Trait of [Supernova] fearlessly went towards the terrifying Cthulhu that wriggled with Aether as her hands were covered by a red glow. The Cthulhu saw this figure with his star sized eyes as he cast a skill instantly, calling forth numerous stars to materialize and rush towards this Outsider as he utilized [Star Caller].


The Blessed saw the newly appearing stars as she met the forefront one with her fist, a fearsome explosion occurring as the star was shattered into pieces, her body weaving through the rubble as her fist smashed into all the other coming stars while she advanced towards the Cthulhu!

This was the being holding the trait of [Supernova], a being that released the power of a dying star with every strike she landed! Her body shone with the l.u.s.ter of the essence of someone at the Nebula Realm as tens of stars swirled within her Origin.

The Cthulhu’s red eyes focused on this being as he cast yet another ability and caused baleful Aether to envelope the surroundings, the battle fully underway in this location as in another two spots, the other Two Terrors were facing their own enemies!

The Space Law Master was weaving through the layers of space as he began releasing attacks on the Terror of the Void, this powerful terror also being proficient in this space as a fearsome battle began.

The other battle worthy of note was the one where the Blessed holding the [Ability Mimic] trait was facing the silent Ancient Terror, a smile apparent on her face as prior to this, she had used her ability to mimic the terrifying skill that the small human that was being surrounded by three Outsiders cast, and she wanted to use this same skill as she showed them a taste of their own medicine!

The Blessed threw out her hands as she cast the fearsome skill- [Fireball]!



Small fluctuations of power were released as a few fireballs a few inches in diameter flew towards the Ancient Terror, their power diminishing before they could even reach the Terror as they disappeared simply because of the sheer pressure this being released.

The Blessed that knew for sure she had mimicked the ability of that being correctly looked forward incredulously at this scene!

The lesson of abilities being utilized very differently depending on the user was learned on this day as the same skill that allowed scorching suns to erupt out from the hands of one being were only small balls of fire in the hands of another!

The Ancient Terror ignored this embarrassing moment as from it, a Blood World bloomed that completely encased it and the Blessed with it, nobody else being able to know what was happening within this Blood World.


With these three battles occurring in their own spaces, we can now look back to the stage where a Beginner Assimilator, a Fire Law Controller, and an icy Blessed were in a triangular formation as they blocked off all sides and rushed towards Noah.

The most danger could be felt from the body of the Assimilator, as the essence of chaos could actually rip apart the defenses of a Grand Controller that Noah always had surrounding his body, the abilities of the Fire Law Master and the Blessed called Johnny Boy being much lesser worries!

As their three figures rushed towards him, Noah gave a light smile as he also cast [Blood World], an enormous veil of blood erupting with him at the very center as it threatened to cover the three Outsiders in the surrounding space.

Their bodies shone with their own unique power as they protected themselves from what they assumed was an area of attack ability, but this Blood World did not harm them one bit as it simply passed through them and continued expanding, covering the area of tens of miles around them as only the three of them and Noah were within this Blood World!

They found at this moment that they could not sense the outside world, nor could they communicate with others as well- this ability fully creating an isolated space where nothing could go in or out! The gaze of the Beginner Assimilator was passive as he nodded towards the other two Outsiders, the battle fully beginning as dazzling skills flew out.

From the hands of Johnny Boy, pulsing Frost Orbs that held enough power to threaten any Controller were released as he utilized the [Ice Man] Trait, the area he occupied becoming fully covered in white as he threw out long distance attacks!

The two Law Masters continued to rush towards Noah as they wanted close combat to pin their enemy down, especially the Assimilator that could easily injure Noah’s body with the essence of chaos fluidly moving through him.

It seemed like it was bound to be a long and difficult battle as these powerful Outsiders faced the native Protectors of the Novus Galaxy, but would it really be like this? The answer was no! And it was a shocking no as a smile bloomed from Noah in the next moment, the aura of two more beings that looked just like him appearing in the veiled Blood World!




"Ice Fortress!"

The three outsiders reacted in their own ways as one of Noah’s clones appeared above Johnny Boy as cast [Madness Hegemony], the surrounding space changing to that of baleful Aether as terrifying Portals of Terror began to bloom around the Blessed holding the [Ice Man] Trait.

Another clone appeared in front of the Fire Law Master as he did not cast any flashy abilities, but actually something simple from the abilities of the Absolute Sin. From the Sin of Gluttony, Noah tested out the usefulness of [Devouring] as a black circle went on to wrap around this Controller!

The ability of Devouring allowed him to devour his enemies and even their memories, with the mana requirement varying from who exactly he was trying to devour. If a being he was targeting did not have the prowess to break through the black circle that represented [Devouring], then with his Infinite Mana...Noah should be able to devour that being in their entirety as their defenses were slowly ground down!

This ability would only work on someone on the same level as him or weaker as they would not be able to escape the black circle that represented [Devouring], so Noah simply tried it as one of the Outsiders became completely encased in the light of Gluttony.


The Grand Controller saw this insidious skill where his companion did not seem to be breaking out of as his body tried to change directions, but Noah’s main body stood in his way at this time as a few words left his mouth.

"[Incandescent Emperor]."


A new skill was cast from Noah for the first time as a brilliant golden glow erupted from him and blinded the Assimilator for a brief moment, an ability from the newest skill tree that had just stepped into the Nebula Rank through the hard work of his clones just minutes ago being utilized as Noah single-handedly took on three beings at the Nebula Realm- one an Assimilator, one a Controller, and the other a Blessed being!

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