Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 546 - The Ridiculous Esteemed Person

Chapter 546 - The Ridiculous Esteemed Person


This would have been the 1392nd entry into the Journal of the best Shadow Guard, Night. Yet the times call for me to narrate what is occurring as it is happening, so if there is anyone listening, pay attention.

The day had begun unlike any other, with me going busily about my work looking after the Frozen Queen. It should have remained like that, but all that changed when the Queen received word from the Esteemed Person.

Out of the blue, this Person had said for us to prepare, mentioning that a change would be occurring to our world. Now in the past, such changes had occurred when the Beast World was elevated from a Middle and into a Large World, and even most recently into a Prime World.

With the words of the Esteemed Person, the Beast World was about to be elevated yet again. It was a shocking thing to hear, but what was even more shocking was my and the Queen’s acceptance of it all without batting an eye.

This was because there had been just too many things that this esteemed Person did that broke all common sense, and we had learned to simply go along with the things he mentioned and only watch the show thereafter.

This meant that for the show that was currently playing out in front of us- we were wholly unprepared for it.

Within my stupor and surprise after the out of this world majestic scenes began, my eyes noticed the Frozen Queen float to the skies as she looked around us with just as much surprise, confirming my thoughts that even she was just as unprepared for this as we all were.

As I floated up with her, my trained eyes at the Void Rank were able to see the many lands of the Beast World that I had studied my entire life, but then my gaze saw as even more lands came to be, stretching out for miles and miles until even I could not observe where they ended.

My eyes shook as I confirmed the geography of a few of the lands I could observe. The Esteemed Person’s Homeworld, the Demon World, and even a few of the worlds that the Esteemed Person only talked about when he came to visit the Queen during his night time rendezvous.

Such a sight had shocking meaning, the simple words of the Esteemed Person meaning something nobody among us could have ever predicted as we observed the many worlds we occasionally traveled to in portals that he created actually to be in the same...plane as ours.

It was a ridiculous idea to even imagine, yet when it came to the Esteemed Person, we were gradually becoming numb to unimaginable things.


It seems I have to bring my ramblings to a close as all the lands in my eyesight are all becoming engulfed in a storm of aurora colored essence that would be something you only see in protected Holy Lands where only the purest of beings could enter, but they were spreading out freely amongst all the lands my eyes could gaze upon.

Truly a Ridiculous Esteemed Person.

For any that were listening to my ramblings, I’ll be sure to doc.u.ment them in my Journal for future generations. This is all for the sake of them understanding just how ridiculous the person my Queen found is.

Until then.


Across the many connected worlds that were now fully connected and fused together in a sense that none of their inhabitants could have imagined, many were having their own thoughts and amazements at the scenes playing out around them.

What was happening now did not just affect Noah, but billions of beings that each had their own stories, ideals, and lives. Whether it was those that chose to be connected to Noah or those that did not even fully know his identity, each of them were inextricably connected and brought together into one singular spatial space that was completing its formation.


The lands that the many masses stood on trembled for the last time during this process as the last piece of the puzzle fit in place, signifying the end of a wondrous transformation as a brilliant blue light went on to cover everything for the last time.

Atop the vast colors of essence spreading out all across the lands, the blue light overflowed as it all shot towards a place that could be considered the center of this new realm. It was the location where many special beasts were congregating and tearfully looking around them, the location where a single being stood in the skies as the blue energy all converged towards him in a resplendent pillar of light!

The eyes of billions seemed to focus on this being at this moment as they portrayed their amazement, their worries, and their hopes. A being encased in a shining pillar of blue light, his eyes shooting arcs of light as he luminously looked around him in just as much wonder as everyone else.

The mouth of this being opened as those nearby could hear his words with extreme clarity, and they were something that shocked each of them to their very cores.

" my realm."



The declaration seemed to be the final ingredient to complete this wonder as the brilliance of light all thundered towards him and disappeared, his figure appearing grandly in all its majesty as some beings could make him out clearly.

Eyes that shone with confidence, one releasing a deep red hue and the other releasing a splendorous blue. Luminous hair that was evenly split in half with colors of gold and black, streaks of silver barely being visible within.

A devilishly handsome face with a jawline that would make many tremble, all dr.a.p.ed in an exquisite dark gold robe that fluttered in the wind!

Regal. Majestic. Powerful!

The one known as Noah Osmont floated in the skies of a brand new realm that had just come to fruition in the Novus Galaxy. In the corner of the Light Expanse, one could now observe the appearance of an enormous and exquisitely archaic blue door.

The shimmering blue doorway led to a place full of wonder, a Realm that would be known by a name that would only be suitable to it alone!

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