Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 388 - Ancients Lead the Way, An Elite Behemoths Fall

Chapter 388 - Ancients Lead the Way, An Elite Behemoth's Fall

Five Hours.

This was the amount of time that had passed in the underground space of the blazing volcanic mountain as a ferocious battle was underway!

The Draconic Fire Behemoth still had an air of regality, but its body held numerous deep gashes and decaying muscles that were caused from the eerie energy being released from the three summoned Ancients.

Numerous incorporeal summoned dragons roamed the surroundings as they supported the Behemoth, but the Arch Lich Ra’Zan summoned even more undead to combat them, every time that an Abyssal Jiangshi or Revenant Fell, another one taking its place soon after.

Truth be told, the power of this Draconic Fire Behemoth was simply too powerful at this stage, its body not being able to be pierced easily by many attacks. Even with Noah overlaying the abilities that relied on the law of fate, he could only deal a small amount of damage that was healed by the monstrous life force of the Dragon soon after!

So the pathway that led to victory for him was to simply...protect himself while wearing down the energy of this monstrous beast!

The body of the Ancient Blood Clone continued to stay far in the distance, the transformed combination of [Lesser Cthulhu] and [Ancient Blood Scion] releasing powerful attacks as [Portals of Terror] and horrible strikes of Aether erupted here and there.

Even while staying at a far distance, the clone received enormous amounts of damage from the Draconic Fire Behemoth, to the extent that his wings were burnt off numerous times and lances of fire dismembered his limbs, but they all healed rapidly under the abilities of [Ancient Blood Scion] that allowed for him to heal from 30% of the damage he dealt and received, as well as the passive life steal he had from the abilities of the Vampyre Progenitor Bloodline! He simply became an undying c.o.c.kroach as he ridiculously withstood all of the powerful attacks and continued forward.

On the front lines was the Arch Lich that directed the undead, acting as cannon fodders as they continued to wear down the strength of the Draconic Fire Behemoth.

But the ones leading the charge and actually piercing through the thick scales of the Dragon and dealing the most damage so far were the Ancients!

These mystical beings flapped their dark wings and they teleported across the field of battle, their bodies acting like their own weapons as they released sharp lights whenever they struck the Dragon, leaving behind a powerful energy that caused the inflicted portions to actually decay!

If it wasn’t for the fantastical life force of the Draconic Fire Behemoth, as well as the [Rejuvenating Flames] that wrapped around his body and continued to heal him passively, the mountainous body would have long succ.u.mbed to the injuries.

So the battle of attrition continued, but this was the biggest mistake that the Behemoth could have made, because the enemy it faced was the worst to fight a battle of attrition with!

As the fight continued, Noah’s main body got a hold of yet another large portion of the body of a Behemoth, these materials directly being placed in the [Expansive Space] as a thoughtful expression covered his eyes.

He glanced at the pace of the battle as he gave a few commands to the summoned creatures, his body shrinking in size rapidly as he teleported away from the cavernous area and caused the Draconic Fire Behemoth to become even more vigilant as it guarded its surroundings while parrying off the many attacks still coming towards it.

But Noah’s teleportation target was the Spiritual Land as he appeared in the Blacksmith’s Forge, showing the most possible disrespect in a battle as he left midway to forge the last piece of the Incandescent Flameborn Set!

The enormous body part of the Behemoth defeated by the Righteous Fire Exploration Team was cut into pieces and swiftly absorbed by the Hearth, a few minutes passing before a resplendent fiery helm shot out of the shimmering Hearth.

[Crown of the Simmering Ember] :: An item created from the wrathful body of a Behemoth. +50% Enhanced Damage of All Fire Attribute Skills, +25% Fire Element Resistance, +25% Increased All Element Resistance.

The last piece of the Incandescent Flame Set appeared before him, the clone equipping it right away as it went on to wrap around the head of the grotesque transformation he still had.

A wide smile was now covered beneath the helmet as the excitement from getting to try the huge boosts given from the Incandescent Flameborn Set filled his heart! Even though the enemy this time was of the Fire Element and they held tremendously powerful defense against attacks from that element, the boosts given by wearing the complete set were simply too monstrous!

{Incandescent Flameborn Set} :: An Item Set that only an experienced hunter of Behemoths can adorn. 2 Set Item Bonus- An Ember Phoenix accompanies your side as they attack your enemies with fiery attacks. Ember Phoenixes are spiritual beings that can be summoned again as soon as they perish. 4 Set Item Bonus- When dealing damage with the Fire Element, enemies will take 500% extra damage over 5 seconds as the Burning Effect is applied on their bodies. The damage dealt by the user will also be increased by 50% and the damage taken is reduced by 3% for every Flameborn Item they have equipped. 6 Set Item Bonus- A Blazing Ring of Fire passively and constantly erupts with you at the center, applying the Soul Immolation Effect to your enemies. Enemies under the Soul Immolation Effect take 1000% more damage from abilities of the Fire Element.

He glanced at the description of the completed set boost as he reappeared right above the fiery Draconic Behemoth that always had its guard up for him, its wide jaws shooting up as they attempted to swallow the controller of these horrible summons right away!

Yet the only thing that met the wide open jaws of this dragon was the eruption of a blazing ring of fire!


Like the sound of waves crashing into the shore, a molten ring of flames erupted from the clone’s body once, and again, and again!

This ridiculous ability smashed into the Dragon right in the face as it looked incredulously towards this being that was actually using attacks in the law it was proficient in, and these attacks were actually causing it a great deal of pain!

"What the fu-"


A blazing ring of fire continued to be released as soon enough, the strong soul of the dragon actually began feeling a burning sensation, an unbelievable reality opening itself up in the underground cave as the Behemoth that had been worn down for 5 hours finally had its defenses pierced through the moment the Soul Immolation effect was applied to it.

Even though it was a Fire Behemoth, even though it was extremely proficient in the Law of Fire, its worn defenses actually began taking great damage from the flame attacks released from its enemy!

It was ludicrous, nonsensical, and did not follow the natural course of actions! But because of the 1000% boost in damage achieved from the Soul Immolation effect that could only come by from the completed Incandescent Flameborn Set and its other monstrous boosts, abilities that relied on the flame element actually damaged a being extremely proficient in the law of fire!


The regality of a dragon remained as the Draconic Fire Behemoth felt its strong soul actually burning, something it never thought to be possible occurring as even more attacks smashed into it from the mystical summoned Ancients and Abyssal Undead. Its Authority could not be used any longer, the damage to its soul and body actually increasing as time passed.

Swarmed on all sides, its air of a ruler stood strong as it knew that unbelievably, it would be facing its death today!

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