Chapter 533 - Hepta Kill!

There are a variety of rare occurrences that very few beings get to experience in their entire lifetimes.

Falling in love for the first time, enjoying immaculate food unlike any other, or the feeling of being intimate for the first time. They were all experiences that one would remember and ingrain in their memories, and Noah was experiencing such a feeling right at this very moment as he used the {{Authority}} of two laws for the first time.

The feeling of strength and power that he sensed...was simply too exhilarating to describe!

He had to stop himself from instantly closing his eyes the moment he cast it just to enjoy that feeling of something unknown and powerful coursing through him, his gaze instead seeing every small detail over the area where he expanded the two Authorities.

In the areas he covered, he felt a feeling of control over them unlike anything he had sensed before. In this space, he was king!

He placed the focus on the {{Flame Lord’s Authority}} as he encased himself in a terrible Armament, his body vanishing instantly as he turned into a flicker of flames that was faster than the speed of light, instantly appearing behind a World Rank Celestial Commander as his hand writhed in flames and grasped down.

Immense power was gathered in this palm as the authority of the law of fire disintegrated all defenses of the World Rank Celestial, his achievements in laws not being able to withstand the attack for even a little!

The body of the Commander then became inflamed as Noah saw the burst of light that represented loot entering his Expansive Space, an even more brilliant explosion of Fate Lines shooting out because of the ability of [Fate Stealer].

He had arrogantly moved to take down the World Rank Celestial Commanders first, knowing the Star Forging beings would be a much harder case on their own as he chose to power himself up even more with the Fate Lines and loot that was simply being delivered to him on a platter by these surrounding commanders.

They could only react a millisecond later as their bodies began to shine brilliantly, their faces that of dismay as even though the two Star Forging Celestials had begun shooting their way, their bodies seemed to move at a turtles pace as the two authorities Noah laid down were not just for show!


Noah felt the sensation of his hands that were covered with the authority of law that easily decimated the defenses of a being at the same realm him, fully beginning to understand why the palm of the Founder was so inescapable back then.

This feeling of simply the authority of the law of fire had made him this absent-minded, his heart not even beginning to appreciate the authority of the law of water as he closed his eyes while the Celestial Commanders near him were panicking.

He felt the flames he could control in this domain of authority as he stopped his original ways of thinking and ventured into a different direction. The use of an {{Authority}} was extremely taxing, both mental and in terms of mana. So very few could even use it for prolonged periods of time and utilize its efforts fully until they were in higher realms of power.

So at this moment, Noah stopped restricting himself as he went past just attacking a single being under his banner of authorities, his closed eyes focusing on the {{Flame Lord’s Authority}} as he pumped the mana he had access to into this authority senselessly!

What he wanted to do was not to just focus on one point of attack or reinforce his body, he wanted the entire area that was under his authority to...burn.


A feeling of freedom erupted from him as he senselessly poured out mana at a rate he never had before, where he could effectively confirm none of his previously cast skills and abilities had ever taken this much!

With him at the center, seven scrambling World Rank Celestial Commanders running away from him, and two Star Forging Celestials rushing towards him... his body exploded with scorching red flames that carried a deep orange hue, a hint of gold traveling within them as many watched with shocked eyes the grandiosity thereafter.

In the entire red and blue circle that represented Noah’s two authorities, flames had permeated with him at the center as they filled every single inch of this glimmering circle, forming a resplendent aurora of red and blue as the beings in the surroundings could feel the face-melting and dangerously scorching heat of the flames as if the fire was right next to them!


Countless implosions occurred within this world of flames as this modified essence filled with authority tried to rip apart any beings that were not Noah. The defenses of the World Rank Celestial Commanders were shredded over and over again as even while casting what could be considered a wide area of attack ability, its damage was so high that even those in the World Realm could not defend for long!


He could feel the bodies of the Celestials get squeezed down by the scorching pressure of flames before they were imploded into fiery balls of fire, the flames sneaking into their orifices as they exploded them from the inside and shattered their Origins.

One, two, three...numerous pops that represented deaths rang out before Noah laughed in the world of flames, his eyes opening as he gave a command for the flames to clear away, his gaze locking toward the only two beings that were still alive within the area of his authority.


Two Star Forging Celestials neared him with their spectacular attacks, their bodies steaming and tan as luminous golden veils of light covered them. Their expressions were maddened with fury and anger as amidst all of this, they seemed to have forgotten that they were just acting as assassins!

The sight of the circular field under Noah’s authority was gradually becoming visible as the beings watching had to blink their eyes multiple times to make sure they were seeing the correct scene...

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