Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 400 - Line Between the Weak and the Powerful

Chapter 400 - Line Between the Weak and the Powerful

"This is a Watch Tower where some Elite Teams are stationed, monitoring the movements of those that are actually threats to our forces- Elite Behemoths."

The Grandmaster was explaining slowly as they got off the Prime Warship, their gazes only looking towards the Celestial Watch tower as they actually went past it to the region that its threats were abundant at!

The Watch Tower was built in an extremely unique manner, looking like a huge golden that pierced through the skies as its size passed the huge ancient trees around it.

The area in its immediate surroundings looked more like a base as numerous Prime Warsh.i.p.s were stationed, a few Celestials being seen moving in and out carefully.

"Passing this Watch Tower means we directly put ourselves at risk of coming in contact with an Elite Behemoth, and any Tower that you pass will be considered a line that distinguishes the truly powerful and leaves the weak behind!"

The expansive Prime Warship they traversed the long distances in would normally be stationed at these Towers, the Celestials moving to explore and hunt Behemoths themselves as the powerful vessels weren’t built for battling Behemoths. One would only achieve watching a Prime Warship get destroyed if they tried to pilot one to match an Elite Celestial Beast.

"Stay close to me and pay close attention, I’ll walk you through your first hunt and show you exactly what to keep in mind when facing Behemoths that are proficient in Supreme Laws."

The members of the Righteous Fire Exploration Team nodded as even the boisterous Boru filled along with a serious expression, their hearts looking forward to seeing the strength of this wizened Grandmaster as he clashed with an Elite Behemoth!

Noah’s senses expanded around his surroundings as they passed through the guarded area of the Watch Tower, venturing further into the mystical forest of the Celestial Realm that seemed to have a foreboding silence!

One would normally hear the sounds of animals moving around, a cacophony of sounds surrounding them as they walked through such a large forest. But all that met them was silence as even the small critters knew not to make noises in this region where powerful beings roamed.

Noah thought about the words of the Grandmaster, thinking of the invisible line that they were now passing which would put them into the field of truly powerful creatures of the Celestial Realm as he prepared himself!


As Noah’s main body moved across the deeper regions in the Celestial Realm, his clone continued to carry out a destructive campaign in the First Realm of Hell that was reducing the numbers of Infernals at a rapid pace.

His strength that was able to stand against beings half a step into the Domain Expansion Realm was now bullying the poor droves of Infernals that were defeated as if they were bugs! This was especially so because of the armor he adorned, which had a spectacular ability that he enjoyed watching unfold as he moved rapidly across the First Realm of Hell.

The ridiculously powerful passive ability given by the complete Incandescent Flameborn Set that released a wide ring of flames around him every second acted like an attack that simply swept across an entire area that he appeared in within seconds!

It made for a ridiculous sight where he teleported amidst hundreds of Infernals, a terrifying ring of flames rushed out from him that nearly incinerated half while all those remaining were placed under the Soul Immolation effect that made them take 1000% more damage from skills of the fire element. Those that survived would only remain that way for another second before they were wiped away completely, either by another ring of flames or the terrible abilities of the Lesser Cthulhu as Portals of Terror were cast freely.

The clone had so many means possible as he went all out, freely using the mana gifted to him as he worked efficiently to rack up skill points and increase the percentage of the Infernal Lord title.

Already, in the past day that he had been moving, the Infernal Lord Title had advanced over 50%!

This goal was getting close to being completed as he also went along to achieve smaller goals, the small body of the Draconic Fire Behemoth he was bringing with him as a pet continuing to be fed Cores as its Rank already reached Transcendent over this last day. It was undergoing power leveling at a rate that nobody around Noah had the chance to, its body continuing to grow larger and larger as it began adopting the fearsome expression of a powerful Behemoth Noah had fought before.

"Draco, let’s go!"

His miniaturized form teleported to the back of the Dragon as he called it under the impromptu name he had given it in the past day, this fearsome Behemoth going on to be called Draco as it roared resonantly while Noah began to use a variety of skills above it!

From the series of abilities in <<Absolute Sin>> to the skill tree of the [Kin of the Ancients] and the abilities of the Vampyre Progenitor, he played around with as many skills as possible as colorful rays of destruction continued to rain down towards the Infernals in the First Realm of Hell.

While this was occurring is a similar Realm that held entirely different levels of Infernals, a being with horns that formed into the shape of a crown was floating with his back towards the blazing ground of another realm of Hell, his aura causing the numerous Void and Soul Forging Realm Infernals below him to quake in fear.

He was lazily floating in the burning skies of the Second Realm of Hell when another being just like him teleported to his side, her face that of cruel excitement as she spoke out.

"It seems like the upcoming little Lord is working even faster in the First Realm. It should not be long before he joins us. What do you think, Rykker?"

The newly arriving Infernal Lord asked the other Lord floating in the blazing skies, the being called Rykker that replied with a lazy smile without even turning to look towards her direction.

"Azula, you always were a tad bit too excited for these things. Let them take their time. You know that the moment they fully hold the title of the 9th Infernal Lord, it means our future is about to become that much busier."

The cruel expression on Azula’s face gained an amorous expression as her hands eerily ran through her body, her head raised high with an expression of joy as she replied.

"Why yes, I wonder who the little baby Lord will be...Aah!"

The attention of numerous powerful Infernal Lords sensed a particular event nearing as they welcomed the future, the being in question not knowing about any of this as he enjoyed the feeling of power while coursing through the First Realm of Hell!

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