Chapter 592 - Why?!

As Noah sifted through the memories, he also understood why the words of the Terrors were accusatory as they looked back towards the direction where he had expelled Aldrich from the Central Realm. These Terrors were glancing towards the location where the entity that could represent the Novus Galaxy resided as they accused this entity of actually calling for destruction itself!

The Terror of Aether had screamed that the creature known as Aldrich should have never had the knowledge that the capabilities of a Grand Controller would be able to shatter a portion of the barrier of their galaxy, nor should Aldrich had known what doing such an action represented.

Yet he had the information that did just that, and when he could not win, Aldrich made it his goal to simply call for the destruction of the Novus Galaxy through the hands of others!

Noah also understood where this information came from as while Aldrich was journeying throughout the Celestial Realm, the technologies of the Warsh.i.p.s and Realm Dreadnaughts as well as the techniques of the Law of Fate were not the only things given to him.

Noah used the word given because it was actually just that- all that Aldrich found during his exploration were simply things he was allowed to have, those he wasn’t allowed to have being placed behind a golden barrier that he never crossed!

Information about Terrors and even the small tidbits of information about the Novus Galaxy itself and the working of the barrier protecting it...they were all spoonfed to him by a single entity- the Novus Galaxy itself.

This was why the Terror of Aether had turned towards the Central Realm while sending out accusatory words.

This was why he blamed the happening of the shattered area of the boundary of the galaxy...on the Novus Galaxy itself!

It was an event that sent a signal of their location to the wide and dangerous Universe full of things they had no knowledge about, and now that this signal had been sent out...something was coming!

"Why?! Why would you do such a thing!"

Noah continued sifting through the memories of Aldrich as the red eyes of the Terror shook while his voice continued to resound across space.

"Why subject us all to death?! Why seek for more? Are we not enough for you?!"

Words that were filled with extreme pain and shock left the Terror of Aether as the reality of what this event signified fully settled in all their hearts, their many questions wanting to at least be answered as they looked towards the Central Realm.

"What goal could you possibly have to invite such a disaster towards us..."

The voice of the Terror of Aether had turned dejected as the shattered space on the barrier became completely stitched up, the powerful gravitational force stopping as everything seemed to have gone back to normal.

But each of them knew that nothing would be normal again as in the foreseeable future, something they had no knowledge about would be descending upon them soon enough.


The essence of the three Terrors was flowing wildly as with the closure of the shattered space, their eyes turned fully towards the Central Realm as they portrayed emotions of anger and frustration, emotions of unwillingness and non-understanding as Cthulhu’s voice rang out once again.




Space seemed to shake and tumble as the Terrors felt searing pains in their minds, Noah being in the same state as he felt like his head was burning the moment this voice erupted out!

That’s right! It was a voice!

A voice that felt familiar in Noah’s mind, yet at the same time, it felt extremely foreign! A voice that seemed to resonate with the very deepest parts of the Origins of the Terrors and even Noah!


Noah’s heart was beating wildly as this voice erupted out, the Terrors beside him turning mute as it was only Cthulhu with his shaking red eyes still actively moving, the enormous tendrils of Aether coiling around him shaking with wild destruction as he actually disobeyed this voice and continued.

"No! You have freely done unexplainable things for centuries and I have kept quiet while following orders! You have let unneeded wars and deaths occur by uncountable numbers on the same creatures living within you over the millenniums. This time I will not just sit idly by, this time I at least want answe-"


A magisterial energy erupted out of nowhere at this moment as it wrapped and bound the body of the Terror of Aether, his eyes trembling in shock as these energies ignored his balefully destructive Aether and even his identity as a Grand Controller, his enormous planet sized body being covered by these unique energies entirely as his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye!


Noah sensed the fluctuations of a huge spatial movement as the entire planet sized Terror of Aether, Cthulhu, was forcefully teleported away from this position instantly!

[Anyone else feel like talking?]



The Terror of the Void and the Ancient Terror shook fearfully in their position as they actually got into kneeling positions, their eyes bowing down as not a single word was heard from them.

Noah saw this shocking scenario as his own heart continued to beat wildly, his gaze still on the thousands of miles where a terrifying Cthulhu used to be, yet this same being was forcefully taken away in less than a second by the entity whole voice was permeating in the surroundings- by the Novus Galaxy itself!

[Go back to your posts.]


Without so much a millisecond delay, the remaining two Terrors moved away as they turned into streaks of lights, spreading to different directions as they went back to their original positions in the Letalis Expanse without so much as another word.

Noah floated at the same spot as he ridiculously just watched the shocking set of events playing out, waving his hands as he sent his two clones back to the Time Space of the Infinite Realm so that they could go through the memories of Aldrich faster, his gaze looking towards the void of space and the boundary of the Novus Galaxy near him as the shocking voice that seemed to cause searing pain in his mind every time it rang out expressed itself again.

[You have questions.]


Noah closed his eyes as he felt the searing pain in his mind dim little by little every time the voice spoke, his eyes squinting coldly as he looked towards the Central Realm while activating Apathy to calm his rapidly beating heart.

Damn right he had questions. He had a whole lot of f.u.c.k.i.n.g questions!

[The time is here for all the answers. Come...]

[...My Champion.]

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