Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 345 - Merciful Saints, Cruel Tyrants

Chapter 345 - Merciful Saints, Cruel Tyrants

Many of the beings seeing the screen above the skies of their worlds recognized the image of the War Princess that was already widely known, the one that became even more renowned recently as she took the number one spot in the recent Infernal Hunt.

A few recognized the image of Crixus, being mostly those in the World of Cultivation as they looked on with shining eyes as this disciple appeared grandly on the screen.

In the Underworld, the curvaceous Elena was surrounded by forces of Pureblood Vampyres as they looked on with faces of solemnity, her infatuated gaze landing on the dark haired male as intense lights shone from her eyes. There was a small miniaturized penguin sitting on her shoulders as its beak rose high, its beady eyes trying to focus on the screen above as its Saint Realm essence could not see the image as clearly.

The monstrous figures of the other Harbingers that held different transformations after absorbing the bloodlines of Vampyres were also observing the screen above them, with a few missing it as they were in the Infernal Realm along with the Abhorred Lich Emperor continuing to farm Skill Points!

Their eyes gazed at this stupendous illusory screen as something finally changed.

"The Magus World has sown an enormous amount of chaos and had received the Verdict of destruction long ago. But..."

A resounding voice began to echo from the illusory screen, spreading through the targeted worlds that Grandmaster Vredral wanted to spread the message across as he continued to speak.

" new disciple wanted to try things a different way, and bring justice using a brand new path. That is what you are about to watch- justice for those responsible for sowing chaos, and the return of Order and Balance from it."

His words finished as the faces of many powerful beings turned somber, their gazes fully locking onto the events that had begun on the screen as a sense of unease spread throughout.

"The disciples to enact this Verdict will be Athena and Crixus, disciples at the Void Realm who will descend into the Magus World to bring to justice the forces responsible for this chaos."


The influential and powerful figures turned quizzical for the first time as they thought they had misheard something. They knew that the force that controlled the Magus World was the Order of the Black Serpent, a powerful organization that held numerous Void Realm powerhouses, and even a few beings at the Soul Forging Realm standing at the top.

To carry out this verdict of the Celestials, only two Void Realm disciples were being sent out to combat all of these forces?

Skeptical looks began to appear among the faces of many beings across the stars as they wondered exactly what type of message the Celestials were trying to send with this action.

In the humongous Prime Warship that Noah and Athena stood on, a small door opened in front of them as their bodies became enveloped in the aura of the Void Realm, their figures floating out serenely as they began flying towards the Magus World. This image caused the eyes of many to skip a beat as they realized the Celestials were truly serious about sending in two talented disciples at the Void Realm to stand against powerhouses that reached the Soul Forging Realm!

They watched on with rapt attention as the illusory screen closely followed the viewpoint of Noah and Athena, the features of the Magus World becoming more and more clear as their figures descended down and passed through the golden film of light that was now covering the entirety of the world.

This barrier of golden light did not just prevent spatial movements, any being that tried to break past it without the permission of the Domain Expansion expert that was piloting the Prime Warship would find their actions being all for naught as the barrier locked everything in completely.

The instant the figures of Noah pierced through the stratosphere of the Magus World, they began descending down in a particular direction as both Noah and Athena were using [Fate Discernement] to see where they aura of chaos originated from the most. Their findings were leading them directly to the central lands of the Magus World where the Order of the Black Serpent was located!


Their bodies trembled with essence as they shot force speedily, soon arriving at the skies above grand buildings of a now tense capital. At the forefront of these forces, the Snake Queen looked towards Noah and Athena with a looked of furious unwillingness as her overflowing aura began to rise from her body in a maddening fashion.

"This is how you hypocrites wish to humiliate us?! Sending weak disciples to send the message of your strength?"

Her voice was laced with poison as she was not even speaking directly towards Noah and Athena, simply speaking in their direction as her words were aimed at the Celestials and all those that she knew would most likely be watching a similar illusory screen like the one they were seeing.

"Don’t you all see? These hypocritical celestials have no moral compass! They will kill whoever they wish under the name of justice and order. In this Light Expanse, they are simply tyrants! It may be my world targeted today, but what’s to stop them from doing the same thing to your worlds next? What’s to stop them from proclaiming a verdict of destruction on the Flameborn World or the Underworld in a few days?!"

Her unwillingness was portrayed in her voice as her figure became flanked by two beings of similar rank to her. One was a middle-aged man with furrowed brows that held a tall stature, the other was a scantily dressed woman in her prime that held a similar venomous look on her face.

The many worlds being shown the events occurring in the Magus World reflected as they heard the words of the leader of the Order of the Black Serpent, the one to reply being Athena as around her, numerous Empyrean Guards had begun to appear en masse.

"We, the Celestials, care not whether you see us as saints or abominable tyrants."


A golden hue covered the skies above them as tens of thousands of Fate Lines could barely be discernible by those proficient in fate, others simply seeing the aura that Athena carried increase boundlessly as the numerous golden figures she summoned turned into streaks of light that fused into her body.

"What we care about is the Order and Balance of this Light Expanse, the balance of this increasingly chaotic universe."

A brilliant golden light shone out as the golden lights finished fusing into her, the appearance of a resplendent figure covered head to toe with a golden armor, expansive shining light wings, and a pulsating golden hammer making its appearance at it aimed itself towards the three figures that fate pointed the most chaos towards, these same figures that were quickly being surrounded by numerous beings at the Void and Saint Realm to protect them on all sides from the attackers in the skies.

"You all...have sown discord and chaos in the surrounding stars, and your verdict is...death!"


A brilliant light shone out as she finished these words, Noah glancing at the thousands of beings he could sense above this single central building where the Snake Queen stood at the forefront of, tens of thousands more moving around this central base of the Magi who all held an aura of chaos on their bodies.

Accompanying their ranks were the lifeless bodies of numerous cultivators that wore robes hiding their features, many of them mixing into the ranks of the Magi as they followed their given commands lifelessly!

Noah observed all of this as he sighed and began summoning numerous Empyrean Guards himself, committing to fully saving this Magus World from complete destruction. But for him to be able to do that, he had to dye its central lands red from the blood of all those responsible for initiating this chaos to begin with!

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