Chapter 551 - A New Age

In a small region that used to be in the United Federation of Noah’s homeworld, a human was sitting outside a small house that showed his status to be one living a simple life in the countryside.

There was a small barn to the side as this man had a few fields around him, the sounds of terrifying animals who were scared at the newly arriving and overflowing abundance of essence still apparent.

This human farmer was sitting outside as he stared at the new world around him in shock, having heard the voices of two beings declaring the name of this new Realm as he prepared to accept this reality!

The atmospheric essence had already made him have a breakthrough to what would be considered a Rank D Hunter, his eyes looking at the abundant essence around him as he grabbed his hoe that he used for farming and went towards the fields he normally tended to.

He could feel the soil of his field brimming with vibrant energies as he prepared to do some work and continue his simple farming life even in the midst of these unbelievable events.

There was no threat of monsters from dungeons, no foreign armies or lands invading, nothing. This small farmer wanted to continue his simple life as he went to tend towards his fields.

But this was when the sight in front of him rapidly changed, his body coming to a stop as he watched with an agape expressions seeds fell from the skies and dug into the ground, a powerful light shining down thereafter as vibrant plants sprouted in front of his eyes!

He watched as all the knowledge he built over the years about farming was violated, seeing flowers forming and then fruits erupting in a matter of seconds as his hoe dropped to the ground.

He reached out towards the now glistening fruits that had appeared in a matter of seconds from plants that did not exist before, bringing a blue-colored fruit in his hands that he bit down into. An explosion of essence erupted from the fruit and went through his body as the simple farmer shook his head, going to sit back down near his small house as a wide smile was apparent across his face as he watched this unfolding ridiculousness.

’What a ridiculous being...’

Such a thought crossed the mind of this farmer and the minds of many beings from many worlds that were currently integrated into the Infinite Realm, billions of beings beginning their new lives in this area as they began changing their common sense into things they never would have believed before.

It was a life-changing day for all of them, and time moved on as they quickly adapted to the wondrous landscapes and vibrant essence as the first day passed since the formation of the Infinite Realm.


Noah got the chance to experiment with many things while spending some time with his people, discussing the ways of governing this expansive realm with his powerful subordinates thereafter as many Officials had to crowned to oversee the vast lands of the Infinite Realm.

The one at the forefront was Steel Mikhail, the being who had stayed back to look over Noah’s homeworld with Sophia, being one of the few beings that could handle administrative tasks very well.

He would be continuing this role as he aided Sophia in delegating duties to many beings across the Infinite Realm, as Sophia now represented one of the few beings that held a connection with the System of this new realm.

The other being was the Blood Guardian of the former Ancient Blood World, this Guardian continuing his job of overseeing that region with the addition of many more.

The successful workings and future of this new realm did not just depend on Noah, but the many beings watching over things around him as he continued to do what he did best- rank up in power while creating the path forward.

His clone continued to play with the features of the Infinite Realm as his main body wrapped up the celebration and administrative tasks, letting the others carry on as he appeared in the skies of the Infinite Realm.

His eyes overlooked the colorful lands in this isolated space as he prepared to leave them, his right hand pointing out as he cast [Pocket Realm]!


Essence thundered forth as an illusory form of the large realm seemed to lift off the ground, coming towards him as it became small in size before solidifying on his palm.

He looked at this illusory realm as he could observe the formation of small floating landmasses within, each of them with their own colors as they signified a different Law Space.

This would be the [Pocket Realm] that he could carry with him as he moved around, being able to use features of the Infinite Realm like [Treasure Hunter], [Defensive Maneuvers], [Offensive Maneuvers], and many more!

Noah recalled the last time he used some of these features like the attacking capability of the Infinite Realm was way back when he was fighting against the Devilish Unveiler of the World of Cultivation, with him having not used these features for a long time as they continued to be upgraded with every upgrade until this point.

He looked forward to seeing the upgraded versions of all of these features as he continued forward, waving his hand as the Pocket Realm became minuscule and attached to his body, his figure disappearing from the enormous Infinite Realm!

It was a newly built expansive space that would take many days to fully be used to for many people, but he didn’t have the luxury to slowly enjoy it as there was still a war in the outside worlds.

Even his second clone that remained in the Time Space of the Infinite Realm was getting back to training while playing with the features of [Master Farmer] and [Autonomous Planting and Harvesting] in order to create more plants filled with Fate and Chaos essence to further elevate his progression in these two laws, but that was it.

He left the long and arduous task of looking over these expansive lands which represented many worlds to his people, his main body disappearing as it flashed back to the battlefield above the starry void of space of the Verittas Fortress!

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